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QOTD Thread: The End


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BBC (online), Wired (also online), Scientific American, occasionally The Atlantic, even more occasionally Science News and/or IEEE Spectrum, uhh...

Oh right. Time magazine, I used to read Newsweek back when it was still around...

I'm running out here...

If radio counts I listen to NPR and all the other programs on our local public radio station (most of which are very cool).

If television counts then super-mega-occasionally The Colbert Report, because TV requires a time commitment.

I think that's it...


Also sometimes Al-Jazeera when I want a different opinion, and very rarely CNN if I feel like laughing at someone.

Is that enough?

Edited by Euklyd
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Many of my heroes are olden times' equivalent of today's journalists who wrote extensively (up to several dozen volumes in some instances) about social problems, 'cursed questions of mankind', the high arts and suchlike things. It's sad what journalism is today and that philosophy has turned into nauseating drivel deprived of any vitality or meaning, but I guess we can't have anything better in relation to the resources we have and our inclinations these days.

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I used to read some sort of journalistic nonfiction econ/finance books, but now I don't really read anything.

Well, sometimes I glance at the New York Times on the kitchen table, and if I'm in a doctor's office or whatever and forgot to bring a book or gameboy I might leaf through the magazines.

I've actually ended up reading girly fashion and homemaking magazines that way, I've assimilated absolutely none of the information though.

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New question!

What is on your bucket list? By this I mean: what sort of noteworthy goals do you wish to accomplish or plans do you wish to put into action before you expire?

Uh....I guess I want to see what humanity is like in 50 years. No real goals or plans beyond that at the moment I'm afraid.

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I do have a bucket list, but it's honestly full of random silly things that would make me happy.

- Go on a shopping spree in Akihabara

- Travel to Bucharest, Romania (I'd also like to see Bran Castle in Romania too)

- Eat pizza by the water ledge in Venice, Italy

- Go to London

- Go ice skating with my love at night under the stars (but teach him how to ice skate first :<)

- Watch 1k anime titles (half way there)

- Go to a ball in a beautiful fancy dress

- Get a book published

- Have a long kiss in the rain with my love

- Have children with my love

- Open my own bakery

But even if I couldn't do most of these things, just having him by my side for the rest of my life would make it more than fulfilling enough

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(in mount and blade here)

-talk to cool people again

-play through every game I own

-draw, maybe animate

-bio-engineer(?) a tactile touch simulator

-maybe get a massage therapy license

-read cool things again

-watch cool things again

-did I say talk to cool people again


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SO MANY THINGS I WANT TO DO....but the first one that comes to mind is living for a certain period of time in a little Italian villa in the countryside of Tuscany. Where I can see all the beautiful green hills and be in a quaint little house tucked away there...OH IT'D BE SO CUTEEEEE!!! I actually already checked a thing off my bucket list about traveling to Spain and speaking Spanish there so....I still would like to go to England though.

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