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Mafia Headquarters V4


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In the process of making Mirai Nikki Mafia. 18 players (for now), NOC, probably experimental, we'll see if it ends up being bastard (probably not). Will see how closed-setup P3 Mafia works before I decide that detail (it'll probably be closed)

EDIT: Oh yeah, and it's role madness (vanillas suck).

EDIT2: Actually, the OC bit is a modified limited OC. Just got this idea now.

EDIT3: Also, Marth is the co-host ATM.

Edited by Mango Sentinel
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maybe gonna try and get signups for big NOCers once february starts

maybe not

depends on how i feel at the time

im good at modding

did i say february? i meant march

will i actually go through with it this time? who knows !!

E: Make that April due to player availability reasons. But I'm checking with people to see if they'll be able to join.

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probably running a filler now after my game. i'm not doing it unless no one else steps up in like, 48 hours

edit: maybe. pending discussions

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Putting myself on the small queue for 12-player Item Mafia (not to be confused with Itemafia).

All players will be items, like, the type you might see lying around a household or something. Yes I'm good at flavor.

mostly I just want a mainly-vanilla game so people can practice their scumhunting instead of ROLES ROLES ROLES

E: Actually that flavor is stupid so I'm changing it to Pictures of Dogs Mafia because it's more Prims.

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j00 and I are in the process of working out AM/PM mafia 2. If anyone wants to check our setup or offer suggestions, send me a PM or a message.

we've pretty much finished with the setup now, just need a checker

So, is there anyone interested in checking our setup or not?

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EVERYONE - If you need a checker, PM me (unless you really want me to play in your game). I'm willing to throw my two and a half cents in. . .when I'm feeling better (in other words, you can message me, but I might not get back to you right away).

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I am adding Umineko Mafia - Prims (18) (Super Gimmicky Experimental Bastard Bullshit) to the idea list because I started re-reading it and got a good idea for a mafia set-up.

I don't know if anybody here other than proto bard and rapier know flavor but I like the gimmick too much to pass up

"I want the Day 1 Sub Request Audience" - prims

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