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Worst Fire Emblem game?


Worst FE  

133 members have voted

  1. 1. Which FE game do you like the least?

    • Dark Dragon and Sword of Light
    • Gaiden
    • Mystery of the Emblem
    • Genealogy of the Holy War
    • Thracia 776
    • Sword of Seals
    • Blazing Sword
    • The Sacred Stones
    • Path of Radiance
    • Radiant Dawn
    • Shadow Dragon
    • Heroes of Light and Shadow
    • Awakening

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They took a gamble on the whole aesthetic in 6 though compared to earlier titles. It's generally softer, brigher, and overall more stylistic than their previous approaches. I really like the artstyle for 6 to 10, it's a really distinctive look and I found DSFE's to be rather ugly, and then awakening went full anime and barely looks like a FE anymore.

FE6 has affinities too, and rescue (playing GBA FE again after playing SD makes me realise how fun rescue drop chains and stuff are to do), both were new additions. Do SM's have crazy extra crit in previous FE?

Edited by Irysa
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FE6 has affinities though, and rescue (playing GBA FE again after playing SD makes me realise how fun rescue drop chains and stuff are to do), both were new additions. Do SM's have crazy extra crit in previous FE?

Affinities were definetely an FE6 invention, and I agree they added more depth to the supports. Rescue otoh was in FE5 (not that you should know if you haven't played it, but...yeah), and SM's also had crazy extra crit in FE5 (along with Berserkers) IIRC.

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Swordmasters didn't all have crazy critical hit in FE5 since it's based on Pursuit Critical Coefficient. Sure, Mareeta has 5 and Shiva has 4, but both Eyvel and Trewd only have 1 and Shanam has 0. Meanwhile, those with 5 PCC included two Sages, two equivalent of Mercenaries/Heroes on a horse and a Thief.

Berserkers meanwhile had innate Wrath, which is basically an automatical critical on counter if they can hit their target. No playable Berserkers, and most of those you faced were at endgame with low accuracy weapons such as Hammers and Devil Axes. They're fun to use Berserk on since all the other Berserkers are going to target them only to get smashed in the face by Wrath criticals and sometimes die.

Edited by Woodshooter
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just because fe6 didnt add anything to the series doesnt mean dickall

fe4 added tons of things that everyone immediately realized were shit and never talked about them again

this is a good point right here

The DS FEs for example did take away a lot of mechanics. However, simple mechanics do not necessarily mean a less strategic game and the DS ones are very good in this area (though in 11 you need to ban Warp). Chess for example has very easy to learn mechanics but it's a game of timeless strategy.

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just because fe6 didnt add anything to the series doesnt mean dickall

fe4 added tons of things that everyone immediately realized were shit and never talked about them again

I'm not trying to say that as a point against FE6! Heck, I voted FE1, and that innovated more than the rest of the series combined as far as I'm concerned.

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My worst was Shadow Dragon, I just learned recently that I do not like this one, the first playthrough's always a different story, but then I realized when I started it back up, I didn't like anything about it

just because fe6 didnt add anything to the series doesnt mean dickall

fe4 added tons of things that everyone immediately realized were shit and never talked about them again

Err, what things did FE4 added that were shit? I always view the matter this way, since FE4 was likely intended to be different that from the other FEs, it needed a different presentation, I see it gets quite a bit of scorn for the unadmitted reason that it doesn't play like the latter FEs, but still I'm not arguing, I'm just curious what these tons of things are...

Honestly, the problem I found most trying, is the lack of trade, but due to the rings, specifically pursuit and elite, it would've been even more broken, and people would've loved/hated that too, so the castle shops, though trying, is fair to an extent

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Well, you can make this a case

"A massive war maps where you need to quickly move from one point to another!"


"A huge slog of a game"

"The ability to breed childrens with skills for replayability"


"Fuck chapter 2. Not playing it again. Also why the fuck are the children mechanics so "insert common complaints here" faek difficultay!"

"A multitude of skillz!"


"The best skill in the game, is a BASIC MECHANIC in other games. BASIC. FREAKING. MECHANIC."

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Gaiden is my personal least favorite game in the series. It had some good ideas that were implemented into future FE's but both it and FE1 are too archaic for me to have fun with. (I also wasn't too fond of the map design in Gaiden.)

Also FE6 is the only GBA FE I can replay and have fun with. (I kind of like FE7, and I wasn't fond of FE8)

Edited by Junpei Iori
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Well, you can make this a case

All right, I like a challenge

"A massive war maps where you need to quickly move from one point to another!"

Right, of course

"A huge slog of a game"

"The ability to breed childrens with skills for replayability"

What? sometimes slow-paced is nice-paced

Right, right, but this happened again later, with Awakening, or so the rumors say...

"Fuck chapter 2. Not playing it again. Also why the fuck are the children mechanics so "insert common complaints here" faek difficultay!"

"A multitude of skillz!"

Isn't this down to player ability or player adaptation? I never had a problem with Ch. 2, well I do strategize, even when it's not neccessary... the children mechanics are so... what?

Yes, also true

"The best skill in the game, is a BASIC MECHANIC in other games. BASIC. FREAKING. MECHANIC."

Ah... the 'best' or the most useful? I seem to get around just fine without it, same case with the people who need it to get along in their PTs, nothing wrong with that

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I am just doing a parody of common fe4 complaints

Fe4 maps is, simply put not for every kind of gamer. I must admit, my tolerance for a game is relatively above average, so I don't really mind the map.

Fe4 does have replayability, however, the early maps of FE4 is notorious for being terrible in a bullshit way(boring, lol backtracking etc). The best example of this is Chapter 1. And chapter 2. And chapter 3. And Chapter 4. Actually nevermind, that's 4/6 out of gen 1. This is something that can potentially hurts the replayability

It doesn't help that FE4 children mechanics are pretty strict in a lot of ways. In FE13, this is less of a problem thanks to how easy it is to manage, with the exception of Chrom.

Also let's be honest here, is there a skill that is as powerful and game defining as pursuit?

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Oh, I see, and I got all technical

I think the mistake... for some people at any rate... they expect that FE4 will play like its successors

I might be the minority here when I say, I didn't mind the backtracking, truthfully it only bothered me in ch.4 due to the forests, and even then it wasn't so bad

Very true, they did have the time to improve it, but some strict isn't so bad

Maybe not, but do you really need it? It's certainly helpful beyond a doubt though

EDIT: Oh! You just helped me comprise a theory, suppose that was the reason why pursuit was a skill instead of inherit, due to the unbalanced nature and the overpowered Holy Weapons, if everyone had pursuit in inherently, people would still be crying unbalanced, so it's kind of a no-win situation. But still, maybe that was why...

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>FE4 and 6 has a total of 18 votes

>people shits about how they're underrated

>FE11 has 19

>no one gives a fuck

i feel that i've defended FE6 adequately with solid evidence. on the other hand, there's not much about FE11 to defend.

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i feel that i've defended FE6 adequately with solid evidence. on the other hand, there's not much about FE11 to defend.

I still prefer FE11 to 6 for some reason. I like seeing your vids because I like rescue chains, but yeah, I hate a lot about it when I actually play it. My luck is terrible and having to deal with bad hitrates every.freaking.point of the game just kills it for me. And then there's the issue that I just abhor status staves and the game just loves spamming in every chapter after Ch13 (iirc).

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Well, in my case it is definitely Awakening.

The story is about as bland as the NES games.but the writing itself is beyond awful. Like how the characters barely react to the calamity in chapter 1 and let the person who knows what's gong on just walk way.

And that is just the earlierst example. It gets way worse from there.

The worldbuilding is effectively non-existent. To the point where they don't even explain what countires are at the continent and what size they have. Heck, they don't even explain what the Shepheards actually are. A small division or the core of the entire Ylissean military?

Not to mention that the thin story is even more thinned out by the tons paralouges which by design can have nothing to do with the main plot, else you couldn't choose when to enter them.

The characters are another point where the game just dropped the ball.
The male characters are merely a collection of random quirks, telling the same joke over and over in the hope that it will eventually get funny, while the female ones are a collection of completely barebone female anime stereotypes. Either way, they are boring and annoying and it doesn't help that this game goes out of it's way to shove their blandnss into your face at every opportunity. They are also poorly integrated into thegame world, having no investment into the war beyond being coincidently a soldier of Ylisse.

The main characters do little to deserve their status as heroes beyond opposing a bunch of guys who won't go to bed without fulfilling their daily puppy kicking quota.
The defenseless Plegian population that we completly ignored after throwing their country into chaos was feed to Grima? Chrom and Robin have no shits to give about that revelation. And the characters are also boring as hell. They will often go into Golden Sun talking mode, where every single line could come from every character present due to lack of characteristics. And it's not like there is any actual character development to keep track of.

Fittingly, the battle voices have all the characters turn into complete psychopaths.
It's so bad, when I played the demo I actually thought there were different soundclips for human and Risen enemies. Because clearly our heroes wouldn't get that much of an erection out of killing other human beings. To think that when I heard the japanese battle voices, my concern was that the game was going to change to the tone of the "Tales" games.
Instead, it's more like No More Heroes. Except that game wasn't shy to point out what an pathetic asshole and generally messed up individual it's protagonist was.

But what really kills this game is the blandness of the maps. Every map is just entirely random enemies rushing from all directions.
Effectively the only thing that changes between chapters is the level. So there is a slight adjustment of the probability of success depending entirely on how lucky you were during level ups and how willing you were to munchkin. Not to mention all the times where the devs didn't even pretend that the random tiles of terrain changed the course of the battle and simply delivered an entirely open field.
I found even FE4's maps to be more exiting. At least the armies all had their theme to it, so they had particular strength and weaknesses that would allow to approach them differently.
This is also the only Fire Emblem game where I hate having someone die. Because when it happens, it wasn't because I made a mistake but because I had bad luck.
Restarting a map simply meant doing the same thing again and hoping that things would turn out better.
Since the children are so weak, there are next to no replacements for fallen allies after the first few chapters. And because of the absurd state inflation, the old characters can't even be considered.

So the solution is to go through even more bland and generic encounters in order to farm exp.

Speaking of the kids, since there is no love and no actual romances and parent and children take each other for granted, the generation system is a complete waste.
For example, the scene were we learn that Jaffar used his own child as an instrument of evil and murdered it's mother, it would have been the perfect moment for Chrom to speak his mind on the manner as a father and husband. But nope.

Yes, the system has potential but it's not actually used anywhere.

The graphical representation leaves a lot to be desired. The models constantly clip into each. And the criticals never fail to give me the impression that the game just froze.

Usually games have an additional effect that goes along with a screen freeze: An immedite sound effect, a camera zoom, sparks. But in Awakening, this is delayed for a moment befor it gives a feedback of any kind. And I think executing the tile based battlegrounds of the 2D games into 3D was a horrible idea. It became irritating after a while that you are always fighting around the same peice of grass. Also, zooming the camera out like that highlights that during this supposedly big battle there is nobody there but the three fighters we see.

Even the music is bland. One thing I can say about Shadow Dragon is that it's music made even the most boring maps look meaningful and epic. Not to this one.
One thing I can say is that I like the system used for the transition between map theme and battle theme. But the battle versions lack the energy to set themselves apart.
The music also tries to be more atmospheric and epic, which contrasts with the characters treating those life and death battles like a joke.

I am sorry that this is all a bit brief. But effectively it always came down to this: If the game wasn't boring, it was either annoying, disgusting or an absurd degree of stupid.

Edited by BrightBow
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FE11 just felt lazy to me, especially as a remake that I was wanting for years. It's an awkward combination of remake and carbon copy of FE1. The arbitrary character stats show this idea the best. Wolf and Sedgar get like 100% growths in everything while other pre promotes have like, the same stats as their FE1 counterparts lol.

Still, I voted for FE4 . No matter how hard I try to enjoy it, I just can't. The soundtrack is pretty good, though!

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Actually, there are quite a lot of FE11 fans on this forum. Especially those who enjoy the bare bones. In fact, thats the only time i recommend FE11 to anyone is if they enjoy the bare bones mechanics of the games. Apparently, FE11 is fun for people trying to do certain kinds of runs. Like LTC and stuff. It really just...isnt my style.

It's also good if you can draw character out of very little. . .which is a rare talent in and of itself. For example, the Skittles were an intentional parody of what I saw out of those death quotes - the sense I got was that Caesar was hard on himself, Radd was on the carefree side, Roger is a romantic (well, he got more time, but eh), Tomas was quiet, and Roshea was in that awkward phase between boy and man. Ahem. . .

Voted FE4 for the worst. The sheer amount of gimmickiness in the beginning made it unplayable for me.

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