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Your most favorite class overall?


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In FE8 I really liked sages, and Lute with Excaliber was a killer in the link arena if you were willing to grind body rings, or you could use Moulder for cheaper but less speed/magic in the end.

Assassins are also spectacular units in Awakening, boasting high speed, skill and power.

Berserkers I also really like because they possess a tone of speed and a ton of power.

But overall I like Marksmen the best, because that 3-range brave bow is just to damn good. You good have just given then that +1 range as a mastery skill and it still would have been broken. They have hit skill, good speed and power, they're all in all fantastic.

On the subject of Marksmen, that innate extra range helped because some bows were so accurate that you'd be fairly sure to hit even at 3 range, thus obsoleting the (rather crappy) longbows (because attacking at 3 range got you a 30% penalty to accuracy; with longbows having only 65-55% accuracy, there weren't many situations where 3 ranging it with a longbow was actually worth dropping your already shaky accuracy even further as opposed to taking your chances at 2 range with any other bow, even if it meant eating a counter).

Edited by Levant Fortner
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Heroes are in most games my absolute favorite class. Fast, strong, and have decent defenses as well. They use Swords (my favorite weapon type) and Axes (My second favorite weapon type, tied with bows), and are IMO, one of the best unmounted classes in the series.

However FE13's version of the Dread Fighter class is my favorite. Heroes that can use magic (albeit with marginally lower caps) yes please. Also I love their design.

Edited by Virion
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Swordmasters and Snipers have always been my favorite [i seem to like alot of characters in their classes too]. I am a swordsman and archer myself so that kinda makes me bias towards em. Also yeah Horace mentioned Master Knights lol.

Edited by Folgore Red II
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Mages/sages and nomads/nomad troopers. Tactician/grandmaster and dark rider is also nice because magic+swords.

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Any unit that isn't fat and is on the ground with Lances. So, Soldier/Halberdier/Sentinel (Nephenee~), Lord (Ephraim prepromo. Chrom and Luciana post promo I guess, havent played 13 yet)

1. Grounded - Yay, mounts are UGLY, fuck utility. Mounts have huge benefits but being foot means that you have...

3. No inherant weaknesses or problems being deployed on basically any map - No anti armor, anti cavalry, anti flying, anti terrain, anti 1/2 range lock, anti anything, and they don't have crap MOV.

2. Lance unit - Yay my favourite weapon, Lances have the best balance of WT, MT, and HIT, and Javelins are slightly better than Hand Axes, along with the fact most of these units have good skill, so they usually have decent displayed hit unlike axe users trying to throw. Lances are overall a very versatile weapon, and they do statistically better at reversaling the weapon triangle than other weapons, as enemy axe users have crappy hit and avd anyway because of class tendancies and heavy weapons. Enemy lance units usually have either good def, good speed, or both (mounted/armored), so swords need speciality weapons to usually be effective at reversaling. And conversely, axe units can't hit sword users for shit most of the time, due to sword users generally higher speed, and light weapons.

4. Fantastic growth spreads - Well it's not always true, but characters like Neph and Ephraim are almost RNG proof! Their speed and skill growths rival Myrmidons and Swordmasters, whilst their strength, def, and bases in those stats usually outclass them too. They take a lot less babying and are less likely to get fucked over earlygame because you didn't a few crucial str ups, and won't die because somebody looked at them funny.

Edited by Irysa
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3. No inherant weaknesses or problems being deployed on basically any map - No anti armor, anti cavalry, anti flying, anti terrain, anti 1/2 range lock, anti anything, and they don't have crap MOV.

swordslayers, sword killers...

(talking about infantry in general, not specifically lance users)

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Heroes, Berserkers, Sentinels, Trueblades, Marksmen, Dread Fighters, Knight Lord (Sigurd) and Valkyries, (I would say Vanguards too but we only have Ike and it is pretty much the Hero Class just remade as a 3rd tier...)

But of all of them of course it's the Hero class.

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Basically Flyers and Mages (Especially Dark Mages, though some DMs, like Sophia, wouldn't be among my favorite characters to use. Light Magic users also get some love from me.), though I do enjoy the occasional grounded sword unit from time to time. Especially ones than can use bows. Oh and regular mounted units. (Though that does more depend on the game in question.)

Edited by Hero of the Golden Land
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Master Knights. Why use anything else?

deserts/things to fly over are the only reasons I can think of. Aside from that, Master Knights all the way.

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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deserts/things to fly over are the only reasons I can think of. Aside from that, Master Knights all the way.

I guess. Though you have to keep in mind people who can't be bothered to train the people who can become Master Knights because of FE4's wtfmassive bias towards mounts. And being able to wield almost every weapon, IMO, is kinda impractical when you have to use shops as a middleman to trade (I have other issues with FE4, but that's neither here nor there)...

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I would basically treat a Master Knight (should I have one in my army) like a Ranger/Nomadic Trooper/FE13 Bow Knight with lance and staff access in addition to swords and bows.

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swordslayers, sword killers...

(talking about infantry in general, not specifically lance users)

Oh yeah sorry, I didn't mean NO INFANTRY HAVE WEAKNESSES, I meant as an infantry lance unit your weaknesses are almost neglible by comparison. All other lance users have weaknesses, Mounted = Horseslayers/Rapiers/Poleaxes heavy terrain movement penalites in some instances, etc, Armored = Hammer/Armorslayer/Rapier soft countered by magic users due to lower AVD cause of low speed, mov penalties/crappy base mov, Flying = Bows, Ballista, Magic, Speciality Magic...

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In a specific game: FE8 Ranger. I just REALLY liked the unique mesh of weapons and I felt that it was probably as close to actual 'balance' as archers ever get.

In General: Mages and Pegasus Knights: Mages are always beloved by me in games, but I just love the design of peggies and their female-only policy really interests me. Which one I like more tends to change based on game (EX: 8 was peggies due to Vanessa, 9 was mages due to Ilyana)

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Oh yeah sorry, I didn't mean NO INFANTRY HAVE WEAKNESSES, I meant as an infantry lance unit your weaknesses are almost neglible by comparison. All other lance users have weaknesses, Mounted = Horseslayers/Rapiers/Poleaxes heavy terrain movement penalites in some instances, etc, Armored = Hammer/Armorslayer/Rapier soft countered by magic users due to lower AVD cause of low speed, mov penalties/crappy base mov, Flying = Bows, Ballista, Magic, Speciality Magic...

just confirming that Nephenee is the best lance user in Tellius, no weakness :B):

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The presence of Aran, Oscar and Gatrie? How lances are crap in RD? To name two

I'm trolling about that

also Aran is easily worse than Nephenee anyway, while Gatrie is worse in PoR

(also FE9 Marcia says hi, lances all day every day)

Edited by shadykid
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Paladins are pretty awesome, me like.

Berserkers are also rad because they have good stats and more importantly, they're shirtless <3. I also really like Fighters and Warriors and it's weird how IS tends to go out of their way to make them suck.

I also like the TRS rendition of the Dark Knight due to their awesome battle sprites and weapon access and their ability to ignore forest movement penalties.

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