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Power creep. As much as they don't like to admit it, can you honestly say there hasn't been power creep?

There's a difference between power creep and one character being especially out of line.

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My only personal thought is that if they find it acceptable to nerf Xin Zhao for pubstomping, they should definitely be nerfing this guy for the same reason.

But really they should just buff Xin Zhao.

There definitely hasn't been power creep on any significant level, how many out of the past 10 champs are commonly played competitively anyway? I only count 3, Ahri, Lulu, and Nautilus.

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What's a good example of power creep in the last 10 then? Varus seems quite weak relative to other ADs from what I've seen of him (admittedly I don't have much experience with that though). Hecarim is definitely lacking. Lulu is strong, but Janna is overall stronger. Fiora isn't horrible, but the problems that plague other melee carries weren't addressed with her, so I don't think she's particularly powerful. Nautilus is strong, but so are Alistar and Amumu in similar ways. etc etc

Darius is strong, but Xin Zhao, Renekton, Jarvan, Irelia, and others were all stronger in a similar role about a year ago. If anything I think overall power is diminishing.

Edited by Silvercrow
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What's a good example of power creep in the last 10 then? Varus seems quite weak relative to other ADs from what I've seen of him (admittedly I don't have much experience with that though). Hecarim is definitely lacking. Lulu is strong, but Janna is overall stronger. Fiora isn't horrible, but the problems that plague other melee carries weren't addressed with her, so I don't think she's particularly powerful. Nautilus is strong, but so are Alistar and Amumu in similar ways. etc etc

Darius is strong, but Xin Zhao, Renekton, Jarvan, Irelia, and others were all stronger in a similar role about a year ago. If anything I think overall power is diminishing.

I'm not so sure about Varus as I personally haven't tried him but I feel Hecarim has some amount of potential and a very scary toolkit in general. Lulu was strong because she was constrained to support and had great utility and damage, nerfs might change that a bit. Nothing to say about Fiora really. Nautilus is fairly ridiculous in comparison to the two listed.

I don't believe in there being any significant power creep but I feel certain champions are being undervalued.

Edited by BK-201
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The Ezreal thread said it best. Apparently a blink skill was a really big deal back then. And yeah, "power creep" was perhaps not the best way to put it. Let's go with mobility creep and mana issues creep, then - you do realise that champions recently released have way more mobility, generally speaking? And that it's a lot easier to manage their mana? When was the last time you saw an AP mid released who had to *gasp* manage their mana to not be perpetually OOM in lane phase? Or worse, a bruiser who had to manage mana?

But that's one person's opinion. I'm also of the opinion that Xypherous champs generally suck. They usually feel more like a collection of disparate skills than a champion.

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I can agree with that, especially the mana part. But that is not necessary equal to overall strength; Anivia, one of the strongest casters in the game, is one of the most mana dependent and sluggish champions in the game. Nor is it a remotely new trend, really. It's been over a year since Lee Sin's release, for example, who is a pretty blatant example of somebody who is ridiculously mobile and has no costs.

That said, neither Varus nor Darius have any sort of mobility enhancement.

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I really, really hate it when people pull one counterexample and use that to go "see, not true!" While it's definitely not equal to overall strength, I'd say there's a pretty strong correlation at least.

Disclaimer: That's my opinion, feel free to disagree, I apologise if I've offended you, etc, etc.

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I really, really hate it when people pull one counterexample and use that to go "see, not true!" While it's definitely not equal to overall strength, I'd say there's a pretty strong correlation at least.

Disclaimer: That's my opinion, feel free to disagree, I apologise if I've offended you, etc, etc.

Kogmaw (AP and AD builds), Ryze, Morgana, Karthus, Morde, Veigar, Yorick, and Urgot are all other examples of top tier picks that either have no mobility, mana problems, or both and are still successful. Granted, they are mostly old champs, but they are not weak whatsoever.

Mobility is only one kind of strength.

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It's been ages since I played some LoL, was gold in season 1. I main ad carries, with some Kass thrown in for good measure and a couple of junglers. Maybe if I played with some SF people I'd get back into it.

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Actually, when I hit 30 I met a sudden skill decrease.

fun facts while we're on this topic: normals have a hidden elo, which doesn't give a care about level. That's also the reason why you sometimes get matched with players that have lots more wins than you.

so the skill level shouldn't really change unless you lose a lot of games going into level 30.

also, I'd be up for premades, but you would have to give me a week to be done with my exams

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I...don't know. It's true that I made a sudden switch to playing mid and lost a whole lot of games. It's also true that I spent a lot of time in drafts from 20-28 and less after that. But even in blind pick the people got stupider.

Actually, yeah, it's got nothing to do with skill. Level 30s are actually more skilled, mechanically, than the leveling-up crowd. But they're a whole lot stupider. They're also less inclined to learn and more inclined to blame, and also less inclined to listen to anyone but themselves. Including pings.

So the decision making went down and the mechanical skill went up. Being me, I took that as a decrease in skill, as I focus more on macro gameplay than micro for the most part. (Which is why I lose games in mid lane.)

EDIT: I'd be up for premades, but I'm now at GMT+8 time and 300 ping, and have not properly played for, oh, a month and a half. You have been warned.

Edited by Kiriane
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I'm up for playing premades. I warn you though, I'm not very good. I normally play Shen, but I'm decent with Rammus, Kog, and Anivia (although I just had a horrible game with her, ugh).

I met a huge skill increase going into 30s. Like, at 29, there was a point when I had my whole match history filled with wins with Rammus, and then a couple days after I hit 30, I had nearly my whole match history filled with losses (as in, it would have been if I hadn't played a Co-op game in the middle). I'm in the middle of another slump at the moment. Went from 2 more wins than losses to like 10 more losses than wins in a week. :( This is all in Normal, people get too uptight for me in Ranked.

I didn't really find the Kog nerf did much, tbh. But I also play Kog AD, so eh...

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