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What should Sakurai do next?  

52 members have voted

  1. 1. Now he's finished with the current game, what will he do next?

    • Spend time figuring out how to fit Ridley inside the next Smash disc
    • Reboot Donkey Kong Jr. Math
    • Team up with Hideo Kojima for "Mario and Solid Snake at the Olympic Games"
    • Find another way to nerf Zelda even more
    • Bask in the glory of all the salt he's created from DLC

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Next month a nintendo direct where Sakurai reveals one more DLC character. Melee Fox. A version of Fox you have to pay for that has all the exact same attacks and physics as melee, wave dashes and all!

So Wolf?

I thought the dream was dead.

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Isn't Cloud the best downloadable character (and yet people don't seem to complain about him as much)?

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Isn't Cloud the best downloadable character (and yet people don't seem to complain about him as much)?

New worst enemy is Cloud strife. I struggle against Cloud opponents. His range and power, like Corrin's, is overwhelming for a Villager main like me.


Edited by Leif
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I wasn't a fan of Cloud joining in the first place, because I loathe all things related to Tetsuya Nomura and his army of androgynous and stupidly dressed, pre-pubescent "boys". Cloud, being a miserable, negative character in and of himself, doesn't help too.

Cloud is not androgynous. Clearly a male. Link is stupidly dressed too. Cloud is like 20 or something lol and have you even played FF? cause Cloud isn't a miserable negative character in FF7.

Cloud's unpleasant "weeabooness" translates into my recent experiences when I've come across Cloud players online. I usually get taunt spammers and overly-aggressive players who take the game waaaay to seriously. It sucks the fun from the Smash experience, for me at least. I understand you get those kinds of players regardless of the character they choose, but it just doesn't feel like Smash when I have to fight for my life against a gender-confused mess shouting Japanese nonsense.

But Marth and Roy are okay, right?

tl;dr I'd rather face characters who are fun (in terms of look and personality) than a brooding, miserable little pile of secrets that is Cloud Strife.

But Lucina is okay, right? Edited by Lord Raven
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But Marth and Roy are okay, right?

But Lucina is okay, right?

Did you not read my post? I said I'm more forgiving towards FE characters purely because they are from Fire Emblem. Lucina isn't as brooding as Cloud Strife. Period.

Yeah, Roy and Marth keep their Japanese Vas and are a bit weeaboo too, but I'm more forgiving towards them because they are from FE. Bayonetta has a stupid outfit and ridiculous weapon too, but she makes up for that by being a charismatic, fun, and hilarious character. For this reason, she's enjoyable to fight (in my opinion).
Edited by Leif
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Cloud is not androgynous. Clearly a male. Link is stupidly dressed too. Cloud is like 20 or something lol and have you even played FF? cause Cloud isn't a miserable negative character in FF7.

I've watched an LP on Youtube if that counts, and Cloud is negative and brooding for a good chunk of the game (at least in my opinion). Kingdom Hearts 2 didn't help him either.

So basically you are a hypocrite

I wouldn't take it that far. I guess "biased" is the more diplomatic term to use; name calling only makes you appear childish.

Don't take this to a 10, mate; it's not worth arguing over. I'm not attacking your likes or interests.

Edited by Leif
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I've watched an LP on Youtube if that counts, and Cloud is negative and brooding for a good chunk of the game (at least in my opinion). Kingdom Hearts 2 didn't help him either.

I don't think you really watched an LP. I have played through this game one and a half times myself and looked up scripts and discussed this game in detail with many, many people and he simply isn't.

I wouldn't go as far to say that. I guess "biased" is a bit more diplomatic term to use; name calling only makes you appear childish.

Don't take this to a 10, mate; it's not worth arguing over. I'm not attacking your likes or interests.

Well, you kinda are, but you're also bringing this thread down. Pretty sure you're passive aggressively shoving your viewpoint down our throats under the guise of "well this is just my opinion and I don't like these things."

I don't know why i have to use a more diplomatic term. Lucina is brooding. Hell, Lucina dresses up as Marth, and Marth himself was designed to be more androgynous than Marth. The others spew japanese lines. Bayonetta is from a game about demons and shit cause it's basically kinda like Devil May Cry, and that's edgier than the bioterrorism that Cloud engages in. Dark Pit is also brooding and edgy. In-game, even, Cloud is fairly charismatic. Link dresses like an idiot. You're just singling out a character because he's in an FF game, and from what you're saying it doesn't even sound like you've done anything related to FF beyond watch an FF7 LP and you're just holding a silly grudge against a game series you don't like and acting self-righteous about it.

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Isn't Cloud the best downloadable character (and yet people don't seem to complain about him as much)?

In terms of the tier list, Ryu is considered the best.

Whether or not Bayonetta or Corrin beats him remains to be seen.

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I'd rather fight Corrins, Bayonettas or Ryus, because the characters are rather light-hearted, silly, and/or fun. Cloud brings this aura of "weeabooness" (for lack of a better term) that takes away from the Smash bros atmosphere. Can't stand his sword, stupid outfit, and impossible hair.

Cloud's unpleasant "weeabooness" translates in

It's probably because he's in with his Japanese voice...? You don't see the "weeabooness" as seriously with Shulk and Palutena, given their silly weapons, silly outfits and (well in Palutena's case) silly hair.

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I wasn't a fan of Cloud joining in the first place, because I loathe all things related to Tetsuya Nomura and his army of androgynous and stupidly dressed, pre-pubescent "boys". Cloud, being a miserable, negative character in and of himself, doesn't help too.

It's clear you have no idea what Cloud's actual character is, they fubbed up somewhat after FF7, but he wasn't really negative at all in FF7.

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I don't think you really watched an LP. I have played through this game one and a half times myself and looked up scripts and discussed this game in detail with many, many people and he simply isn't.

Well, you kinda are, but you're also bringing this thread down. Pretty sure you're passive aggressively shoving your viewpoint down our throats under the guise of "well this is just my opinion and I don't like these things."

I don't know why i have to use a more diplomatic term. Lucina is brooding. Hell, Lucina dresses up as Marth, and Marth himself was designed to be more androgynous than Marth. The others spew japanese lines. Bayonetta is from a game about demons and shit cause it's basically kinda like Devil May Cry, and that's edgier than the bioterrorism that Cloud engages in. Dark Pit is also brooding and edgy. In-game, even, Cloud is fairly charismatic. Link dresses like an idiot. You're just singling out a character because he's in an FF game, and from what you're saying it doesn't even sound like you've done anything related to FF beyond watch an FF7 LP and you're just holding a silly grudge against a game series you don't like and acting self-righteous about it.

Well, I had no intension of bringing the thread down and I'm sorry if I come across as passive aggressive. However, I think you're projecting some things on to me that aren't true. I'm not shoving my view down anyone's throat, merely expressing my opinion. Yeah it may be silly, but am I not allowed to dislike FF and Cloud?

Link is a video game cultural icon, my friend. His attire is honoring the LoZ tradition.

Bayonetta does come from a game that DOES clash with Smash's atmosphere, but her personality and character overall makes her fun and enjoyable. That's it.

Lucina's supports really make her more likable than, in my opinion.

Yes, I did rant a bit, but didn't you see this part of my post?

Forgive the tone of this post (I'm not furious or angry, only annoyed); I guess I really can't stand fighting the representative from my least favorite RPG franchise of all time. You guys probably don't share this sentiment, and that's totally fine. Just wanted to share my thoughts about Cloud now that I've had a chance to actually experience him in the game.

Now I regret bringing all that up now. Jeez.

Can we move on?

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Yeah it may be silly, but am I not allowed to dislike FF and Cloud?

You have that right, you still should know how iconic he is to gaming as a whole.

I dislike the entire concept of Mii's for instance, but I don't whine about them, because they have a place in the game. Even if I don't approve at all, I'm not gonna tear them down just because I personally dislike them.

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Link is a video game cultural icon, my friend. His attire is honoring the LoZ tradition.

So is Cloud..

Bayonetta does come from a game that DOES clash with Smash's atmosphere, but her personality and character overall makes her fun and enjoyable. That's it.

So you're saying "I like her but I don't like Cloud therefore Cloud is weeby and Bayonetta is not."

Lucina's supports really make her more likable than, in my opinion.

So does Cloud's dialogue...?

Yes, I did rant a bit, but didn't you see this part of my post?

"I'm annoyed, not angry or frustrated." Your rant is quite clearly all three.
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New worst enemy is Cloud strife. I struggle against Cloud opponents. His range and power, like Corrin's, is overwhelming for a Villager main like me.

I'm glad to see you're enjoying Cloud's inclusion, I hope that you find some tips and tricks to figure him out! It's really nice to see that Smash has such an inclusive cast, I hope that future titles and DLC can continue this and broaden the target audience with quality Nintendo characters like Goku and Shrek!

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It's clear you have no idea what Cloud's actual character is, they fubbed up somewhat after FF7, but he wasn't really negative at all in FF7.

Yeah. Someone who uses "Let's mosey!" as a rallying cry can't be all that negative.

Besides, the Cloud from Kingdom Hearts seems to be mostly based on Vincent anyway. Cloud was wearing his regular AC outfit in KH2, but his outfit in the first game took a lot of cues from Vincent, most notably a similar red cape and a metal claw on his left arm.

Edited by BrightBow
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I think this part's my favorite:

Especially with Final Fantasy VII in question


I'm referring to more of his later works like this:


His earlier stuff is fine, actually.

tl;dr for this entire fiasco

I guess Cloud's depiction in KH and KH2 colored my perception of him when I watched Necroscope86's play through of FF7 a few years back (I played KH 1 and 2 beforehand) and led to my dislike of the character.

Let's not beat this dead horse, ok?

Moving on.

Corrin's counter surge is very strong. However, I find it relatively easy to bait when using Villager. I overwhelm them with Lloid Rockets and slingshots and proceed to a grab when they use Down B. Corrin is pretty vulnerable when their counter attempt fails.

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Corrin's counter surge is very strong. However, I find it relatively easy to bait when using Villager. I overwhelm them with Lloid Rockets and slingshots and proceed to a grab when they use Down B. Corrin is pretty vulnerable when their counter attempt fails.

That counter scales pretty brutally yeah, it tends to leave most people open when they miss their counters :P:

But I think Corrin has the most dangerous one, (of course if we aren't counting Witch Time as a "proper" counter)

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That counter scales pretty brutally yeah, it tends to leave most people open when they miss their counters :P:

But I think Corrin has the most dangerous one, (of course if we aren't counting Witch Time as a "proper" counter)

I just recently witnessed the horror that is Witch Time, yikes. For Villager mains, I get by Witch Time by staying the heck away. Villager is great with spacing and phasing, since he/she is not a brawler type. I can see fighters like Falco or Ike having trouble with Witch Time.

Does Bayonetta say "too slow!" when using her up smash? It's hard to hear her with with the background noise sometimes.

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I just recently witnessed the horror that is Witch Time, yikes. For Villager mains, I get by Witch Time by staying the heck away. Villager is great with spacing and phasing, since he/she is not a brawler type. I can see fighters like Falco or Ike having trouble with Witch Time.

Does Bayonetta say "too slow!" when using her up smash? It's hard to hear her with with the background noise sometimes.

Well Ike does have to be careful around it, Falco not as much since he has tons of multihitting attacks, which will hit Bayo through witch time, giving him some more leeway.

Uhhh I'd have to check again, I believe she did say that in Bayo as well. But its been awhile.

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