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Ganking a warded lane can sometimes be useful simply by scaring the enemies off. If bot lane is being pushed really hard by caitlyn or someone similar I will sometimes come in just to remind them of my presence, which can sometimes ease the lane a little because they might realise "oh I'm pushing too much, better let them push".

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Actually when it comes to earlygame top is the easiest lane to gank and perhaps the most beneficial as most heroes that are sent top can generally snowball pretty hard with ANY advantage; it's an intricate lane. Middle lane is very short and bottom lane will have supports warding all your possible entrances(tribush and river AND the bottom brushes). Most of the time top lane won't have wards in the beginning and it's a long lane. It's even easier if you're on team purple as you can immediately go there after taking red.

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thinking of buying a new champion.

either Riven or Varus, this is mostly for drafts incase some of my normal people get banned for Offtank/AD carry

i've seen varus play, i have a pretty good idea of how to play him.

Riven, i've gotten to use her in the freeweek several months ago and found her pretty fun, kinda like a faster garen that scales better late game.

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If I start red, I try to gank mid before going directly over to the relevant side lane. Top snowballs, sure, but half those champs can snowball on their own anyway, and the mid snowball can be devastating if one bursty mage gets a level or two on his opponent. (Case in point, I threw a level 2 gank to Veigar, and he killed Ryze several more times in lane after that. Especially after I gave blue. Loved that Veigar. =)

And past a certain point, river wards do jack all to stop ganks. If you're fighting under their tower, odds are you'll get hit by the gank right at the mid point of the lane - that's plenty enough to get killed.

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Get a third rune page so you can cover AD, AP and support properly. GP10 runes make a world of difference for a support. Then fill it out with the appropriate runes; then pick your favourite champion, or if you don't need one yet, hang on to the IP until you do. Or buy more runes. Runes are good.

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ok i bought a rune page but now i wanna buy a champion

and all of the remaining ad carries (this is the role i like the most) cost 6300 ip

so which one should i buy

E: I bought olaf and corki because fuck whatever it was i originally had in mind


Edited by Stolypin Necktie
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Or if you have a lot of money to spend and don't mind spending it.

Considering I have the FE4 figurines (all but Ayra; I'm not THAT free with money) and all they do is sit on my shelf all day...

...and not a single LoL skin, even though Gentleman Cho is the most awesome skin ever...

...yeah. Is it going to make you happy in the slightly longer term if you buy that skin? I spent my little bit of RP on rune pages and 6300IP champions on sale, because I figured I'd derive more enjoyment in the longer run than if I got skins. So far, so good.

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Ryze just got changed. Majorly.

Can I now build him AP and still retain damage? If so, I have a build idea for him. Based on Will of the Ages, that is.

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Ryze just got changed. Majorly.

Can I now build him AP and still retain damage? If so, I have a build idea for him. Based on Will of the Ages, that is.

I think so, but you still want a mix of AP and Mana. Archangel's , iirc, is really good on him now. Better than before, anyway.

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I think so, but you still want a mix of AP and Mana. Archangel's , iirc, is really good on him now. Better than before, anyway.

Basically, I feel that a slightly tanky build on Ryze works like this (of course, you can change it around).

Tear + Sorc Boots

Frozen Heart (20% DPS cooldown)


Hextech Revolver




Rest is option. It's a pretty costly build but Ryze should be building CS pretty easily.

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Probably add in BV, as well. His build didn't change a lot, overall.

After two games with this build, I find that unless you're playing against a lot of CC or AP casters, BV is pointless because the power jump on Spell Flux and especially Rune Prison is retarded, considering that Overload's damage output doesn't really go down with a 0.4 AP ratio. Might as well pump a RoA on there for extra overkill.

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Just beat the shit out of him in lane, he is one of the worst possible top laners

He has no escape ability and no tankiness, he's extremely vulnerable in lane.

All told he is pretty much the bruiser version of Kat, the counterplay is just slightly different. (kite him instead of just CCing her)

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Kite him. His maximum range on any damaging ability is 475 on his ult, 270 on normal skills. Pick someone with powerful kiting ability (Cassiopeia comes to mind) or build frozen mallet on somebody with range. His pull has a 24 second cooldown at level 1 and 12 seconds at max level.

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