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SSB4: SSB for Wii U and 3DS, maybe the NX and also your toaster!


What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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I am so god damn happy that I'm getting Roy back. Hopefully they revamp his moveset and appearance to be closer to what he actually should be rather than a Marth clone. I also hope they use his Awakening art.

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Honestly I like Roy but I do agree with Ana that he isn't really necessary. Plus I was just thinking about how cool Ephraim would be before I read about those files. But it doesn't matter, it's DLC after all so the imaginary roster slots are even more arbitrary. I played him more than Marth in Melee so I'll still be glad to see him back. :D Also hoping he uses his Awakening design.

And Ryu, well, I'm not a Street Fighter fan but I actually like the idea to my own surprise. It's a little random like Snake since I don't really associate SF or MG with Nintendo but meh. I just hope there aren't a ton of third parties by the end of the DLC... So many Nintendo characters I'd like to see first!

I wonder when they're planning to announce them? Also I'm shocked there's no Wolf files, I thought for sure he was next after Lucas.

Oh yeah and Mewtwo is kickass. :)

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Fourth person confirming them: http://www.reddit.com/r/smashbros/comments/32ra6b/difference_in_contained_files_between_105_and_106/cqdvozx

This time from the guy who datamined the ORAS demos to get all of the new info ~2 weeks early.

Only question is what these files mean at this point. Their existence is inarguable.

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^ I wouldn't be surprised if they've already started (or plan to start) working on Wolf as well. It seems like the dev team has been doing a lot of things in secret that they aren't ready to publicly tell us about yet. Ryu is pretty unexpected, but his moves fit into Smash quite well and makes for a nice addition to the list of universally iconic third party characters.

I also edited my original post about Roy so people don't take it the wrong way and get offended by it anymore -_- I want him in as much as you guys! and maybe he'll be officially announced simultaneously with plans for a translated FE6 eShop release

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If Ryu is in the game that means the one rep to each 3rd party rule thing doesn't work since Ryu and Megaman are both Capcom. My point is by a miracle of God I could possibly get both Snake and Belmont

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What's this? Ryu from Street Fighter as a potential DLC character? Interesting...

If Roy's coming back, I'm going to hope that his game gets remade at some point.

Hoo boy, Mewtwo's D-tilt setups are great. F-air is so much easier to land and KO'ing as Mewtwo feels so much better. (Disable is still pretty bad tho)

If only I could actually control him. He's so floaty and lighter than he was in Melee.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, Mewtwo being a lot lighter could be a trade-off for his increased damage output.

Edited by Kiseki
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(Disable is still pretty bad tho)

It's risky and hard to land, but if you can, that's basically a guaranteed KO at 90%+. Did it stun for so long in Melee? I never really used Mewtwo.
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It's cool that Mewtwo seems to have gotten stronger, faster, and lighter as it's consistent with his ingame high attacking stats and Speed and (at least compared to his other stats) low-ish Def.

It's risky and hard to land, but if you can, that's basically a guaranteed KO at 90%+. Did it stun for so long in Melee? I never really used Mewtwo.

I barely used Melee Mewtwo either so I don't know for sure but the stun length seemed kinda long to me too. Maybe it feels that way because he has much better follow-up options this time around so it's more dangerous to be stunned?

Nope. Now the stun length is damage dependent.

It was like that in Melee too wasn't it?

Edited by Bovinian
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wtf 2 roys

But seriously, it'll feel great to finally get my Melee main back.

I never used Mewtwo much back in Melee, but in SSB4, I can't get used to the floatiness of his second jump. Made it through Classic 7.5 with him by the skin of my teeth. Hopefully I'll get more time to practice with him in the evening.

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You all do realize that half of the Smash players will tear the Fire Emblem fandom apart for getting five characters in Smash, with two of them being fucking clones of Marth? Why does anyone want Roy back? Don't answer that question. It's rhetorical.

I can't believe I'm taking Anas side. But I hate Roy more than I hate Ike.

As it stands, the character(s) that I ACTUALLY want would be one of the protagonists from classic EO. Maybe a landsknecht, or even the iconic protector/gunner/princess if they're not too far back. But EO is even more niche than pre-Awakening FE, so I'm not counting on it.

I'd guess if there was even the slightest possibility of an EO character in Smash, they'd take one of the protagonists from the Untold games. Frederica would be pretty cool, don't you think? I imagine her Snipe attack to temporarily disable the enemies' special attacks. And her range. <3
"This is for my mission!"
But third party, unknown, bla bla. Fans of niche series never get what they want. :/

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I didn't mind Roy coming back, and doubted he would come back, but yeah, some of the Smashers are being hypocrites. They all agreed that the clones were shitty choices on Sakurai's part, yet they ask for Roy to return. Inb4 how about Lucas or Wolf? Surely, everyone knows about those two, and how they're not pure clones.

The worse part is that they want to add a clone when there's already another clone of Marth, essentially having Marth with two carbon copies.

Ryu? I'm pretty skeptical about it. When I saw a video that played the sound clips, Ryu's victory theme wasn't remixed at all (It's the theme played after you win a match in SF2; I played it on an arcade EMU out of boredom). I partially call BS. For nostalgic purposes, or fake, I don't know. Of course, the Redditor even said that they could have been scrapped, so the only thing we can do is wait.

IMO, Ryu can actually fit well within the world of Smash, though, I feel that there are better characters that should be DLC.

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You all do realize that half of the Smash players will tear the Fire Emblem fandom apart for getting five characters in Smash, with two of them being fucking clones of Marth? Why does anyone want Roy back? Don't answer that question. It's rhetorical.

I can't believe I'm taking Anas side. But I hate Roy more than I hate Ike.

Who gives a shit what people think of Fire Emblem and its fandom. People shouldn't complain because the roster is being improved upon further, which nobody was honestly expecting to happen before Mewtwo was revealed. People who complain about the character choices seem like the type of people who throw their toys out of the pram if they don't get exactly what they want. The decision to include FE Roy is ultimately down to the people who are in charge of such decisions. You can't make everyone happy; but Roy's inclusion will undoubtedly satisfy a majority of Smashers.

I didn't mind Roy coming back, and doubted he would come back, but yeah, some of the Smashers are being hypocrites. They all agreed that the clones were shitty choices on Sakurai's part, yet they ask for Roy to return. Inb4 how about Lucas or Wolf? Surely, everyone knows about those two, and how they're not pure clones.

Smash is pretty huge. I would think it was a minority complaining about "shitty" clones, and the inclusion of Roy will satisfy a large number of Smashers because 1) it's a Melee veteran, and/or 2) it's a new playable character. Everyone loves more choices, regardless of how different or similar they may be to what is already available. Well, everyone except those type of people I described in my reply to Nova above.

My extra opinion: Since Roy will undoubtedly be DLC that you will have to pay for, he will not be so similar to Marth and Lucina. I trust Sakurai's integrity to not charge for clone characters.

Edited by Raven
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