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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I actually think Zelda has had some nerfs but I can't quite place my finger on what it is. She just doesn't feel as good for me. Farore's Wind definitely got a buff and her Lightning Kicks certainly seem easier to pull off and having a Down Special where there was no one before it a plus even if it's not very good. But, I don't know, her Smash Attacks don't seem as powerful or easy to hit with. I think they only have the extended hitbox when they're fully charged. Din's Fire also doesn't give you nearly enough control as it used to in exchange for a larger blast range. I preferred the old one, I got really good at curving it and hitting people three or four times. It also has taken a serious nerf to the range it can travel too, you can't fire it from the other side of the stage anymore in most cases. Maybe I just have to reassess my playstyle and use Farore's Wind more than Din's Fire, I didn't like to use her warp a lot in Brawl because I thought it sucked with it's high start up lag and tendency to drop me right below the edge (though I did practice it and got better eventually). Overall I haven't been playing her nearly as much as I used to be.

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The sad truth of life is that no matter how good you get at something there's likely going to be people out there who are better. Very few people get to be the best. It doesn't mean you should stop trying or that the game can't be fun. You just have to keep on playing and trying out new things. The same can be said for anything in life. I personally prefer to play against players who I know are better than me because it challenges me and motivates me to be better. Your staunch refusal to use anyone but Luigi or Ike surely isn't helping things either. The more characters you play as the more you get to understand the flow and mechanics of the game. Playing as a character also gives you good insight as to how that character is played and thus what their weaknesses are and what needs to be done to defeat them. The more exposure you have to every aspect of the game, the further along you'll get to subconsciously understanding the game as a whole. At least that's the way I see it.

I get what you're saying here, except I've been using Miis, Robin, Toon Link, and Duck Hunt Dog too. I've also been doing Classic with every character.

But I guess maybe I'm not using my secondaries enough. Maybe doing so and using every character in Classic and All-Star will help some.

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Can someone tell me how can I do the collective hours achievement? I still need to unlock the 10 collective and the 50 collective, so could you help me?

Just play matches via Classic, Smash, online, stuff like that. It's your collective time actually playing matches that'll net you those challenges

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Then why are certain people really really good already? Take PJSalt/PKL for instance. He seems like someone that "learned to walk in a day" with this game. He crushed everyone in two tourneys already.

A bunch of others have proven to be plenty better than me too. I just feel like if they can get good this fast, I should be able to too.

Different people don't get good at things in equal terms. This much should be obvious.

I would say that a big reason why others are probably getting good faster is because they're trying out every character, see who sticks, and go from there. Discovering new mains is part of the experience of playing fighting games, and a lot of times we end up using characters we never even considered before. Based on your posts, you seem adamant to use anyone besides your 2-6 mains, which limits the options you have to play the game. Maybe there's a character out there that's waiting to be mained by you because he/she has a more fitting playstyle for you, but you may never find out because you're never trying out said character, and all out of your own choice.

By the way, I agree that the "Beat Classic on 9.0" achievement shouldn't be breakable with a Hammer. The majority of the achievements are just tedium, but that one is an ACTUAL achievement that requires ACTUAL skill.

Edited by Jave
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Maybe there's a character out there that's waiting to be mained by you because he/she has a more fitting playstyle for you, but you may never find out because you're never trying out said character, and all out of your own choice.

There's also the fact that new characters force you on a different playstyle, which in SOME way is applicable to the character you choose.

For example, there are characters that rely HEAVILY on prediction and utilization of their specials in order to keep up with faster, rushdown oriented characters.

Nosferatu for Robin REQUIRES that you read people. Sonic requires that you have a destination in mind when you move or you'll run off the edge. Marth requires you space your attacks. Lucina uses her speed and disjointed hitbox to "rushdown". Little Mac is god on the ground, but a little crappy in the air. Falcon has a "grab" in the air to go along with the rushdown, and a Side B that goes through rolls.

The kind of crap you are FORCED to take into account when you're playing a different character especially someone you're not familiar with.

Shulk is the one that gives me the most "dang, how does this go again?"

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Learning other characters also gives you better practice of how to defeat them, as you learn spacing handling and move capabilities

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Learning other characters also gives you better practice of how to defeat them, as you learn spacing handling and move capabilities

This is the reason apart from loving just about every character for using just about everyone.

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Learning other characters also gives you better practice of how to defeat them, as you learn spacing handling and move capabilities

This is the reason apart from loving just about every character for using just about everyone.

Can I quote Ender's Game?

“In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him.”

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Can I quote Ender's Game?

“In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him.”

I immediately want to get into that series.

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I did what you guys said for that Classic 9.0 challenge and put attack and defense equipment on Ike. But this does NOT work. I don't even get to the last stage doing this. It just slows Ike down too much.

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Ana, another good way to improve is to study the fundamentals of the game. Become familiar with terms like spacing, neutral game, punishing, edgeguarding, etc. and be aware of how they fit into the flow of a match. This will also help you realize aspects of the game that you excel at or are deficient in and will help you find tangible goals for improvement and make problem solving easier. Smash has some unique features to it, but even information about other fighting games (Street Fighter II is a useful pick) can be a great to earn from learn as well.

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Can I quote Ender's Game?

“In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand him well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him.”

good man

along with this is the fact that you can get better with your own character by playing other characters.

I immediately want to get into that series.

do it, now.

also if anybody seriously wants to get better, READ THIS. actually, you should read it anyway, since it doesn't only apply to smash. http://smashboards.com/threads/drastic-improvement-under-construction-for-apex.311129/

Edited by Cornet
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Ana, another good way to improve is to study the fundamentals of the game. Become familiar with terms like spacing, neutral game, punishing, edgeguarding, etc. and be aware of how they fit into the flow of a match. This will also help you realize aspects of the game that you excel at or are deficient in and will help you find tangible goals for improvement and make problem solving easier. Smash has some unique features to it, but even information about other fighting games (Street Fighter II is a useful pick) can be a great to earn from learn as well.

That's a fair point, though I do already know what most of those terms mean.

Spacing is putting a certain amount of space between your character and your opponent's. For example, Ike needs a lot of space between him and his target because of his range. He can out-range a lot of characters because of how big Ragnell is.

Punishing is just that. Punishing an opponent for a failed maneuver.

Edge-guarding is also just what it says. Guarding the edge of the stage so you can prevent your opponent from recovering.

I also recently learned the difference between a spike and a meteor smash. I know what chain-grabbing is, as well as infinite wall-grabbing.

I admit that I don't know what "neutral game" is though. But hey, I never said I knew everything. :P

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That's a fair point, though I do already know what most of those terms mean.

Spacing is putting a certain amount of space between your character and your opponent's. For example, Ike needs a lot of space between him and his target because of his range. He can out-range a lot of characters because of how big Ragnell is.

Punishing is just that. Punishing an opponent for a failed maneuver.

Edge-guarding is also just what it says. Guarding the edge of the stage so you can prevent your opponent from recovering.

I also recently learned the difference between a spike and a meteor smash. I know what chain-grabbing is, as well as infinite wall-grabbing.

I admit that I don't know what "neutral game" is though. But hey, I never said I knew everything. :P

it's good that you know what spacing is, but you also need to know why it's important. if you land with ike's nair right in front of your opponent's shield, you'll easily be punished. spacing it out and hitting with the tip makes it harder for opponents to punish you.

neutral game is pretty much who can land the first hit and outmaneuver the opponent, before any punishment happens. say you're using ike's (insert attacking move here) a decent bit. that makes the opponent want to shield, so you would know that you can grab them. rinse and repeat, and start mindgames if you can. it's basically that kind of stuff.

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it's good that you know what spacing is, but you also need to know why it's important. if you land with ike's nair right in front of your opponent's shield, you'll easily be punished. spacing it out and hitting with the tip makes it harder for opponents to punish you.

neutral game is pretty much who can land the first hit and outmaneuver the opponent, before any punishment happens. say you're using ike's (insert attacking move here) a decent bit. that makes the opponent want to shield, so you would know that you can grab them. rinse and repeat, and start mindgames if you can. it's basically that kind of stuff.

Yeah, I figured that the way I space Ike could mean pwnage or failure for him. Thanks for clarifying.

Ah, I see. Thanks for explaining. Mindgames are fun. lol

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Then why are certain people really really good already? Take PJSalt/PKL for instance. He seems like someone that "learned to walk in a day" with this game. He crushed everyone in two tourneys already.

A bunch of others have proven to be plenty better than me too. I just feel like if they can get good this fast, I should be able to too.

PKL is a professional Smash Bros. player in his country and is one of the top players there in both Melee and Brawl.

Yes this is a new game but a lot of skills are definitely transferable.

Please don't feel bad that you lost to him because no one on this site has yet to beat him at Smash Bros. yet.

Edited by Starbound
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PKL is a professional Smash Bros. player in his country and is one of the top players there in both Melee and Brawl.

Yes this is a new game but a lot of skills are definitely transferable.

Please don't feel bad that you lost to him because no one on this site has yet to beat him at Smash Bros. yet.

Yeah, I became aware of this already. lol

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PKL is a professional Smash Bros. player in his country and is one of the top players there in both Melee and Brawl.

Yes this is a new game but a lot of skills are definitely transferable.

Please don't feel bad that you lost to him because no one on this site has yet to beat him at Smash Bros. yet.

Horace took one of his stocks

A true General!

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PKL is a professional Smash Bros. player in his country and is one of the top players there in both Melee and Brawl.

Yes this is a new game but a lot of skills are definitely transferable.

Please don't feel bad that you lost to him because no one on this site has yet to beat him at Smash Bros. yet.

I've beaten him once and come very close to doing so more times; I haven't smashed with him much lately though, as we both don't really get to do so because of our schedules.

and yes, i do have video evidence as proof ^^;

Edited by John the Tactician
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Horace took one of his stocks

A true General!

i took a stock in every game! I beat him when he had mercy and played Ike!

then we played some friendlies after and I got rekt like 10 games in a row

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