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But is the extra sustain from BT first superfluous or not? I'd say yes, because if you're caught out it isn't going to matter (you will squish into the ground). I can't say much about the 1k gold difference, aside from the fact that you need to blow 3k gold on an item that isn't quite the best for damage purposes. Means I don't have to wait for the great damage items by getting IE first.

Just going to point out that I didn't actually talk about getting caught out. I'm talking about those mid lane stand offs where you're just trying to poke out their tower or wait for someone to make a mistake, then jump all on them and take the tower after it. Those fights can often be drawn out over a minute or two. BT sustain is really rather good in that case.

And well, I hadn't actually considered the route of IE PD PD before, but as I like Kog and Corki I'll definitely look into this!

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Keep in mind that the math on that article is probably slightly outdated, since they recently removed Corki's passive stacking with crits.

Not sure how much it changes it, but it may shake things up a bit.

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I think I've got the hang of not dying to turrets. However, I'm still hesitant on charging into Normal willy-nilly - if I don't get my usual ADC, I'm toast.

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My problem is this week's rotation - if I don't get Varus, I suck. I tried playing Riven, and it's rather painful. Corki was. . .I'd rather not talk about that.

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Corki's Q is probably more useful elsewhere. High mana cost of W aside, it does what it needs to. His E is a blessing and a curse. I noticed I was having problems dancing away. His R requires an open field, but it's funny when it screws over Fiddlesticks.

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Corki's Q is probably more useful elsewhere. High mana cost of W aside, it does what it needs to. His E is a blessing and a curse. I noticed I was having problems dancing away. His R requires an open field, but it's funny when it screws over Fiddlesticks.

Q is a super strong poke exchange, especially early game, auto attack + Q will give you a big health advantage, and it's fairly easy to weave between your attacks and doesn't proc aggro so you can creep and poke. W is an escape tool, pretty good. If hitting gatling gun is gonna screw you over: priorities. R is a spammable decent nuke and the AoE means it doesn't need an open field. Although all this about Corki makes me want to play him again.

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Don't spam E. Q+R clears creep waves just fine, or just a couple of Rs if you're low on mana and don't mind the extra few seconds. Come to think of it, don't spam Q in lane either unless you have Soraka, unless you can remember to always keep your mana up for a quick W out.

My take on when to use E: ASAP once I get positioned well and a fight is going. Q just doesn't happen ever in mid game fights basically, but we all still max it anyway! for some reason I don't want to think about right now. Lane trades and wave clear maybe.

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Anyway, if you've only played ranged AD so far, no wonder you've had trouble as Riven. She's an AD caster, not a carry/bruiser/tank. (source: i'm a super pro riven)

Also, you should buy Ashe and get Trist for free. They're both solid AD carries, and Ashe is dirt cheap. So is Sivir, but she's a bit trickier to play.

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I really don't like using Ashe, but eh. Don't have Facebook, so no Tristy. The latter looks interesting, though~! I'll see if I have the energy to play Normal when I get home. Right now, I'm doing some testing on something that relies on a wireless connection. I'd rather not disappoint on my Normal debut!

Thanks for the suggestions~! You're the best!

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I really don't like using Ashe, but eh. Don't have Facebook, so no Tristy. The latter looks interesting, though~! I'll see if I have the energy to play Normal when I get home. Right now, I'm doing some testing on something that relies on a wireless connection. I'd rather not disappoint on my Normal debut!

I don't have a facebook either, I just made a fake one and deleted it after I got her.

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I don't have a facebook either, I just made a fake one and deleted it after I got her.

Ah, okay, will do when I'm on a compy that's better than this one. Thanks~!

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I'll either be on Life Admiral or my smurf account (designed for only buying AP mids) Johnstone Boy. If the second account adds you, know that it's me.

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Ah, thanks~! I'm on right now, but if you want me to be of any use, you're literally going to have to tell me when I'm screwing up.

EDIT: No, Facebook, screw you, I disabled texts on my phone for a reason.

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I keep on forgetting to add eclipse when I'm online. And if anyone reads the NA forums, you know gypsylord is a huge FE fan too, right? <333

Also, I don't think I have Life Admiral on my friendslist...that's two people I forget to add, then.

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Wow. . .I really don't like this week's rotation. Time to experiment with other roles, since I'm way low on IP. So far, I have come to the conclusion that if I play Blitz, it's not as support, because I had way too many kills as such.

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okay quick tip to conserve IP: don't buy any more runes until you hit Level 20 (and unlock Tier 3 runes)

and also; if you ever want to play a game, give me a buzz, I'll see what I can do

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