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Fakeclaim Mafia - Game Over


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However, I like how he and Levity both ignored that last post I made after his "case" on me. Whether you believe my reasons for being lackluster or not is one thing, but to completely ignore that it's there is another.

I don't pay much attention to irl excuses, sorry. I note them down but if I think something is scummy I'm going to mention it anyway to avoid possible guilt tripping.

I'm taking issues with Levity at the moment. I don't agree with her Shinori suspicion,

I was never "suspicious" of Shinori, he felt off to me but I couldn't decide if that was scummy or what. I still can't decide if I think Eclipse is scummy or just off either. Please don't put words in my mouth.

and I'm even more put off by the fact that she was upset at Grassbridger for harping on her for her "wording choice" regarding Wallcrab earlier, and yet she says that Shinori's word choice regarding the Weapons vote pings her.

You took what I said out of context and I find that scummy tbh.

The difference between what Grassbridger did and what I did is that the former used my word choice as his entire case and voted me for it. When I was analyzing Shinori's post and trying to find out why his vote bothered me, it's because he used "grasping" in a way that I didn't agree with (and I already explained why I didn't agree with it). I didn't use that as my entire case on him and it was FAR from voteworthy. That was also not the only reason Shinori's vote felt weird to me.

Her entire suspicion on me is based on what Weapons said about me and she can see it after she read over my posts. Literally came out of nowhere.

I don't like the way Boron words this. I wouldn't say my suspicion of Boron came "literally out of nowhere," and this also makes it sound like I'm scummy for changing my mind, and I change my mind a lot.

I explained Shinori enough and REALLY don't want to dwell on that anymore, I don't even think he's scummy now.

The thing about Weapons is that I HAVE been scum and used someone's usual playstyle as an excuse to vote them, and have gotten easy lynches on players for this. What I said is erroneous because I don't know his alignment, I realize, but it felt like Shinori was voting Weapons for something he usually does and some concerns came to mind.

Also in reference to Grassbridger's question, I left it hanging on purpose because any way that I answer that question is going to sound personal and I don't want to get personal, sorry.

I feel like I'm missing something that I was going to say earlier, I've been reading this from my phone and forgot a bunch of stuff mmmh

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And somehow that Manix read went poof, Bizz, despite the fact that he just posted something.


I haven't had a chance to read Manix's post in detail, sorry. My scumread is still there, that should be a given unless I specifically mention it's not there anymore. I needed time to write up my defense to Boron.

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I don't pay much attention to irl excuses, sorry. I note them down but if I think something is scummy I'm going to mention it anyway to avoid possible guilt tripping.

Noted, but in that case I guess it's only fair for me to not pay attention to your IRL excuses in turn.

I was never "suspicious" of Shinori, he felt off to me but I couldn't decide if that was scummy or what. I still can't decide if I think Eclipse is scummy or just off either. Please don't put words in my mouth.

You took what I said out of context and I find that scummy tbh.

Perhaps you should've worded yourself a bit clearer, then? I can't read your mind, and what you were saying really did sound like you were suspicious of him. I am not trying to put words in your mouth. I just don't get you.

The difference between what Grassbridger did and what I did is that the former used my word choice as his entire case and voted me for it. When I was analyzing Shinori's post and trying to find out why his vote bothered me, it's because he used "grasping" in a way that I didn't agree with (and I already explained why I didn't agree with it). I didn't use that as my entire case on him and it was FAR from voteworthy. That was also not the only reason Shinori's vote felt weird to me.

Fair enough. I still find it ironic though.

I don't like the way Boron words this. I wouldn't say my suspicion of Boron came "literally out of nowhere," and this also makes it sound like I'm scummy for changing my mind, and I change my mind a lot.

I'm not trying to make it sound like you're scummy for changing your mind. But you didn't mention me at all until Weapons did first. If I'm wrong, then tell me where you had mentioned me before Weapons brought it up. The reason this makes me uneasy is because it's so easy to go back and say, "now that X points this out, I can see it." I'm pretty sure everyone has done it too. But it feels to me as if the basis of your read on me comes from Weapons.

I explained Shinori enough and REALLY don't want to dwell on that anymore, I don't even think he's scummy now.

Again, fair enough since you stated you don't think he's scum, but this attitude of "I already explained this I don't want to dwell on it anymore" isn't a very good one. It's like you're shutting off discussion.

The thing about Weapons is that I HAVE been scum and used someone's usual playstyle as an excuse to vote them, and have gotten easy lynches on players for this. What I said is erroneous because I don't know his alignment, I realize, but it felt like Shinori was voting Weapons for something he usually does and some concerns came to mind.

There are people who vote Shin for doing stuff that he always does in games (and with the exception of Trainwreck and SFMM3 he's always town), and people who voted Mancer (when he used to play) for doing things that he always did. People who vote them for doing these things aren't always scum, and people can be scum while doing things they always do.

Also in reference to Grassbridger's question, I left it hanging on purpose because any way that I answer that question is going to sound personal and I don't want to get personal, sorry.

Not sure what to say to this.

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from my pov anyone who asks me to "explain my vibes" is scum

I sincerely hope this is a joke, since it's in strikethrough, because otherwise this is not a very good attitude to take in mafia. You're trying to find scum and get them lynched, right? "Vibes" are good, but you cannot ask people to trust your "vibes" unconditionally. Mafia's a game where people are going to butt heads, sometimes misunderstand each other, and require explanation.

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from my pov anyone who asks me to "explain my vibes" is scum

explain your vibes on being in love with manix

ugh i'm too lazy to look up shinori's role

I think everyone needs to stop taking things out of context because i fee like tempers are getting high and I don't like people's tones

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To be clear, that last point that you addressed was directed at Eclipse. Also "I don't want to explain Shinori anymore" is because I feel like I'm just going to repeat a bunch of stuff and I feel like I've spammed a lot already. /:

I'm going to play TF2, I will catch up on everything else later.

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Post in question.

Either he made a typo, or he just voted for someone and promised to read more on them, which look strange. I still want Wallcrab to come back and answer the case on him, so my vote stays where it is.

Not sure what to say to this.

It shows that he saw the question and didn't want to answer it. It's better than no answer at all, which is why I don't plan on pursuing that avenue further.

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yay more skimreading. content post Soon, cause i need a little bit to wind down from uni

reading Manix's post literally didn't change anything. wtf.

so exactly why not? you can say you don't like it, but for what reasons?

i don't have a problem with keeping the read as is... but the thought process is kinda missing.

I can't really explain vibes I can explain reads but not vibes

you said this, so here's me following that through with the above.
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turns out i really don't have that much more to say

I mostly agree with Paperblade regarding Refa. In Kirby mafia he suggested that we try to lynch a townie on D1 because of the way role assignments worked in that game, which is a terrible idea, and he was town.

here's my problem with it: it's entirely probable that it's a player-based suggestion, which has no bearing on alignment. scummy stuff is scummy. i don't like how you (and paper) just dismiss it for being based around a player.

And somehow that Manix read went poof, Bizz, despite the fact that he just posted something.

i really don't get the point of this post. at all. just because someone doesn't mention a particular scumread in each and every one of their posts, does not mean anything at all. yeah sure, i made a post which wasn't addressed until later, but there could be a multitude of reasons for that.

not to mention it doesn't actually provide anything toward a read itself: does this make via look scummier, or what?

There are people who vote Shin for doing stuff that he always does in games (and with the exception of Trainwreck and SFMM3 he's always town), and people who voted Mancer (when he used to play) for doing things that he always did. People who vote them for doing these things aren't always scum, and people can be scum while doing things they always do.

now for the really fun part. you explain that people can be voted and stuff for acting like themselves, regardless of alignment, but yet when it comes down to it, you handwave refa being scummy with said suggestions because of "him being refa and new". not a fan.

Also "I don't want to explain Shinori anymore" is because I feel like I'm just going to repeat a bunch of stuff and I feel like I've spammed a lot already. /:

i don't really want to being up playstyle meta, but via, normally you don't care if you spam or not? this looks a little self-conscious imo and is giving me weird feelings (in addition to unexplained read as of writing (my last post))
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actually one sec, there was something else about via i didn't like rn

Weapons is an easy target to push because of his generally lax and 95% unserious playstyle.

And Levity is mega town. That's right town hard defending town. Unless you're scum in which case not cool.

this set of posts, just has via and weapons just backing each other up. yes, via explained the weapons stuff later, but it's worth considering her post was only 3 minutes after shinori's vote and felt very reactive, and not in a good way imo
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iso'ed refa

refa has no explicit reads at all, and only has a implied read on eclipse (previously explained)

I really need to get a non RVS vote out there, so I'll be rereading the thread, and at the very least, posting my reads if not putting down a vote right on the spot.

also, he promised reads and such about... 21 hours ago. still nothing.

anyone want to lynch this with me?

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i don't really want to being up playstyle meta, but via, normally you don't care if you spam or not? this looks a little self-conscious imo and is giving me weird feelings (in addition to unexplained read as of writing (my last post))

Just because I normally spam a lot doesn't mean I like spamming, and I especially hate repeating myself a lot.

Manix for some reason everything you're saying is rubbing me the wrong way and literally every time this happens is when you're scum but there's no way I can push this atm.

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Just because I normally spam a lot doesn't mean I like spamming, and I especially hate repeating myself a lot.

but like normally you don't make a point of mentioning that. iunno.

i know that you don't like repeating yourself, and that's fine.

Manix for some reason everything you're saying is rubbing me the wrong way and literally every time this happens is when you're scum but there's no way I can push this atm.

i just can't satiate you, can I? oh well.
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