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Fakeclaim Mafia - Game Over


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Good morning all, I overslept an arrived to work late. I do feel pretty good tho.

Quick response to a few quick points:

Eclipse, ok I get it that while you weren't helping town reach any conclusions, you were reaching one yourself reBIZZ. I dunno how your read stands on bizzu, but if it's not vote worthy, then it's not high priority. Still don't see benefits in self-lynching unless your role actually brings something to the table when flipped, and feel that efforts geared towards a no lynch won't actually happen (therefore threats to generate a self (which I see as a town)) lynch is a high-risk/meh-reward choice.

Hi SB. Did Manix leave any notes in his obligatory QT that he always makes, regarding extended thoughts on his scumreads (Bizzu, etc)?

More relevant tho, kirsche you said I'm voting Weapons for not contributing much, and also mention active lurking. I don't understand the difference there. I'm not voting for a nobody with zero contribution (like Kay), I'm voting for someone who's been around and obviously isn't even putting much effort forth to find scum or even really comment on things in general. He's around and has posted, but for what it's worth, his posts haven't brought any insight regarding his thoughts on players, nor anything worth discussing.

Quick now that I see SB posted: does knowing your R/A affect anything now?

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i haven't gotten anything but my role and alignment, and they don't affect anything.

Bizz I'm making content as I go through the thread, it's kind of difficult to have opinions that nobody else has had.

Back to reading.

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Grass, people don't go "Man I want this to be scummy so that I can push a townie lynch," you look for little slip ups

Wait, I thought I was being attacked for being nitpicky at the tiniest thing. Which is it, a tiny thing or a major thing?

I'm gonna grab that out of your previous wall (thus, generic quote tags).

Part 2:

[thing about Manix]

(seriously, you need to explain this, because I can't figure out how it relates to the previous quote)

Part 3:

[thing about my own vote being OMGUSy]

(when I saw those posts, "lost puppy" was what came to mind; from my perspective, it STILL seems weird)

Last part should be pretty obvious.

I don't like how self-conscious your arguments have come across, which is why my vote hasn't moved. Since I'm town, I know that my reads may be off/other people might interpret my actions as scummy/etc. I'm positive the town has a few mislynches, so if I go down, it's not the end of the world for the town - if anything, it'll probably be a net gain. Scum, on the other hand, needs to concentrate on surviving, so doing things like not sticking out and appeasing the masses is what pings me hard. . .and that's how I read your arguments.

After sleeping on it, I can't think of any role that would be better activated by a D1 lynch than a D2 lynch following a D1 scumlynch. So, while your role might make it better to lynch you than any other (assumed FYPOV) town, I think it's bad play for you to be driving the lynch onto yourself.

Part 2: actually, I didn't really understand the thing I was responding to either, so let me make sure we're talking about the same thing. I thought you were responding to this from Manix:

1) his claimed role, while strong as fuck, can easily be faked as scum (funny that) and can "clear" scum with the right result fake.

2) i see a number of people assuming shinori is town from role alone. why? (if you want my opinion, i'm nullreading him rn because role =/= alignment)

3) I'd argue that the people that seem to be all too sure of shinori being town are more likely scum. paper/eclipse/refa/and whoever else i've missed, 11pm posting too stronk

4) massclaiming outs protective roles anyway (prime kill/hook targets), which puts our investigative roles at risk. also consider chances are (I would damn hope) that massclaim won't break the game.

You said, "if 1 is true then 2 is automatically false." Well, 2 can't be "automatically false" based on the strength of Shinori's role, because it's an obvservation Manix made (he saw people assuming Shinori was town based on role). The only way that conclusion would possibly make sense is if you assumed people would all recognize the easily-faked-ness of Shinori's role (which I assumed was "playing optimally", although to hear PB tell it, it's not). But in reality, Manix saw people assuming Shinori was town based on role (2), and thought it was a bad idea due to his interpretation of the role (1). Does that clear things up?

Part 3: I was going to vote you, and then stopped because it felt like I was letting emotions, rather than logic, dictate my vote. In retrospect I'm not sure why I felt the need to share that. I guess it's because I'd still be ok with your lynch, since I still find your vote on me to be scummy.

I know that you were cut by Levity the first time, and I know that happens. I don't have a problem with that. However, Levity voted Paperblade nearly 7 hours before you did. That is not a "cut". Either way, it still doesn't make me feel better about you. You don't agree with Paper's massclaim idea, okay, but do you think it was a scummy thing to do?

Your vote against eclipse looking forward to defending herself is pretty terrible, in my opinion. I'll let eclipse tackle that herself, but I don't buy it. Why is it such an untownish thing to look forward to defending oneself? So her vote feels OMGUS-y and forced. Elaborate on this. Why is it such?

Is there a reason why you're moving your vote off Paperblade if you still support his lynch? Is Wallcrab just that much worse in your mind?

The first time I legit didn't know where Bizz's vote was, 'cause it was late and like I said I don't know where everyone's vote is. I may or may not have read his original PB vote carefully, and that may or may not have affected my opinion, but when I was writing the post I didn't remember it.

My original vote against Eclipse was at least partially a reaction test. In my experience you get a lot stronger reaction to a tenuous read (and I admit it was that; I thought that scum would be more likely to be excited about defending themselves but recognized that it was just my opinion) if you back it up with a vote and don't tip your hand... my MO was to cast a vote, see what happens, then either move it off or keep it on depending on the reaction/"what happens". Well, what happened was that she voted me, greatly exaggerated my positions to make me seem worse, and said that I had her "curiosity" and "attention". Well, great, my vote was supposed to get her attention. But curiosity and attention are not bases for votes, scumminess is. She avoids calling me scummy* while voting me and making me look worse than I am by exaggeration? Yeah, that seems really forced and felt scummy. So my vote stayed for a while.

Eventually I moved it off her because I can't reconcile saying "please lynch me" with scum play and I think it's more likely to be really bad town play. But I'm not confident in that, since she brought it up in her own defense it could be some kind of absurd WIFOM.

I think Paperblade's massclaim idea was scummy. I don't buy his explanation of it at all, especially the part that relates to Shinori, since role =/= alignment.

I think it would help scum find

protective roles, and investigative roles, and I assume there is a reason the town doesn't just massclaim every day D1. But enough people have agreed with him that I'm thinking maybe the suggestion isn't inherently scummy. I still don't like Paper's lack of strong reads, but I decided to reread other people and Bearclaw just seemed much worse.

Wallcrab voted me without any apparent attempt to understand the context of the conversation, so he's either inattentive or intentionally misrepping me. Skimming and graspy cases are both things that scum do, so, that paired with a general lack of reads, lead to my vote. (Also the bit where he said "it's lame but I'm sheeping Manix" and then later asked Elie "how was I sheeping much")

First off, i did attempt tp understand i read through your ISO several tomes and while there were plenty of things I ddidn't like that stuck out to me which is why I brought up that specific part, and using my vote on you as a reason to vote me seems like really bad/scummy reasoning to me.

Yeah I don't have a lot of reads.... I'm joined with 4-5 other people in this game, how is that a scumtell though?

...so sheeping once = sheeping a lot?

Okay, first, what else didn't you like? Give some specifics please. Second, using your vote on me as reasoning to vote you is no worse than using your vote on anyone else as a reason to vote you, so long as it's not just because you voted me. And it's not; it's because you used what I consider pretty weak reasoning, namely, that I admitted I had made a mistake and backed off of Bizz.

Also, sheeping once (explicitly) is going to result in people saying you've been sheeping a lot if it's in the absence of other reads. Anyway, I found it a little scummy because you're sort of contradicting yourself. (Only a little, and only sort of--I admit it's not too strong by itself; this is in context of other things.)

Reading games that Bizz has participated in would tell you he's a srong player though, that thought process would mean you like haven't played in or read the games he's participated in (or forgotten them, I think forgetfulness is more likely here).

But I haven't read those games and I've never played with Bizz before. I barely have time to read & post in this game, much less older games for history reasons. So basically, unless you find "not doing background research" scummy, then this is kind of irrelevant.

A bad line of inquiry seems scummy imo, there's also backpedaling there and my problem of you agreeing to the vote doing nothing remains after your explanation.

Bad line of inquiry, same reason I'm voting you... You can choose to believe I backed off a mistake as town (what actually happened) or I backed off something I got called on as scum. That's entirely up to you, and I can't do more than present my explanation of what happened, which I have.

SO: I certainly wasn't cherrypicking Bizz in 117, because my point wasn't the null read. Also, Objection has been subbed out.

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Okay, after a preliminary reading of Kirsche's ISO, I'm getting a slight townread.

Actually, one thing I did notice is that I think I was seeing a lot more defending people than laying out cases.

This seems to me more like a scum move than a town one, but I

a) don't really know

b) you've got a good case on Manix, at least to my eyes, and

c) am still getting townvibes so whatever.

Kirsche, you've said you have an eclipse case. Is there anything new since this post? I may have missed something, but I don't really have a lot of time to double-check.

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Utterly clueless as to what Grass is trying to say in #135.

Refa's #142 isn't good. He's like spends his post on a question, clarifying things and the part about lynching townies. The last part is the main one, not because it's weird from new players, but I don't think that in any of his other games Refa had any problems with lynching right from the get go, iirc in musical chairs he made a pretty big case really early on, but overall I don't think he's really done very much at all so far. Adding the bit about turbolynches just makes it worse, considering it didn't seem like anyone was getting close to being lynched at all.

He also promised content but continues to respond to eclipse over actually providing it, which is lame.

Objection is being useless.

Shinori's #151 isn't too bad on it's own, but the following post votes Psych despite the fact he FOSed bearclaw instead of him, and only asked him a question, and didn't say if Psych was actually scummy or not. Reading on a bit: "I unvoted him because I don't feel like I'm gonna get a proper response from him WRT to what I asked. I don't feel like wasting time pushing that matter." eh, it was a prodvote. Why don't you think you're going to get a serious response out of him though? His attack on eclipse for not understanding a softclaim is also pretty suspect, but it's unlikely we're gonna lynch him.

I agree with eclipse's push on Bizz. What I don't agree with is her writing off Shinori as town really quickly on role since it can be really easily faked (although I don't think this is scummy of her.) Last game Scumnori coasted on his role for the majority of the game.

Don't really like Psych doing pretty much nothing but say that people need to calm down a bit. Looking back he hasn't really said anything really about finding anyone scummy at all, up to this point.

Bear shamelessly sheeping Manix's case on Refa is kind of bad. It wouldn't be as bad if he actually had stuff to contribute on his own, but he hasn't.

Bizz's #271 looks pretty self-conscious, all that eclipse's last post means for certain is that she's not townreading you.

Refa's eventual reads posts is pretty bad. The majority of his reads are one liners and the Weapons read actually contradicts what he said about his playstyle being null, and some of Refa's scumread on him seems to be related to defending Boron, which shouldn't play a factor.

Euklyd's post on Weapons feels kind of like it's "here's his ISO, go look at his posts!" even though it's asking Weapons a question. I don't really get it and I don't have a clue who he actually thinks is suspicious.

dinner now, for my reference i'm up to here

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From the beginning...


Yeah, BBM, but you gave me THAT ROLE. YOU'RE STILL NOT FORGIVEN! :P:

eclipse might be town.

Yeah, note to self:

Don't ever "just check" a forum while doing a lab write-up, even if you are "almost done".

Euklyd might be scum.

Because scorri voted for me.

It's a lousy reason, but marginally better than no reason is still better, so I'll take it!

Euklyd might be town.

I don't see why.

I also see no reason to change my vote now.

Especially since people talking - even if it is just complaining at me - means actual talking is happening, which could give me (and others) more to work with in the future.

Euklyd might be more town, but we haven't gotten out of the RVS alignment independent phase yet.

OMGUS (especially against a RVS vote..) seems really defensive and edgy, scum should exhibit that kind of behavior more often than town because they have something to hide as opposed to town who don't really have any reason to act in such a manner. At least that's my understanding.

Using this as some kind of accidental reaction test is okay I guess... not sure about that

Would be more scummy if this was really any level of convictive, but its not, so town?

his OMGUS RVS vote wasn't inherently scummy tho imo

This level of defending could be town.

Anyone who posts three times in a row is auto-town, so Manix is town.

LW and Bizz get participation points.

That was more me explaining why OMGUS'es in general are bad than his in particular.

This really was more me trying to tell him something about the game more than saying he's scummy -_- although my phrasing is bad because of my phone.

There was this whole exchange, but then again I don't think LW would push OMGUS even as scum.

Curse thee, irony.

It's still RVS?

Yeah, it seems like bearclaw is trying a little too hard. His reasoning is sound, however so early on it can hardly be considered an OMGUS (again, RVS). Unless Euclyd (I can't spell your name sorry) thought it was legitimate? I didn't get that impression from him...

Not that convictive, but not quite to the point of scummy.

I think Wallcrab was making too much of a big deal over Euklyd's "OMGUS" (if you even want to call it that), but I don't think it's a big deal. People who've never played mafia (ever, or on SF) are probably going to do things that seem "scummy" as either town or scum, not realizing why it's considered scummy.

Also, flan avatar guy still hasn't shown his face. I see no reason to move my vote off him :P:

This was coachy when I first read it.

If it helps, I understood what Wallcrab was saying, and appreciate explanations.

No, I did not think it was a legitimate reason. I would imagine that legitimate reasons are very rare on Day 1, although I could just as easily be wrong.

This seems pretty honest and so somewhat town.

booo flip flopping

booo i'm tired at 10:30 what is this

booo bbm started the game early

I don't think eclipse is scummy right now but I'm getting a vibe from her I don't like

this also seems really ironic to me and doesn't make me feel good about Kay

Negative Psych is scummy?
End result: nulls everywhere, would discard
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Manix could be town.


Anyway, seems we've moved out of the random-voting stage and into the less-well-discussed random-scumread stage. This is my home. (Just kidding I have a thing)

Viata (Bizz?) seems slightly scummy for saying "I wanted this to be scummy but on second thought I guess it wasn't." Scum are the people who "want" things to be scummy because they need to fabricate evidence; town want to find the truth.

##Vote: Viata

Second line is stating the obvious so this is now my strongest scumread, which is not strong.

Bizz giving out reads on many players is town.

Putting on some LCD Soundsystem.

##Vote: Polydeusces

Somehow, your username makes me mad.

Also, has RVS ended yet? If not, should I end it with a stupid reaction test?

Late, but no scumvibes.
LW still doesn't seem scummy, but idk if he's supposed to sound scummy.

any questions may be left in thread after the tone


Is happy Manix a town Manix?

Yeah, my point wasn't that he changed his opinion after you explained (which is fine), it's that he said he wanted to find it scummy.

Well, I can take your word for it regarding your intent, but you might be lying. Also I don't really see how you've clarified your word choice at all, since you just used "wanted" again.

If I was voting you for a flip-flop, it would certainly be a weak vote, because you never voted him and you didn't find him that scummy in the first place. But that's not what this is for; this is for saying (as I interpret it; this might be a misrep) "hey I tried to find this scummy and I couldn't, so it's definitely not scummy." That sounds like scum logic. At best you're... outing a null read?

So starting right about here I am actually unable to comprehend the text without significant effort. But with significant effort, I've determined that it is about that one line of logic which I think gets covered later that doesn't really work. Doesn't read as reaching that much for whatever reason.
LW gets more participation points.

Eh, it's ED1 so I'm sure I won't be giving it much weight by day's end, but it is something I find legitimately scummy (even if not very much). Seems worth a vote.

Bizz: How on earth am I treating you like you've never played before? Saying "you might be lying and I'm not just going to take your word for it"? Finding you scummy?? All else I've done is explaining my reasoning.

I guess I can lean more scum if I talk myself into it.
Manix's vote is ok.

Grassbridger's obsession with word choice reminds me of Avatar (I think) mafia, where he put me as a significant scum read (or at least scummier than several other players) over wording issues. Both he and I were town in that game. Grassbridger, is nitpicking at Levity's word choices really going to help you find scum?

This is a scummy post. It has words but they don't take a stand. The question is specifically scummy for being a non-scumhunting question. Does asking it help you find scum? It also feels like scum pressuring scumbuddies.
IIRC I found LW the slightest bit scummy but then rebounded to town so ended up with oscillating null, which makes stuff weird in retrospect.

This attitude is starting to making me uneasy. It's like you're getting really self-conscious over early reads (in that phase where most of the game has no information).

I feel like eclipse has been kind of picking posts to comment on at this point, but it's not that scummy.

Ok, so my initial post wasn't about word choice (at least, not in my mind), but then Viata said (paraphrased) "well my word choice was weird, when I said 'wanted' I really meant 'wanted'." So I don't think that clarified anything. I guess I can see how this breaks down to word choice, and I know that's a thing I jump on erroneously (yay F2F experience), but when I posted it was like "I see a scumslip" and that's it.

Viata: I don't know what kinds of mistakes experienced players make versus inexperienced players, and I don't know your level of experience. This is the first game I've played with you. I'm not assuming any skill or lack of skill. What's the problem? That I thought you might have made a mistake?

Boron: it was Kirby Mafia that just finished like a week ago, not Avatar (unless it happened there too). I found BBM scummy for something really frivolous, I forget what. I accused him seriously, but mostly as a reaction test... then I got bogged down in defending myself because I was dumb, and people found me increasingly scummy the rest of the game. Hmm, sounds familiar...


It wasn't much to go on and as Boron pointed out, this is a mistake I have made before.

Soooooooo much text fapiosdjfoiqjef;lk
Grass in meta commenting is ok with retracting, and the only thing that really stands out is the end of the 3rd paragraph, which sounds like scum relying on meta. Still not entirely sold on scum Grass, but such is life.

Lynching a townie is worse than a no lynch. I agree with you that we should go for a lynch (like you said, reads can be drawn), but if there remains reasonable doubt whether someone is or is not mafia, we should at least hold off on the lynch until that doubt is cleared.

The whole post was null but this the discussion this generated was a bunch of crap and everyone should feel bad for making me read it.

Fear the joke wagon that is Polydeuces, lynch for competition with that mafia where Elieson was lynched D1 since I forgot the name.

This is out of sync, so Objection could be town.

I read through that, and while I get the basis behind his suspicion (correct me if I'm wrong, but it's based on Manix's meta of asking a lot of specific questions), I'm questioning the degree of those suspicions. Is it a gutread thing that he's just noting for future reference, or is he telling us that he finds Manix suspicious?

This is kinda scummy cause it's not going to accomplish anything. It doesn't sound scummy though.
I can kind of agree with Shinori's quote wall except the last question.
But the Psych vote is ok.

The game isn't going to immediately go to the mafia if a townie is lynched on D1, unless it's a super-bastard game. Since D1 is the day with the least information, the best we can do is prod people and make an educated guess based off of what's in the thread. About the only time I might even think about a D1 No Lynch is if the two competing wagons are a cop claim and doc claim, with no chance to lynch anyone else.

I said nothing about turbolynches. I think I'm speaking English. . .so how'd I manage to get two people to draw weird conclusions out of what I said?

Actually eclipse has been active lurking for a while; discussing theory appears to contribute to look town, but there's no real focus on scumhunting.

Yes actually, I'm pretty sure there was a part about how scum unintentionally use language that reflects the fact that they have to manufacture, rather than find, evidence of scum.

Anyway I reread Boron's post and it looks like the only game where I *haven't* nitpicked word choice is Shipping Mafia... Maybe I'll go back and look at that game for strategy or something that's not about word choice.

I agree, but scum can advocate correct theory.
Elieson could be town, but I never seem to agree with his reasoning.

Eclipse is spending a lot of time explaining things and discussing the game without paying attention to the players. Eclipse, do you still have no reads on anyone?

And the rest of the post, Bizz is prob town because I see the same?

Glance at the thread and make your own decision.

This post kind of rubs me the wrong way. Like trying to make a post that looks like something but isn't really anything. Also why do you keep answering for Bizz?

First off I'd like to say Epicmafia is pretty different than forum mafia let's not connect the two that much.

Second off I feel like your vote on grassbringer is pretty biased if you know what I mean and also pretty weak. I admit Grassringer's case isn't all that strong or really does anything to make me feel different about levy but I do NOT think the case and reasoning is really vote worthy at all.


What exactly has merit? The only thing I really saw that he said about Boron was in this post http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=43071&page=7#entry2635110

Which honestly i felt like was weapons grasping with how early into the game it was. Especially since beside that Weapons has yet to do anything worthy of any cred.

I think I forgot to unvote Manix, and I don't really feel like persuing the Psych vote anymore at the moment with Psych being Psych.


##Vote: Weapons

I'll leave this here for now.

Shinori, do you ever post town reads? Here's a bunch of negative spinning, but I feel like that's just Shinori. If Psych is scum, Shinori could be scum.

Weapons is an easy target to push because of his generally lax and 95% unserious playstyle.

ya feel me mon

I've already mentioned stuff I don't like, and if it's off of a gigantic null list, that means those people are slowly moving towards scum.

Here's an example of something else that I don't like. I have no issues with why Shinori is voting Weapons, but I think the former has a point. I also sense an ever-so-slight passive-aggressive bite. Lastly, Weapons isn't a serious wagon, so I feel that defending him right now isn't needed.

This is a forum, so everyone has as much time as needed to post. They can also preview what they say, and edit as needed. Thus, I think semantics arguments are extremely weak scumreads (at least for forum mafia).

I like who Paperblade is voting for, but that's not the reason I'd vote for him. I get the feeling that Wallcrab is trying not to offend people, and tiptoeing around RVS is a scumtell in my mind.

I've mentioned three things that have bothered me so far. Two of those people have votes.

##Vote: Viata

Besides that odd defense on Weapons, there's this, too.

Posting reads after getting called out can be an unfortunate coincidence. TUNNELING. I find these reasons unreasonable because with some more considerations (eclipse you've been around for a while) I feel like eclipse would've reached different conclusions.

Also quote linking is probably the single most scummy thing you can post in the game of mafia.

See, Levity makes so much sense, but I'm not quoting all that.

I think your "passing question" that she asked me was "is this really going to help find scum?" and I feel like I answered that with the unvote.

Eclipse, I have no idea why you linked to my post in what appeared to be explaining your Viata vote. Can you explain?

More self focus than scumhunting focus, but that's not terrible.

Testing. . .testing. Okay, I'm typing in English.

Scummy, but not sure since not sure if eclipse does this unnecessary kind of posting as town a lot too.

I never requested that you vote someone you don't want to, please don't misinterpret what I said.

All I'm asking is that I request that only 6 people vote the person we lynch today, since I believe that's all we need for the lynch today.

I would say that eclipse and Shinori are not buddies, but then if they were that would be a drastic moral victory for scum.

Shinori has like the lowest own space to quoted space ratio ever.

eclipse is okay in unvoting, voting LW.

The only thing I could see you refusing to help me would be either:

A: You're scum and you don't want to help town.


B: You have a scum read on me and you don't want to help me.

Shinori should know better but this doesn't sound scummy.

I know which role you have, Shinori, 'cause I played in that game. It doesn't require the minimum amount of lynches, only the scummiest people to be on the lynched target. In other words, you're doing it VERY wrong.

srs how do you ppl remember (besides paper obv)

Paperbrad what was with the Poly sheep? Is making newbies flip out useful in your opinion? Also lol Psych having reads on peoplewho haven't posted.

Out of sync, so could be scum?
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