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QOTD Thread: The End


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Are you more utilitarian or more deontological?

Under what circumstances would you kill someone? List as many as apply.

If you could change one thing about this forum, what would you change?

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Thanks. I added a majority of the (serious) questions to the list for consideration.

New question!

Which video game have you spent the most time on? If you don't keep tabs on this kind of thing, just list games you've played a lot.

[spoiler=Mine is this - I'm sure you can guess which game this is]p181RGR.png

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pokemon emerald:800 hours.

srw og2:80 hours.

ssbb:5,000 hours

also, I'd like to see "What's you favorite DC/Marvel/Indie SUperhero/Villain.

and "what's your favorite black and white movie not named citizen kane."

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Something between FE and Assassin's Creed. Don't really keep tabs on FE since files get replaced and all, but AC: Brotherhood is at 128 hours on Steam (which seems a tiny number compared what I'm seeing here lol). AC2 is at 91 I think, and ACR around 78. AC1's only got 17 for a single runthrough but I'll probably replay it soon. I do kinda miss Altair.

FE's probably longer since I've been playing the series for ~5 years vs the 2 months on AC, but I can see AC eclipsing FE easily in the future given my plans for a certain playthrough that involves yet another run of all three Ezio's main-title games.

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Probably League of Legends. Games tend to last about a half hour and I've played several hundred over the years, probably somewhere around two thousand when all is said and done.

If we're talking about, like, non-online games then I suppose it would be something like Alpha Centauri. I used to play that game all the time as a kid and I boot it up every so often to conduct nuclear warfare the way it should be done~

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Oh that's an easy easy answer~ I've never spent so much time in a game before. If I go check real quick...

I've currently spent 329 hours and 44 minutes into Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, and I spent more than that in Tri I bet, although it could be close to the same as well since I couldn't play that as often as I could with this.

There's just so much stuff to do in those games and I haven't gotten tired of it yet~

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heart gold: ~400-500

Platinum: ~300

Fire emblem Radiant dawn: 1600

Mario Kart wii : likely somewhere between 200-500

Monster Hunter tri: ~300-400

I spent most of high school playing Fire Emblem.

~unrelated, is it me or some of the links in the forest are unresponsive?

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Yesterday's question: Hmm...

Favorite book? Favorite fictional character? What is your dream car?

Today's question: Pokemon.

I usually spend a lot of time on Pokemon games (except for Ruby/Emerald/Sapphire and Black/White/Black 2/White 2 because I don't like those games that much).

I probably spent the most time on SoulSilver, but LeafGreen comes close too.

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