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Fire Emblem: Wretched Whispers, Signups/OOC Thread


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okay time for clearing

artemis to (15,7) chip bowwalker, canto to (16,7)

diana to (16,6), heal artemis

lugos to (15,7), chip bowwalker, canto to (14,6) or (14,5), at preference (both are safe)

declan to (15,9), kill bowwalker with iron sword (can take steel axe + javelin at full health without dying)

magali to (14,9), heal declan

wolfgang to (14,2) or different depending on consultation (marth can do whatever given the plan laid out: just don't get too close to the bonewalkers down south or maybe stay out of longbow range because it will hurt)

sheikah stays out of the longbow range, can probably chip with shine and then canto out

ricks should create a wall to block the boss into that smaller area to prevent him from moving too far out, with archer rick staying back (because armorslayer ko's). fighter rick should be down the bottom so he's in range to be healed by diana next turn. (will flavor this when i post)

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as I am writing this post, xinny is making a move. all planned

Turn 10: The Last Stand

Artemis to (17,5), attack Chief Bonewalker, canto to (16,7)

Wolfgang to (18,2), attack boss (and hopefully kill)

Lugos to (15,6), attack Bonewalker G, canto to (20,6)

Mel to (14,9), heal Taima

Declan to (16,9), attack Bonewalker G with Hatchet, hopefully dead and acquire level. if lugos missed one of his attacks, then hold the order because i'll need to figure out a slight plan variant

Taima to (15,8), poke Bonewalker H with either weapon

Peter to (14,8), attack Bonewalker H with Iron Bow

if wolfgang fails to kill boss, sheikah can do it

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Yeah, I may not be able to Skype as much, so if you want to bother me to do something, here's the place. Or you could leave a comment on my profile, I guess. I'm less likely to see that though...

EDIT Also making a reply to Wolfgang now.

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So we rehauled forging/enchanting and stuff because that's gonna happen like, really soon.

Basically you can add/subtracts 5 stats from your weapon (only one weapon per person, though everyone can get a forge/enchant if they want) using the following formula to calculate costs:


(where n is the number of stats you added to the weapon)

Basically 750 for a fully forged weapon. You can only put a maximum of 3 points into each stat, and they increase decrease in the following increments:

+/- 1MT, 8 Hit, 3 Crit, 1 WT

Also, IC stuff may (read: probably will) have some effect on the next battle. Just as a warning. Supports will most likely be given out soon or before the next battle.
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Ohhh, shiny. Enchanting I mean. This will serve well in the very first game of Noble Emblem. Yes yes... I will add your FEF-chanical distinctiveness to my own. Resistance is futile If you don't mind.

Still, 's nice to see the game still going. Snail speed but hey; better slow than not at all :3

Also I will be doing extra tiles to my tileset so do you guys in charge want the new version? Mostly indoors tiles, like burning rubble, (trap)pits, extra town buildings, night tiles (the latest only a maybe)?

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Extra tiles would be good to have, yeah (the Masquerade guys would probably like these too). And you can use the forge/enchanting system in your stuff if you want to.

I'm not over how they managed to go down on turn 1 still in Noble Emblem. And why they flew the Wyvern right towards the mages/archer...

Also the actual map is starting tonight. Probably.

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i haven't posted this yet oops

Name: Vale (VAH-leh or BAH-leh) Diascia

Age: 25

Appearance: Very deep indigo hair, unkempt and a little past the shoulders, tied up in the back and tucked into the back of his tunic. Dark brown eyes, almost black. He has a slight olive complexion. Lean and tall.

Personality: Vale is eccentric and outspoken. Sometimes what he says doesn't make sense (though he tries his very hardest to sound profound). He's gay and doesn't talk much about it unless its necessary, or somebody asks him, but he doesn't mind talking about it. He generally doesnt care much about anything except when he does. He has some contradicting personality traits sometimes.

Backstory: Vale is a mercenary from Velms who comes from a long line of fighters and therefore started his training at a young age by his family before he set off on his own. His family had high expectations for him that he didnt quite appreciate. He got used to fending for himself and taking care of himself, eventually becoming good at both. He's constantly looking for work.

HP: 27 (65)

Str: 5 (65)

Mag: 0 (10)

Skl: 7 (50)

Spd: 10 (50)

Lck: 3 (20)

Def: 3 (40)

Res: 1 (20)

Con: 7

Aid: 6

Mov: 5

Weapon: Sword

Affinity: Wind

Skills: Vantage, Swordfaire

Class name: Duelist

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Wolfgang to (24,7) attack with Superflux

Lugos to (23,6) attack with Fire canto to (22,6)

No chance of death barring unfortunate crits...

I made a plan for all of the people near me. So selfless!

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Peter to 12,13 shoot Mercenary A, Quickswaps to Axe
Magali to 12,15 dance Mel
Melanie to 13,14 to attack Mercenary A with Contaminate
Taima to 13,13 to attack Mercenary A with Iron Lance
Diana to 13,15 to attack Fighter A
Declan to 14,15 to attack Fighter A with the Barrier sword.
Calden to futz about

I made a plan as well, on my side! So very selfless.
This will kill Mercenary A (both Peter and Taima have 98 and 101 hit respectively) and Fighter A.

I mean

as long as we can hit 90s

surely we can do that.

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Hey again north group

Declan to 17,15, equip Hatchet
Mel to 14,14 attack Fighter A-B with Contaminate
Magali to 14,15 dance Mel
Mel attack Fighter A-B with Flux/Contaminate if we don't trust an 86
Diana to 14,13, heal Mel
Taima to 13,14

Peter to 13,16

This plan takes out the fighter and gets us somewhat away from the monsters coming. Plan not risky anymore thanks Manix.

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Wolfgang to 22,7 attack Shaman AC
Vale to 22,9 end Shaman AC
Artemis to 24,7 visit canto to 23,6
Lugos to 23,9
Exciting plan, THRILLING STUFF, Lugos should talk to Vale since he isn't doing anything else.

Basically the idea is to get rid of the Shaman ASAP, visit the nearby village, and have Vale draw out the Longbow archer (he could theoretically be targetted by one of the axe people near Mina, but he'll still live so it's all good) so that the Longbow archer can be ended next turn fuck archers. And Artemis is in a better position to attempt to recruit Ivan next turn whoooooooooooosh.
That's my plan, anyways.
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Name: Celestia Elianne
Age: 19
Appearance:[spoiler=The one with the black hair on the right, insert riding tights]


Personality: Friendly and amiable, generally attempts to keep conversations lighthearted.
Backstory: With pockets of monsters still wandering about the land of Velms, one needed to be able to defend oneself to survive. Celestia was no different than any other, mostly taking up horseback riding to escape the hordes too large to fight, and magic of light to strike down any monster that could keep up, or that found itself alone. The young mage found herself mostly wandering, her home having been destroyed in the war, making a living slaying monsters whenever she found herself near a settlement being reconstructed, often temporarily joining up with local mercenary guilds and earning a split of the profits. After a time, Celestia departed Velms, hoping to find a more stable life in the more developed parts of the world.

Class: Templar -> Valkyrie

HP: 24(65)
Str: 0(10)
Mag: 8(65)
Skl: 6(40)
Spd: 8(65)
Lck: 3(15)
Def: 4(45)
Res: 2(15)
Con: 6
Aid: 14
Mov: 7
Weapon: Light(D)
Affinity: Light

Skills: Horse, Lightfaire

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Melanie to (17,14) attack Soldier C w/Contaminate (Soldier C 29->15)

Magali to (16,14) dance Melanie

Melanie to (18,14)

Diana to (17,14) heal Declan

Declan to (16,15) attacks Soldier C w/Hatchet (Soldier C 15->6)

Peter to (16,16) attack Soldier C w/Iron Axe Quickswap to forged Iron Bow (Soldier C 6->0)

Taima to (15,15) use a Vulnerary

Pretty sure noone can die except Calden but 1) he's on a forest and 2) fuck him.

EDIT Fixed so Peter gets the kill.


Lugos to (25,12) use a Vulnerary
Artemis to (24,11) attack Fighter D with Forged Thunder canto to (24,10)
Vale to (24,12) finish off Fighter D
Wolfgang to (25,9) use a Vulnerary
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East Side Plan:

1) Artemis moves to (22,8) and attacks Ernraw, canto to (24,9)

2) Ivan finishes conversing with Lugos and goes to player side?

3) Ivan moves to (21,8) and hopefully finishes off Ernraw

4) Wolfgang moves to (22,7) and hopefully kills Brigand A

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North Group

Peter to (18,17), attack shaman a with iron bow

Declan to (18,18), kill with iron sord (i think). if iron sord doesn't work, use something stronger

Taima to (19,15)

Magali to (20,15), dance Taima

Taima to (19,16)

Diana to (19,14)

Mel trades heal, heals Magali

theoretically, the enemies should move in such a way where we can trap bowwalker A and slowly destroy it next turn

edit: someone reminded me that we can't actually trap it. it can still potentially die though

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plan for north:

vale to (19,14), attack bonewalker C (should kill)

magali to (17,16), dance taima

taima to (16,14), pokes again

assuming taima doesn't miss:

peter to (16,15) or (16,14), kill with iron weapon

the rest is kinda flexible, but if taima misses mel needs to have a shot with flux

it's also incomplete because my brain is dying. play it by ear

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