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Kayle can rape early too. I faced a jungle Kayle a couple days ago. My team kinda lol'd because we didn't think Kayle would be any good at jungling. But mid underestimated her and gave up first blood three minutes in. Five minutes later, she ganked me and my partner bot under our turret and got a double kill. Then, proceeded to rape face. Went something like 11/1/2... and we surrendered at 20 minutes too.

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Kayle is fairly underrated for sure. I heard she has great jungle speeds and whatever though haven't tried it so take this with a grain of salt.

I play jungle Kayle on occasion if somebody wants to play something like an Urgot or play a kill lane bottom (e.g. Leona Jarvan), it works quite well and she jungles quickly with fairly high HP with decent ganks. Worth a try sometimes.

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Kayle is one of the scariest champs early game - nobody can 1v1 her in lane and win. Pair her with a cc-happy support and send your true ADC to mid or top for maximum win, or just send her top as she'll demolish most matchups easily. Assuming you're not completely incompetent with her. Mid's harder but you can pull it off vs the shorter-ranged ones, especially if they have weak early games, and sometimes even if they don't. From there, it's just a matter of either snowballing with mid game items, or using your huge lead to stay ahead while farming up the traditional IE PD BT LW.

Fed Kayle is scary and it doesn't hurt that I always get 3 seconds of invincibility to deal craptons of damage. Protip: try to force fights in jungle, because that way your splash damage hits more people. For jungle Kayle, start wraiths red - you don't need damage help to finish wraiths and get to red before it spawns - and go for a level 2 mid or sidelane gank. When I jungle Kayle, I can reasonably expect to hard carry the game.

Yeah, Kayle's totally underrated by most of the community, or have you not seen Exuzas lately?

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Yeah, Kayle's totally underrated by most of the community, or have you not seen Exuzas lately?

Apparently he's "Spam Happy" or whatever's smurf. So not really impressed by a ~2.3k killing 1.7k elo.

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I just had to play 3 games to get one without ragers. And that last one without the ragers? It lasted way too long because nobody wanted to group up despite all the requests. Should have been a 25 minute game. Went into 50 minutes. >.> At least I had fun playing it.

Also: proven that Kayle is at least viable up to 1.7k. You're 1.7k? (besides, y'know, zekent playing Kayle in his regular games up at 2.3k. Yeah.)

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In my experience, those aren't bad items...but then there are very few bad items on Kayle. Thing about BC is that it's a very early game item, and also note that the shred kind of conflicts with her passive. If you're dominating in lane, get BC, sure. (Same reasoning as applies to Corki, who also makes good use of it if he gets it very early game.) Otherwise, better your BFS item be a BT or IE. Frozen Mallet is just good in general.

I'm going to test a Wit's End + FM build when I get around to it. Meanwhile, two ways which work well are rageblade rush and traditional ADC. Check out Rincent's guide.

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Black Cleaver is core on Kayle. The shread from Black Cleaver and her passive stack favorably, as well as attack speed synergizing with righteous fury, so for a relatively small amount of gold (compared to other AD items) you get a lot of damage.

Generally it's something like Wriggles -> Berserkers -> Black Cleaver -> Infinity Edge -> Phantom Dancer/Triforce -> Situational (QSS, Banshee, GA, etc). Can sell the wriggles lategame for a bloodthirster or something.

I don't think Frozen Mallet is really necessary, since you've already got a pretty brutal slow and probably red buff. If you want health, warmogs is a possibility.

This is, however, jungle Kayle, so an alternative more tanky on-hit build (with Wit's End and Mallet and etc) could also work in a solo lane.

Edited by Silvercrow
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I just had to play 3 games to get one without ragers. And that last one without the ragers? It lasted way too long because nobody wanted to group up despite all the requests. Should have been a 25 minute game. Went into 50 minutes. >.> At least I had fun playing it.

Also: proven that Kayle is at least viable up to 1.7k. You're 1.7k? (besides, y'know, zekent playing Kayle in his regular games up at 2.3k. Yeah.)

Nearly every character is viable up to 1.7k and the only one I can think of that is particularly terrible is Evelyn. Either way, superior players should be able to beat inferior players even with weaker characters.

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Apparently he's "Spam Happy" or whatever's smurf. So not really impressed by a ~2.3k killing 1.7k elo.

1700 is still top percentile. So if it works in 1700 it works in lower elo brackets.

Also, some of the games in 1700 play out similarly to the games you see in plat streams. And I've watched a couple of streams of plat players smurfing in 1700+ elo and even they had difficulty of carrying games on their own. How do I know this? I've had a rating of 1700 multiple times. If I'm not in the 1700s, I'm somewhere around the 1600s(usually upper)

Edited by Number One Ezreal
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1700 is still top percentile. So if it works in 1700 it works in lower elo brackets.

Also, some of the games in 1700 play out similarly to the games you see in plat streams. And I've watched a couple of streams of plat players smurfing in 1700+ elo and even they had difficulty of carrying games on their own. How do I know this? I've had a rating of 1700 multiple times. If I'm not in the 1700s, I'm somewhere around the 1600s(usually upper)

I've seen Saintvicious go through 1700 ELO with Master Yi. ELO doesn't work so well as a testament to a character's ability when you're talking about people way beyond the bracket they're within. They may have some amount of trouble but not significant enough to halt their climb upwards.

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Dan Dinh won an Evelynn game at whatever he's at. People just need to stop QQing already.

Meanwhile, Silvercrow, I build Kayle completely differently from how you do it. Personally found BC very underwhelming every time I built it, and yes this is jungle Kayle. But ok, for the way you play her, it more than likely works out very well for you. That's one thing I love about Kayle, the versatility.

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I can't. I can't stand this game. The gameplay is so addicting but everyone that plays is just the worst human being. I don't even care if someone is terrible at playing, but when most of the people I play with are uncooperative, self-fellating, aggressive douchebags I just...I don't want to play ever.

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I can't. I can't stand this game. The gameplay is so addicting but everyone that plays is just the worst human being. I don't even care if someone is terrible at playing, but when most of the people I play with are uncooperative, self-fellating, aggressive douchebags I just...I don't want to play ever.

You should play with us as a group sometime :).

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I'm always up fer it. I have a good attitude all the time but I suck. I guess it's a "pick one" kind of thing.

Doesn't matter too much about skill. Was nice playing with SF arranged 4s + that one person that Sakura brought in.

Not always up for a game is the problem with me and right now I'm suffering from latency issues that make it really annoying to play at times.

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