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Mafia Headquarters V4


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GAIZ, I have an idea for TWEWY Mafia.


nope the more mafia games there are, the more I want to know. I need to get better considering my record which has been horrible.

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If someone wants a co-mod for Ace Attorney mafia, I'm here.

I mean come on Ace Attorney its one of my favourite series!

you making this! please go ahead with this, one of my favourite game series ever!

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GAIZ, I have an idea for TWEWY Mafia.


No way. Objectively-The-Best-DS-Game Mafia sounds like an awesome thing to me.

Can I ask if I can co-mod or otherwise assist instead? Even if I have no idea what such a thing entails?


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No way. Objectively-The-Best-DS-Game Mafia sounds like an awesome thing to me.

Can I ask if I can co-mod or otherwise assist instead? Even if I have no idea what such a thing entails?


Uh, lemme iron out the details of what I had in mind, and then I'll PM you so you can tell me what a horrible person I am. :P:

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GAIZ, I have an idea for TWEWY Mafia.


I would love you forever, Eclipse. You must make this a reality. <3

I'd murder anyone who'd try to talk you out of it. ^_^

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When do you think will it start. Also is it invite only?

Whenever it's my turn in the queue. This one will be first come, first serve. It will probably be a mini game.

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Whenever it's my turn in the queue.

Oh, that reminds me. Where exactly is this game queue listed? I've been hearing about it a lot but haven't found a link to it in the HQ or info dump threads.

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AM/PM 2 by j00 and me, checked by eclipse, has been okayed to go on the queue. If one of the queue people wants additional confirmation, let me know and I'll add you to the setup PM.

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As per bullet point 8 on the google documents spreadsheet:

Secret ballot elections will be held roughly every six months to determine the authorized queue modifiers.

It is rapidly approaching the 6 month period.

I require two things from you, the mafia community.

First, if you do not wish to be one of the queue maintainers for any reason, I request that you PM me that you are withdrawing your eligibility (feel free to carbon copy eclipse if you wish). This is so I can inform people who attempt to vote for you that they should choose another candidate. You need not vote for either eclipse or myself. As forum moderators, I have made sure we already have access to the google document, though it is ideally only for emergency purposes.

Second, I will request that people carefully consider a list of 3 individuals for the next 6 month stretch. They can be the same as the ones currently running the queue, or they can be different. There are no term limits. Once you have settled on your choices PM them to me (feel free to carbon copy eclipse if you wish).

I haven't decided on a firm deadline yet, but I was thinking either April 1st or April 15th.

After this official business is concluded, I will merge this post into the HQ thread and it will not clutter up the topic list.

Well it's been a year and what, Manix was the only real change as of November elections, and I dunno, felt like checking the validity of this.

Edited by Elieson
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I find it funny that Paperblade is listed as an inactive checker in the OP while Tables isn't. Also Manix should probably be added to that list.

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I made myself inactive because I was busy with school, thanks for reminding me to undo that.

We will likely be modifying the checker list Soon, adding a few people and maybe removing Kay since the last time she hosted a game was like 2 years ago

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