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[Signups] Everyone is Mafia Mafia: Round 2.2


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Night 2 ends with the bell tolling, and Night 3 begins because there's no sun in this world. Many have died, time to find out who.

Leornianwynn, Mafia From Another Planet has been killed. He was...

Dear Leornianwynn,

You are the Bouncer. You don't let people get in fights in your game, and when they do, you end it immediately. During the night, you may reply to your RolePM with “Night X: Showing up early because [uSER] is coming in to town.” where[uSER] represents another living player besides yourself. You'll head into work early (obviously), and make sure that if[uSER] accumulates enough votes to have something bad happen to them, like dying, that they won't die.

You are aligned with the Mafia. You may submit your killing action during the night as ##Night X: Kill [uSER], where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself.

You have a posting restriction and must make all posts in thread as if you were:

A fucking bouncer. Make sure people follow rules, and be over everyone's shoulder at all times.

Xin'dy, Mafia Tornado Victim has been killed. He was...

Dear Xin'dy,

You are the Soup Kitchen Owner. You cook food, and lots of it, and love to share your food with the hungry public. During the night, you may reply to your RolePM with Night X: Give [uSER] where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself. [uSER] will now have some soup, and can eat it during times of famine. Famine counters may occur on all users once during each day phase, and when famine strikes three counters, all users without soup die instantly.

You are aligned with the Mafia. You may submit your killing action during the night as ##Night X: Kill [uSER], where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself.

You have a posting restriction and must make all posts in thread as if you were:

A Charity officer. Demand money from everybody, as you act for the good of all mankind, kind of like those annoying commercials.

Objection, Mafia Wat? has been killed. He was...

Dear Objection!,

You are the Captain of Spiced Rum. You're known for drinking, and people are known for listening to you regardless of your sobriety. During the night, you may respond to your RolePM with “Night X: Follow my orders, [uSER]! Kill him!”where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself. [uSER] will prove his dedication to you, and after several toasts and shots of Captain Morgan's delicious Spiced Rum, become a killer for the following night.

You are aligned with the Mafia. You may submit your killing action during the night as ##Night X: Kill [uSER], where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself.

You have a posting restriction and must make all posts in thread as if you were:

Drunk. Be hilarious and obviously drunk, but WITH POWER! You're the captain, so act like everyone is beneath you...kinda like Jack Sparrow, only...actually yea, Jack Sparrow.

Paperblade, Mafia German Engineering has been killed. He was...

Dear Paperblade,

You are the Night Owl. You stay up all night, or live in a weird time zone, which means when everyone else would be sleeping, you're wide awake. Because of this, you may post during the night at your own accord, and in fact, are obligated to post 5 times during each night to prove that you live in a weird time zone.

You are aligned with the Mafia. You may submit your killing action during the night as ##Night X: Kill [uSER], where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself.

You have a posting restriction and must make all posts in thread as if you were:

You're Manix, because weird time zones and stuff. Post sporatically, and in short bursts.

j00, Mafia Mod Error Survivor has been killed. He was...

Dear j00,

You are the Mad Emperor. You're perfect in every way, and everybody on your side loves you. There's nothing underhanded or evil about you, so you just use your amazing leadership to bring victory for the townspeople of which you love. Any votes you make count for:

Triple for the first time.

Double for any time after.

You are aligned with the Mafia. You may submit your killing action during the night as ##Night X: Kill [uSER], where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself.

You have a posting restriction and must make all posts in thread as if you were:

Caligula. Mention how your horse is a political item, and demand that things be run wackily. Also, see Hedonism-Bot from Futurama as an alternative.

It's now Night 3, and Night 3 ends in about 24 hours (1800 GMT-5, 8/22/13)
Surviving players are:
  1. Viata
  2. kirsche
  3. Strege
  4. Skyward
  5. WeaponsOfMassConstruction
Edited by Elieson
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The Town has entered a state of Famine. Those without Soup will die at the end of the 3rd following day phase. Edited by Elieson
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Also j00 was supposed to have died last phase

So pro that even without a bulletproof she can survive one phase longer than she's supposed to.

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You've been killed.

See what happened to you by viewing the Spreadsheet.

Chat it up in the Graveyard if you want by going to the Graveyard.

OMG you weren't actually killed I made a horrible mistake.


Go ahead and submit an action?

Omg you're right I didn't double check.

*checks PM*

Ok nvm you are dead. What happened was [sNIP]

Arghhhhh I'm a moron again!


You've been killed, or something from last phase~!


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Night 3 ends, and with just a few deaths at that. The few remaining survivors gather around and see a pile of corpses.

Strege, Mafia Hard to Pronounce Name has been killed. He was...

Dear Strege,

You are the Morning Phlebotomist Intern. You come in and do all the prep work so the real doctor can do their job knowing the basics about their client. However, this job is only for experience, and you only work in the morning, as many other interns need the time for their resume. If a doctor was to die, then you would assume his responsibilites and become the same type of doctor that (s)he is.

You are aligned with the Mafia. You may submit your killing action during the night as ##Night X: Kill [uSER], where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself.

You have a posting restriction and must make all posts in thread as if you were:

An Intern at a med clinic. Complain that you are broke all the time.

WeaponsOfMassConstruction, Mafia Retiree has been killed. He was...

Dear WeaponsofMassConstruction,

You are the Crazy Arab Gamer Terrorist. You wanna kill people badly! You want your virgins! You have a dynamite vest strapped to you! Once, during the night, you may reply to your RolePM with “Night X: Kill [uSER] with a glorious bang!” where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself. You'll blow yourself up with [uSER], in a huge fiery explosion. HOWEVER, due to playing Final Fantasy so damn much, you have cast Auto-Life on yourself, and will not be killed with your explosive attire. This action will replace your standard factional kill.

You are aligned with the Mafia. You may submit your killing action during the night as ##Night X: Kill [uSER], where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself.

You have a posting restriction and must make all posts in thread as if you were:

You're crazy, so that's it. Take Crazy, and make it into your own self. I trust the two of you can handle this

kirsche, Mafia Badass has been killed. He was...

Dear kirsche,

You are the Tattle Tale. You are snivelling and love to get people in trouble, so you have the incredible ability to make anyone look bad. During the night, you may reply to your RolePM with “Night X: [uSER] did it!” where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself. [uSER] will appear guilty on any scans for that night.

You are aligned with the Mafia. You may submit your killing action during the night as ##Night X: Kill [uSER], where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself.

You have a posting restriction and must make all posts in thread as if you were:

You're the kid from Recess who tells on everyone...I can't remember his name Randall. Make sure everyone gets told on.

That means that only two players remain alive, and are therefore declared victorious.

Surviving (and winning) players are:

Viata, Self-Aligned Serial Mafia Killer

Dear Viata,

You are the Hungry Hungry Hippo. You're hungry, and only interested in eating people, as their blood makes a fine marinade for their internal organs, of which you enjoy the taste of so very very much. Because you're a hippo (a hungry hungry one), you are aligned with yourself. What's up with that? You may submit your killing action during the night as “Night X: Kill [uSER]”, where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself.

You are aligned with yourself!? You may submit your killing action during the night as “Night X: Kill [uSER]”, where[uSER] represents another living player besides yourself.

You have a posting restriction and must make all posts in thread as if you were:

Hamtaro. Talk in Ham-ham and offer pacifistic solutions to everything.

Skyward, Mafia Schoolboy

Dear Skyward,

You are the Coroner. You love gross things and can tell anything by looking at the corpse of who died, in regards to who killed them. Eww. During the night, you may reply to your RolePM with “Night X: Inspect [uSER]'s corpse.” where[uSER] represents another living player besides yourself. You will learn who killed [uSER].

You are aligned with the Mafia. You may submit your killing action during the night as ##Night X: Kill [uSER], where [uSER] represents another living player besides yourself.

You have a posting restriction and must make all posts in thread as if you were:

Agent Moulder, from X-files. Refer to Aliens all the time.

Congrats to all!

See what happened to you by viewing the Spreadsheet.
See the ranting that happened in the Graveyard.
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