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One-Shot Mafia Game Thread - Game Over


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Official claim: I am a second town jailer. This is why I was also suspicious of Bizz/BBM's buddy-buddy system. I did not know if BBM's claims were legit or not, but I also realized that duplicate roles can exist in this game. Of course, with as many 'tracker/follower/etc' roles floating around, I didn't think SB would incorporate so many similar roles into the townies.


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icanread, ijustcantsee

Ugh, three roleblocking roles is also an awful lot to have- but I feel that those at least can hinder the town as well if improperly used, whereas investigation roles can't really.

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I really don't like how Eury is picking on scorri ATM. I don't think scorri's reaction to Shinori's modkill says anything about her alignment. Eury mentioned something about her role here, which makes Euklyd's N1 "I don't do anything" sensible. HOWEVER, if this is how the roles work, town either has a crapton of investigation (two tracks, a voyeur, and a follower), or a lot of protection (a hook and two jails). I think a duplicate role should be lynched.

##Vote: Eurykins

This is why.

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Eury had been paranoid about bizz which could be a possible motive for the kill. Her logic has been a bit wonky, especially the framer spec, but I feel that's her being overthinking and inexperienced, and jumping to the worst-case scenario in the poly/shinori results.

I just remembered scorri's result. She said Poly tracked someone. So, if poly is scum, then that means

1) scorri is also scum this is incredibly unlikely

2) poly is scum tracker, and used his shot on a buddy this doesn't make much sense IMO

The kicker is, we know shinori used his action because of my result. He can't self-target, objection was already dead, so the target must still be alive. If it was poly, scorri wouldn't have seen him. Therefore, poly is town.

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All Scorri knows is that Poly did indeed Track someone. We're taking Poly's word to confirm that it was Shinori he tracked. Also do you remember how Poly talked about how Poly was pushing Eury while in a 1v1 with Shinori?

That being said, scum Tracker is not all that strong a role, especially when it's one-shot and everything else is too. I feel like Follower would be better for scum, as it's a weaker Rolecop. Ughhhh now I'm thinking that it might be Scorri again.

But the reason I feel it's more likely to be Poly than her atm is because Shinori faked a report, knowing that in the best case scenario, he'd be lynched the next day. And before that fake report, there wasn't really a 1v1 between them, just a pseudo one on account of people thinking there were too many investigation roles. This seems odd to do if Scorri was then going to come out and claim an investigative role.

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I really don't like how Eury is picking on scorri ATM. I don't think scorri's reaction to Shinori's modkill says anything about her alignment. Eury mentioned something about her role here, which makes Euklyd's N1 "I don't do anything" sensible. HOWEVER, if this is how the roles work, town either has a crapton of investigation (two tracks, a voyeur, and a follower), or a lot of protection (a hook and two jails). I think a duplicate role should be lynched.

##Vote: Eurykins

First of all, I was merely commenting/questioning the continuous QQ/raging posts over Shinori's actions coming from scorri. It seemed highly unwarranted, and there was absolutely no reason for multiple rage posts to be had following his mod-kill death. So what if scorri doesn't like it when that happens- who cares? Raging and posting on and on about it doesn't help matters in terms of trying to find the last remaining scum, does it? In addition, the reaction following his death seemed disgustingly similar to that of Objection's one to Refa's mislynch.

Nice to know that, of all duplicate roles, you choose to aim for one of the jailers. I like that logic there.

Eury had been paranoid about bizz which could be a possible motive for the kill. Her logic has been a bit wonky, especially the framer spec, but I feel that's her being overthinking and inexperienced, and jumping to the worst-case scenario in the poly/shinori results.

I'm sorry- I may be a newbie player, but I'm not stupid. I know my case against Bizz was inaccurate and that I went on a while on him, and in addition, two things:

1. If I was Mafia, I would've known that Bizz was town automatically, and I wouldn't have bothered vocalizing random thoughts against him. I would be stupid to go after someone so solidly 'townie'.

2. If I openly made the claim in D3 like I did, I think it'd be stupidly obvious to go after Bizz after being probably the ONLY person to speak up against Bizz in not trusting him. [AKA. I'd be the stupidest person in the world to kill her, because I knew that all suspicions would probably be dropped on me at that point.]

In addition, as Euklyd himself portrayed, he was unable to use his skills N1 because I roleblocked him as a result of putting him in jail. I honestly used my role N1 because I didn't know if I was at risk or not of dying, and figured I had absolutely nothing to lose in protecting someone else who may have been sniped instead of me (and since I could not self-target my role, I couldn't shove myself in jail to protect myself even if I wanted to).

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Wait, no, Baldrick's right. Scum can't be Poly unless we have two scum left alive. Either Baldrick is scum and lying about his night action, or he's town, telling the truth, and scum used Shinori's sneak kill last night. Since he can't self-target, and I saw Poly tracking someone, Poly can't be scum. So that's one clear.

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So... BBM's random jumping around in opinions is making me... uncomfortable.

First he goes he thinks I'm not scum probably and eclipse is probably scum, then he says that he thinks that I'm even more likely town and that poly is scum with no mention of eclipse, then out of nowhere thinks I'm scum with no eclipse mention again. Something just seems off here.

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Unless Poly is scum Tracker and he targeted someone other than Shinori... not entirely unlikely since there's no flipped mafia investigation role- which is also why I'm obvtown. I have a proven roleblocking role and there's already a flipped mafia Driver to mess with the town roles.

I admit I'm being all over the place but eh. I really think Poly is scum right now because Scorri and Baldrick are making moves that don't make sense for scum to make (narrowing down potential ML targets).

Gonna ##Vote: Polydeuces

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Look, Poly literally cannot be scum unless there are 2 scum left. If you believe that, it's a radical change from before, but listen.

Baldrick claims to have voyeured Euklyd and gotten no roles targeted Euklyd. Euklyd died. That means a killing action must have targeted him. That means Shinori must have used his role last night on the person who killed Euklyd. But, I followed Poly and got a result. Which means that Shinori did not use his action on Poly.

So then. Either Baldrick is lying about his action and has no clue who targeted or didn't target Euklyd in which case he's our last scum, or he's telling the truth about his action, mafia used their sneak to kill Euklyd and it couldn't be Poly because I targeted him and saw him *only using a track when I would also see a killing action if he used one* Poly did not kill Euklyd, I am 100% sure about that.

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Oh right.


Your logic is real bad and you should feel bad. You being a confirmed roleblock role means nothing when we have three of them claimed and I have no reason right now to believe you're town.

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Oh blah I thought Shinori was a Ninja/Sneak. My bad.

ehhhhhhhh ##Unvote, ##Vote: Eury I think Follower/Trackerx2/Voyeur is way too much but I am not seeing either Scorri or Baldrick as scum right now, especially the former. And I think Eury's paranoia is worse than Eclipse right now. Her defence doesn't make sense and I don't remember Euklyd ever confirming that he got hooked N1- he couldn't have acted N1 anyways since nobody had used their roles.

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Oh right.


Your logic is real bad and you should feel bad. You being a confirmed roleblock role means nothing when we have three of them claimed and I have no reason right now to believe you're town.

Yeah I'm sorry I didn't read Shinori's role right? My logic being bad doesn't make me scum.

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You're jumping all over the place pushing weak cases on people and then dropping them when they don't pick up any following. You completely dropped your case on eclipse and just now brought it up briefly but didn't explain why Eury's scummier beyond "Well, she's paranoid and also her N1 target couldn't confirm that they were hooked."

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Actually. Bizz's mason partner. If you're not one of Baldrick/Poly, could you please claim if you believe I'm town? If you do, we'd essentially (from your point of view) have four confirmed town, making this an autowin.

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I changed my mind on Eclipse, and if you thought about it for a second, you'd realize why.

And I have explained why I'm voting for Eury. I have several paragraphs on why I believe you and Baldrick are town, and after I understood the logic behind why Poly was town, Eury is the only person left.

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@scorri: I'm still 100% behind a Eury lynch today to try and end it, and if he's not scum then we go for BBM on D5 if you're still so sure of him being potential scum.

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I keep falling asleep.

BBM's jumps feel like unsure town throwing his thoughts out to me. I think scorri is giving them too much credit in calling them cases.

@eury I was referring to the fact that bizz died instead of poly/scorri, and I can see you being paranoid enough about bizz's role to eliminate her.

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I'm aware I don't have a lot directly on why I think Eury is scum. It's because I was townreading her slightly for a while, and tbh I don't have a real case on her. My vote is there more because I think she's the least townie person than because I think she's really all that suspicious on her own.

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Ow ow, the votes guys. Sheesh. I feel another Refa mislynch coming. :|

Oh blah I thought Shinori was a Ninja/Sneak. My bad.

ehhhhhhhh ##Unvote, ##Vote: Eury I think Follower/Trackerx2/Voyeur is way too much but I am not seeing either Scorri or Baldrick as scum right now, especially the former. And I think Eury's paranoia is worse than Eclipse right now. Her defence doesn't make sense and I don't remember Euklyd ever confirming that he got hooked N1- he couldn't have acted N1 anyways since nobody had used their roles.

This is true, but at the same time, I'm willing to bet that Euklyd WOULD have been killed N1, had I not jailed him. Whether you guys choose to believe me or not is up to you.

@eury I was referring to the fact that bizz died instead of poly/scorri, and I can see you being paranoid enough about bizz's role to eliminate her.

Paranoid/worried about her role, yes, I was. But had I been the last standing Mafia in this game- one who would be unseen by any other detecting role, the last thing I'd want to do is kill someone who would instantly cast the light of suspicion on myself. It's simple logic.

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