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Tellius tag team 2013 [9&10]


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Does Janaff/Ulki get attacked by Naesala in Turn 1 EP or does he talk to them? Its' been a while since Ive "recruited" the Knight Ring. I want to see if I can 2 turn the map with the Knight Ring since I can't 1 turn without it anyway due to no Reyson chanting.

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Technically, there's no way to avoid them seeing combat though. Since they dont have canto. There's always this wyvern that attacks Janaff after taking to Naesala.

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I left a save in Chapter 18 before the base just in case someone changes his mind

Chapter 18 7 turns

Marcia rushed to the ravens, followed closely by Tits and Astrid. Mordy got me the Wrath chest and Soren got to B staves in Turn 7. I overdid it with the staff spamming lol.

Chapter 19 2 turns

Marcia goes to boss and smacks him. Can't 2 turn with Knight Ring because boss always moves before Naesala.

Chapter 20 2 turns

Soren Adept Meteors Shiharam with Ike support. Marcia obtained Provoke turn 1 thanks to shove/smite and then arrived Turn 2. Astrid obtained Rescue with help from Titania. Neph Rolf and Lethe helped get Smite.

And now I stop because I hate Chapter 21.

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Ok, no changing your mind now.

Chapter 21 5 turns

Hard strat to perfect, but rather easy once I did. Basically, Neph shoved Soren once. Then Lethe shoved him to the right instead of Smite, then Mordy smites him up. Ike uses Pure Water and is rescued by Tits, who cantos up then left. Soren moves up then left right next to Tits and rescues Marcia up. Marcia takes Ike, uses a Pure Water in the spot and then cantos to the first tile of the pond. She countered the Sage with a Javelin in EP, Soren healed her with Physic then attacked him again in PP but didn't kill him because he was healed by the Sleep Bishop in the Ena area. This basically meant that the Bishop would heal him again eventually. Marcia went to Tuaroneo and dropped Sonic Sword!Ike to her left side. Tauroneo put him in Wrath Mode with one attack (fucking hell that hurts) and he starts Sonic Sword critting Armors, but only killed 1 of them. This was enough to make the Bishop target them with Physic next turn though. Anyway, Marcia kills someone and cantos towards Ena with Laguz Lance. Ike full moves up and uses Elixir after equipping Regal (12 uses left). He gets hit by Tauroneo's spear and almost gets to half health, then he kills the 2 Generals that attacked by entering Wrath Mode and critting with Regal. Marcia countered Ena in EP and Laguz Lance'd Ena, adepting for the kill. Turn 5, Ike seizes after I get some more exp with the others.

Chapter 22 1 turn

Rolf is shoved, a priest is shoved and he obtains Bolting. The others get some kills before Soren explodes the boss with Meteor.

I was looking into the possibility of a 3 turn with my team for Ch23. Might be doable if Marcia one rounds Petrine with Adept Killer Lance (gives her a lot of chance to ORKO actually) but I stopped since I gotta go soon. Mordecia and Lethe <3

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I was looking into the possibility of a 3 turn with my team for Ch23

Why did I need Sonic Sword Ike in the first place? Because he gets surrounded.

There might be a way to prevent that though.

Edited by Chiki
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Why did I need Sonic Sword Ike in the first place? Because he gets surrounded.

There might be a way to prevent that though.

Maybe, yeah. It doesn't help that I gave him Provoke too early, but maybe I can prevent it. Like, If I make Soren get far enough to Meteor/Bolting one of the dudes blocking Ike's way (and only one of them block him).

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Maybe, yeah. It doesn't help that I gave him Provoke too early, but maybe I can prevent it. Like, If I make Soren get far enough to Meteor/Bolting one of the dudes blocking Ike's way (and only one of them block him).

I have a plan which probably works, actually. But it's a secret.

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PKL, instead of having Marcia bring Ike to the throne try having her bring Soren with the rescue staff. On turn 2, Ike gets surrounded due to no 2 range weaponry but Soren will fuck shit up. On turn 3 Soren could possibly rescue Ike into range to seize.

Soren might not have enough durability or staff range, but it's an idea.

edit - If you can give Soren Vantage and a max thunder forge, that does wonders for his durability.

Edited by Hawk King
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PKL, instead of having Marcia bring Ike to the throne try having her bring Soren with the rescue staff. On turn 2, Ike gets surrounded due to no 2 range weaponry but Soren will fuck shit up. On turn 3 Soren could possibly rescue Ike into range to seize.

Soren might not have enough durability or staff range, but it's an idea.

It's a good idea, but there's not enough Rescue uses as it is because no Reyson.

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Team: Titania, Marcia, Ilyana, Zihark, Calill, Mia, Makalov, Mordecai, Rolf

Part I: Silver-Haired Maiden

1-P: 5/5

Miccy gets exp and boss kill, whoo!

1-1: 5/10

Holy Shit Miccy almost got the boss kill, Nolan just needed to proc str but eh. Miccy's already at lv. 4

1-2: 5/15

Drop da bomb pls. Miccy gets another lv up.

1-3: 5/20

Whoo! Went through the eastern door, Ily shoved Miccy. Miccy got a couple of kills and dodged the boss, getting an extra lv up. However, the jav soldier targeted Brothe over her, although he would've ohko'd her. Also, Ilyana insta crtd the boss :D

1-4: 4/24

Easier than what I thought but lazy to explain.Miccy breaks wall with the tiger while Sothe and Ilyana move down. Ily doesn't even need to tank both cats. She orkos tigers with her forge and her mag+sp lv up. Even if she can't orko a tiger, there's Miccy to heal her and make her get the kill by the next pp. Oh, Ily got the shield, of course.

1-5: 6/30

Ilyana obliterates things up the ledges.


Stg 1: 4/34

Wrath Sothe because low bio and annoying rng. Adept stood with Zhark

Stg 2: 2/36

Push the attack!

1-7: 5/41

It was leaving Vika alive with Miccy getting a crappy lv up, or Vika dead with Miccy getting hp, mag, sp, lck and res. Of course Vika died. Shriek and Goddess Icon are nice but a lv up is better nn', and I wasn't in the mood of resetting.

1-8: 4/45

Ilyana took Vika's place, it was pretty nice ^^', and the draco just entered Sothe's attack range, so yeah.

1-9: 4/49


1-E: 5/54

Ilyana gets celerity and crts Jarod with her frg. Bk shoved her to reach the door on time, btw.

nm is boring

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Uh ok guys, I'm assuming free 2-1 and 3-P. The only thing I did different in 2-1 was getting the Ashera Icon. I don't have either Neph, Brom or Heather so...

In case you don't make them free then assume a 5 turn for 2-1, because anyways an Ashera Icon isn't dat awesome

... and I'm not restarting either way ^^'

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