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Oh right, I saw two PB votes and got the order mixed up. Ok you're better than Blitz then.


##Vote: Blitz

Everyone sheep for consolidation pl0x

BBM messaged me. He says he'd rather have a Blitz lynch too, but that Shinori is an ok lynch. He argues that Blitz's vote is bad because he is clearly missing the point- that PB was in control of the vig shot.

He said he didn't like Eclipse. He says that she's talking too much about how Ether was scummy, and was going out of her way to attack me for defending her. He argues that while defending a townie for towncred is a thing (you know my stance on that), but calling someone scum (I don't see where she did this, in fact she didn't list me on her lynching priorities at all) just for calling them town is bad.

That message was dumb and I wouldn't mind a BBM lynch if not Blitz. Would rather lynch a day player.

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Cowbell is apparently not happening, so ##Unvote.

I'll go with Blitz because wtf his logic all game. Still don't like Shinori either though... I just don't like the attitude behind stuff like voting before reading a whole nightphase and then being "how should I know that I didn't read night phase". Ignorance is no excuse when it's no one's fault but your own... At least he unvoted at all though.

##Vote: Blitz

Unrelated: is anyone else having a really hard time reading eclipse? Or is that just me?

also also

Also I haven't really read the Blitz case that thoroughly because ~lazy~ so I might just wait for rein's because ~lazy~.

never thought I'd see the day that happened
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Got off of work early.

I have no idea what Blitz wants me to explain.

Yes let's not think carefully before lynching an easy target, let us use the power of hindsight to carry us through this game.

I don't understand why having just a few empty posts is scummy unless we think they're lurking. I did not read Ether's posts as scum failing to lurk.

Also just because I was drunk doesn't mean you can ignore my posts. I said stuff in those posts, inbetween the many MANY typos, and I stick by to what I said so don't write it off as "drunk who cares" please.

I didn't see a serious wagon on Ether (one that would force him to participate or be lynched). He was definitely around, and had I been playing, I would've called that out (you guys need to RP more).

If I posted "I'm not going to say anything relevant about the people playing this game", does it give you any sort of read? To me, it reads like someone who's trying not to interact with others, and that is extremely scummy. Now, look at who I replaced. I am arguing for a lynch on myself, based on what my previous incarnation did.

I won't hold you to anything regarding drunkposts, because you're not necessarily in the most coherent state of mind. As any motive can be written off as "I'm drunk", I'm not inclined to read it as anything but null. This holds true for other states of mind as well (other substances, extreme stress, etc.)

Why was he assuming we are lynching town every day?

I don't know. That's something you need to clarify with him.

I did not say nothing I said "I would rather no lynch than lynch Ether" which implies my Scorri vote is there to even up the wagons. Also I stopped being drunk after I said *sobering up*.

So that's what you meant. My apologies. Rum sucks

[spoiler=Not related]

Take that back right now Madam Scum, rum is an amazing beverage.

[spoiler=Not related]Whiskey > Rum. Get at me.

No objections to the Blitz lynch, as his latest posts didn't change my read. Can't participate myself, so you'll have to take my word that you're getting my full support.

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Paperblade (1): Blitz
Shinori (1): eclipse

Blitz (3): kirsche, Rein, Shinori
BBM (1): Cowbell

About four hours and twenty minutes remain.

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I just got verbally abused by a courier. I think they were town because I simply can't see scum wasting a message on me at this point of the game. They seemed highly in favour of Scum!Blitz.

As far as day players are concerned my only scumreads are Captain America and Shino.

I have a scumread on Shino because he

-Is hyper aware of how he is viewed by others. EX:325

-Switches his votes in ways and at times that make me uncomfortable.

-Obviously isn't reading the game, and so probably isn't all too worried about scumhunting.

I have a scumread on Captain America because he

-Doesn't make much effort to push his reads.

-Constantly apologizes for stuff.

-Is always in favour of the current wagon.

They all add up to a person who doesn't want to be ignored and not tread on anyones toes.

And in 302, the way he was dancing around calling Blitz scum while not voting for him makes me suspect he could be scum partnered with Blitz.

I reiterate the fact that I hate how we're lynching from the day pool. With regards to night:, ether is prob-town, and PB and BBM are prob-scum. I'm keeping my rationale to myself because explaining myself would suggest scum strategy. Also, Mr. Courier, no need to be such a hater.

Blitz is null to me and I would prefer to lynch someone else, preferably one of the night players.

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Everyone stopped and listened to the loudspeakers.

Dear whomever said "Is Elieson even ITG". Go find a hole to derp-off in please.

@Everybody: Why isn't Shinori being lynched? He still has yet to provide a single legit reason as to why I'm scum, and now has yet to say one thing about Prims, but says we should both be lynched. Nonetheless crappy reactions and content in general.

@eclipse, who exactly would you be voting for assuming I didn't persuade you? Your reads appear generally minimal and all over the place. Aside from Blitz, who I'm assuming you'd be voting for based on context. But there's more players than Blitz.

@New Scumread Chart: Shinori > eclipse > BBM > [i Guess Blitz] > New scumread Kirsche.

Kirsche case: Forgettable and minimal case pushing, and a pretty lame votepark on Rein with an even lamer voteswitch to scorri for {god I love this case } "Reasons".


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Curse those loudspeakers, they just won't stop.

"I think Cowbell is literally 2dum4scum

I don't have much else to say, the last couple hours have been rough for me (not game related)


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That's ridiculous.

Say I have an IQ of 25. If I got scum I'd still have an IQ of 25.

This is the kind of bad logic that makes me think you're scum.

I'm going to throw my vote down onto Shino because I prefer his lynch to Blitz's.

##Vote: Shinori

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Dammit, lost my post. Let's try this again.

- Didn't care for Shinori's Paperblade logic, and after reading this, I am even less thrilled about him. He's getting his latest reads from dead!Weapons, not his own conclusions. Will not object to his lynch, because lazy reading is lazy.

- Didn't care for Blitz's Paperblade logic, and he went and defended it after I pointed out why I refused to lynch Paperblade (mafia vig makes no sense, unless it's a bastard game or something equally silly). Same courier that messaged me earlier was kind enough to point out that it wasn't a cop scan; however, I don't disagree with the sentiment within the message. Will not object to his lynch, because that vote on Paperblade was That Bad.

- After seeing Cowbell's logic, I'm not interested in lynching him today. However, I think that town should post their logic as loudly as possible, because if they flip, their role can help to explain their posts, which in turn can help to clear/lynch someone.

- Would lynch BBM over how touchy he was about his own claim; however, I don't think we have enough people to pull this off.

If you'd read what I posted in the two giant walls, Elieson, you would've seen a lynch chart near the bottom of the second wall, and sentiments to lynch BBM within the N1 wall. If I didn't mention someone as a lynch target, then I'm not interested in lynching them right now. I'm still irritated with the persuasion, though (I like talking through my vote).

Also, dear courier: I'm quite frustrated with how little I had to work with D1, because the most active people consisted of Rein and kirsche-who-wasn't-always-coherent. My previous incarnation didn't leave much in the way of interaction, and I'd like to fix that. The fastest way to do that, IMO, is through myself.

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Hey, courier: I'd be voting one of Shinori/Blitz or BBM, and I'm quite tired of explaining why (I'm not doing it a third time; read the first two instead). Did I not make that clear enough? I also have no issues pointing out what's scummy, even if it's my previous self.

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Also, to whoever else wants to message me before phase end: I'm getting sleepy, despite being an hour before my bedtime. Whether I get around to your message or not is up to chance.

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Pretty sure phase is over. At the very least, you might have 10 minutes, so until Boron/Baldrick/SB come in and say something, you might be able to get away with talking. However, I wouldn't tempt fate.

edit: I can't post flip right now because I am going home. Shame that.

Edited by Manix
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Technically, the phase end was set to 12:45 (which is another four minutes from now) but I highly doubt things will change.

Phase end. No posting.

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Blitz (3): kirsche, Rein, Shinori

Shinori (2): eclipse, Cowbell

Paperblade (1): Blitz

Blitz has been lynched. He was:

Dear Blitz,

You are Prims, a day vanilla.

You have no special abilities aside from your vote and your word.

You win when nothing can cause the mafia's death.

It is now N2. N2 will end on September 14 at 12:45 AM PST. The following players may post during this phase:







Edited by Sangyul
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game probably only has one scumteam. maybe a sk but probably not cuz paper + weapons

kirsche and rein are both town. cowbell, strawman and paper are also still town. BBM is all but confirmed scum at this point. after that, i would bet on shinori being mafia out of the day players (dual wagons mean nothing cuz blitz didn't vote shinori and obviously shinori wanted to self-save) and kay being mafia out of the night players.

i'm not townreading ether's slot anymore, i thought eclipse read as really wishy-washy; i know she said she'd lynch blitz and bbm the most but she worded it as "I wouldn't object to these lynches" which doesn't sound like she has much conviction or even thinks they're that scummy. given her reply to my courier message it's likely this is just a wording issue which is why i'd go for shinori first, but yeah.

this scumnori post is so bad. "oh hey [flipped scum] is pretty bad for no reason but idk, i don't feel like voting him. let's lynch the vig"

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also: shinori has blitz after paper in his scumreads, but when he unvotes, he doesn't switch to blitz and instead opts to re-read, but he never does this and doesn't take initiative on the blitz wagon, instead hopping on once other people do

reads like stalling for time hoping people just won't lynch his buddy, imo

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How am I all but confirmed scum? Town has an infinite Vig with two lives in a game that is probably something like 10/4 if it's not multimafia. Yeah, the mafia might want a BPV for protection from the Vigs, but so might the town, to prevent a misvig when the numbers and mechanics lean in the mafia's favour. Unless you're saying I'm confirmed scum from PoE or something, in which case I still think Kay and Strawman are not clear or all that townie. I'll go over Strawman's posts again in the evening; no time right now. Also you don't actually mention Elie. Do you think he's town? If not, that's still two people who could be scum other than me FYPOV.

I reread Eclipse's posts, and while it's true that she didn't directly attack Kirsche for attacking Ether, every time Kirsche mentioned having a townread on Ether, she responded back refuting his points and talking about how her slot was scummy when this is completely useless and serves no purpose because FHPOV Ether was town anyways. Her point against me also sucks because:

a) I never said that I would be against getting shot, just that me lying about my claim would be a terrible move in the situation, and it would have been, seeing as I got shot to test it.

b) Me being touchy about my claim would only be scummy if I was faking it, except my BPV has already been confirmed. What reason does a scum BPV have of being touchy about getting shot?

Would lynch Eclipse tomorrow. After that probably Shinori because of what Prims said. I think Cowbell after that. Sometimes I feel inclined to agree with Paper's assessment of him, but at the same time, if his scumteam was something like him/Blitz/Kay/Ether or some other mostly inactive people, it's possible he's not getting much help from his scumteam.

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game probably only has one scumteam. maybe a sk but probably not cuz paper + weapons

kirsche and rein are both town. cowbell, strawman and paper are also still town. BBM is all but confirmed scum at this point. after that, i would bet on shinori being mafia out of the day players (dual wagons mean nothing cuz blitz didn't vote shinori and obviously shinori wanted to self-save) and kay being mafia out of the night players.

i'm not townreading ether's slot anymore, i thought eclipse read as really wishy-washy; i know she said she'd lynch blitz and bbm the most but she worded it as "I wouldn't object to these lynches" which doesn't sound like she has much conviction or even thinks they're that scummy. given her reply to my courier message it's likely this is just a wording issue which is why i'd go for shinori first, but yeah.

this scumnori post is so bad. "oh hey [flipped scum] is pretty bad for no reason but idk, i don't feel like voting him. let's lynch the vig"

Pretty much my exact stance after the flip, (in case you can't tell from my previous posts/announcements) except for the part with the strikethrough.

Also, I can't make user SelfVote. I make [Day User] vote for [Any other User].

God I hate waking up at 5am, but i think i can do this. Quick end day vote provides me with more clear view of Objection, and more comfortable position on my scumreads.

Would vote if I could though I kind of can in this order:




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