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Mafia Headquarters V4


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Run the game you sent me first, so you have an idea of what it's like to host.

Well, I'll have a good idea too once I've finished helping Elie host MLP:FiMafia, so...

I'm still going to be a while creating this. It's just an idea at this point.

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Hey hey, guess whose running another game of The Resistance? ...Nobody, currently, is the answer! But well I figured I'd like to change that by running a game of Resistance: Avalon, which is kind of like my long ago promised game of Resistance with Roles. Except it's official and it's been playtested and commercially released (don't worry, it's allowed to be played on forums).

Well anyway since this is just a forum adaptation of a commercial game (which has been done many times before), it shouldn't need any checking for balance, and it can easily take any number from 5-10 (7 is ideal, 6-8 is preferred). But if there's anything you guys would like me to do/finalise before the game just let me know.

This would be awesome!!! But I hope it starts after my current semester ends, so that I'll have enough time to play
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I've had Revolution and whatever-the-fuck-I'm-calling-Nostalgia 2 half done for like 4 months and Evolution like 99% done

Plus I think me or SB needs to write role PMs for Conspiracy

and I wanted to host an FMA or FFT based game (fuck Ivalice) which will probably be smalls since I also should work on SFMM4

Edited by Paperblade
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An FFT mafia would kick ass.

FMA mafia would have to be large to really work out unless you're making the Homunculi as Town. I'd love to co-host that, though, if you're doing that.

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An FFT mafia would kick ass.

FMA mafia would have to be large to really work out unless you're making the Homunculi as Town. I'd love to co-host that, though, if you're doing that.

There was a ffta mafia (I joined right after it). Go read it, . It's quite a read.

Paper, wanna finish up nostalgia+ later?

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I've got a midterm today I totally forgot about so I need to study for that + I have a program due Wednesday that I haven't even started since yolo + I'm driving to Arizona for Thanksgiving

so Friday/Saturday probably best bet

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I have no intention of doing PMTTYD Mafia anymore so that should be off the ideas list. Theatre Mafia 2: The Second One is almost entirely done but I don't want to host it for a while. idk about MGS4 Mafia (the one still on the ideas list), it seemed like a good idea at the time but I haven't worked on it forever and it's kind of dumb looking back.

also I've been working on Encounter Mafia, size unknown

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and I wanted to host an FMA or FFT based game (fuck Ivalice) which will probably be smalls since I also should work on SFMM4


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Real Men of Monocle Mafia is back under development, but change it from 13 players to 14 players (It's in the Ideas list). I'm thinking of changing the name, but regardless, it's operating under its original premise. Contrary to what I thought it would be, I don't think it's going to be experimental or anything.

Manix, you really should do something about It's Time To Duel Mafia and it's relation to the Queue. It's still on the Ideas list.

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