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Your favorite Fire Emblems and your Top 5 from those games


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10: Haar, Ike, Nolan, Elincia and Soren

7: Hector, Eliwood, Farina, Ninian and Heath

8: Cormag, Joshua, L'Arachel, Eirika and Seth

11: Marth, Merric, Catria, Tiki, Navarre

9: (Excluding mentioned in RD) Lethe, Jill, Boyd, Oscar and the Black Knight

6: Miledy, Lilina, Lance, Saul and Sophia

13: Cherche, Severa, Lucina, Inigo and Henry

4: Lex, Lachesis, Lackche, Sigurd and Julia


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FE4: Fury, Sigurd, Lex, Shanan, Levin

FE6: Tate, Hugh, Zeiss, Saul, Ray

FE7: Sain, Fiora, Heath, Canas, Dart

FE8: Marisa, Joshua, Ephraim, Tana, Lute

FE9: Ike, Nephenee, Zihark, Stefan, Kieran

FE11: lolFE11 Check FE12

FE12: Ogma, Linde, Caesar, Maris, Barst

FE13: Inigo, Olivia, Brady, Owain, Laurent

These really aren't in any order. Hugh probably tops the list though.

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Order I played the FE's in?


I like all the FE's but if I must pick my order


Favorite characters? Oh lordy

6: Roy, Igrene, Sue, Fir, Noah

9: Zihark, Geoffrey, Ike, Lethe, Tormod

5: Eyvel, Olwen, Selfina, Finn, Asvel

13: Say'ri, Sully, Miriel, Inigo, Stahl

7: Matthew, Eliwood, Louise, Sain, Erk

10: Same as 9

4: Briggid, Ayra, Ares, Holyn, Sigurd

3: (Also applies to 11, 12, 1) Wolf, Jeorge, Sheema, Navare, Palla

8: Gilliam, L'Arachel, Neimi, Amelia, Tana

2: Alm, Claire, Cellica, May, Grey

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FE13: Lucina, Tiki, Cordelia, Severa, Lucina

FE12: Caeda, Catria, Caeda, Catria, Tiki

FE11: See above

FE10: Jill, Neph, Tits, Calill, Manith

FE9: See above

FE8: L'Arachel, L'Arachel, L'Arachel, L'Arachel, L'Arachel

FE7: Pent x5

FE6: Fir x3, Miledy x2

FE5: Mareeta x5

FE4: Ayra x5

FE2: Celica x5

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From 5 to 1, both for games and characters:

5) FE10






4) FE4






3) FE12






(I guess only new characters count here so I'm not sure about this list.)

2) FE8






1) FE11






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I went from playing the games this way: FE7-FE8-FE9-FE10-FE6-FE11-FE13.

Favorites ranking: FE7 > FE9 > FE13 > FE10 > FE8 >>>>FE6 >>>>>>>>>FE11.

Faves from each game:
FE7: Florina, Lucius, Hector, Rath, Pent.

FE9: Soren, Marcia, Titania, Tanith, Astrid.

FE13: Virion, Cherche, Henry, Tharja, Gerome.

FE10: Soren (again), Sigrun, Volug, Nolan, Jill. (special mention to Haar)

FE8: Joshua, Eirika, Tana, Lute, Gerik.

FE6: Dieck, Rutger, Miledy, Lugh, Guinevere.

FE11: ......yeah i got nothin'. Jeigan i guess.

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Playing: 7-8-6-5-4-3-11-10

My order is based on how I like the characters in general.

7 - Matthew, Oswin, Hector, Bartre, Eliwood

4 - Arvis, Levin, Trabant, Oifaye, Patty

11/3 - Lawrence, Chainey, Est, Minerva, Marth

10 - Skrimir, Tormod, Shinon, Elincia, Oliver

5 - Leaf, Fin, Pahn, Eyvel, August

6 - Karel, Miledy, Clarine, Cath, Klein

8 - Lyon, L'Arachel, Rennac, Dozla, Innes

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13 > 7 > 10 > 9 > 8 > 11

played them in numerical order: 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13

13: Cherche, Lucina, Brady, Severa, Basilio

7; Jaffar, Lyn, Erk, Farina, Louise

10: Nephenee, Ranulf, Jill, Illyana, Sothe

9: The above, as well as The Black Knight, Ike, and Astrid

8: L'Arachel, Amelia, Ephraim, Cormag, Joshua

11: Navarre, Catria, Minerva, Caeda, Tiki

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The order in which I played them: FE7 > FE8 > FE9 > FE10 > FE6 > FE4 > FE11 > FE5 >TRS > FE13

I have yet to finish FE2, FE3 and FE12. I have never played FE1 or BS Fire Emblem.

Order of favorites: FE9 > TRS > FE5 > FE8 > FE4 > FE10 > FE11 > FE7 > FE6 > FE13

I think it gets less messy when I just order the games by release from here on:

2: Alm, Cecila, Catria, Clerbe, Cliff

3: Cecil, Catria, Palla, Sirius, Linde

4: Sigurd, Levin, Sety, Aless, Bridget

5: Eyvel, Leaf, Nanna, Mareeta, Karin

TRS: Raffin, Raquel, Karti, Zeek, Holmes

6: Percival, Thany, Gonzales, Miledy, Fir

7: Erk, Pent, Farina, Hector, Kent

8: Innes, Joshua, Ephraim, Eirika, Duessel

9: Jill, Soren, Ike, Rolf, Astrid

10: Jill, Soren, Elincia, Micaiah, Lucia

11: Est, Marth, Wendell, Kain, Hardin

12: Palla, Catria, Sirius, Ogma, Rody

13: Gangrel, Say'ri, Tharja, Maiden, Lucina

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I have also start playing FE4 and FE9, but I don't have enough time to past earlygame.

FE5:Leaf, Fin, Salem, Xavier, Felgus.

FE8:Duessel, Cormag, Forde, L'Arachel, Vanessa.

FE7:Canas, Lowen, Pent, Farina, Isadora.

FE6:Dieck, Lott, Zealot, Noah, Echidna.

FE11: lolnope

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Of the games I've played through:

FE9 > FE8 > FE7 > FE12 > FE13 > FE11

Fave units:

FE9: Boyd, Volke, Nephenee, Ike, Oscar

FE8: Ross, Ephraim, Joshua, Lute, Amelia

FE7: Hector, Dart, Florina, Nino, Rebecca

FE12: Ogma, Catria, Ryan, Draug, Luke

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FE4: Tiltyu = Tinny, Lachesis, Patty, Julia (to be honest, putting aside cute mage girl bias, Fury would be ex-æquo with her)

FE5 (fun thing is, as much as I like FE4 more, I find this game to be better): Nanna, Sara, Carrion, Shiva, Lara

FE10: Micaiah, Naesala, Tibarn, Haar, Ilyana

FE6: Sophia, Clarine, Oujay, Lugh, Lance

FE1/3: Caeda, Palla, Ogma, Lena, Navarre

FE7: Raven, Priscilla, Florina, Oswin, Nino

FE2: Celica, Alm and that's pretty much all

FE9: see FE10 but add Mist at the end (since there's no Miccy)

FE8: Eirika, Tana, L'Arachel, Rennac (didn't like the cast much)

FE13 (yes I hate awakening that much): Liz, Gregor. That's all.

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FE13: The Vaike, Gregor, Tharja, Henry, Basilio

FE3/12: Sirius, Oguma, Linda, Palla, Catria

FE5: Dagda, Finn, Marty, Ronan, Tanya

FE9: Titania, Zihark, Tormod, Muarim, Brom

FE7: Marcus, Wallace, Renault, Isadora, Lyn

FE1/11: Jeigan, Cain, Abel, Hardin, Oguma

FE4-1: Arden, Beowulf, Finn, Jamka, Briggid

FE4-2: Oifaye, Altenna

FE8: Seth

FE6: Marcus, Allen, Lance, Dieck, Rutger

FE2: Alm, Celica, Maisen

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Played from FE4-FE13

Lists are in order from favorite>>least favorite

FE5.) Salem, Brighton, Olwen, Fin, Leaf

FE11.) Castor, Doga, Elice, Etzel, Abel

FE8.) Knoll, Syrene, Innes, Neimi, Rennac

FE4.) Lachke, Eltshan, Aless, Sety, Azel

FE12.) Castor, Elrean, Catria, Etzel, Navarre

FE13.) Noire, Cynthia, Gerome, Lon'Qu, Say'Ri

FE6.) Percival, Lilina, Tate, Ray, Fir

FE7.) Oswin, Eliwood, Sain, Wil, Rath

FE9.) Volke, Zihark, Oscar, Nephenee, Ike

FE10.) Volke, Zihark, Nolan, Marica, Pelleas

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FE4: Lewyn, Quan, Tiltyu, Dew, Fee

FE6: Shanna, Echidna, Lilina, Lance, Clarine

FE10: Mia, Ilyana, Bastian, Gatrie, Nolan

FE5: Karen, Machua, Asvel, Orsin, Ced

FE13: Owain, Inigo, Brady, Miriel, Flavia

from there the rest of the FAVOURITE HIERARCHY goes kinda like FE2=FE7>FE11=FE12>>>>>>FE8=FE3>FE1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>FE9

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  1. FE6 (Wolt, Clarine, Niime, Lilina, Roy)
  2. FE7 (Lucius, Serra, Vaida, Raven, Hector)
  3. FE12 (Caeda, Katarina, Merric, Luke, Linde)
  4. FE8 (Gerik, Forde, L'Arachel, Tethys, Innes)
  5. FE9 (Reyson, Tibarn, Callil, Boyd, Jill)
  6. FE4 (Sigurd, Larcei, Fee, Altenna, Ardan)
  7. FE10 (Reyson, Tibarn, Calill, Heather, Elincia)
  8. FE5 (Leif, Asvel, Dean, Fin, Orsin)
  9. FE11 (Caeda, Merric, Linde, Catria, Marth)
  10. FE2 (Cellica, Alm, Catria, Palla, May)

All of them are good games actually

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why not

everything is in STRICT ORDER, thing > thing, person > person > person

EDIT: oh lol it's order you've played not favorites REORDERED by order i beat them in

EDIT TWO: added trs


FE8: Ephraim, L'Arachel, Neimi, Eirika, Vanessa

FE7: Fiora, Farina, Louise, Nino, Marcus

FE9: Marcia, Nephenee, Boyd, Tanith, Elincia

FE10: Laura, Tanith, Micaiah, Marcia, Fiona

FE6: Echidna, Fir, Cecilia, Noah, Perceval

FE11: Barst, Catria, Caeda, Castor, Maria

FE4: Fee, Seliph, Jeanne, Ethlyn, Patty

FE2: Matilda, Catria, Alm, Celica, Luka

FE5: Karin, Linoan, Ronan, Olwen, Sleuf

FE12: Catria, Palla, Katarina, Malicia, Paul

TRS: Sasha, Roger, Marchen, Mel, Shigen

FE13: Cynthia, Girl Morgan, Cherche, Lucina, Kjelle

EDIT THREE: oh nm it is in order of favorites?

13 > 8 > 10 > 4 > 5 > 12 > 6 > 11 > 9 > TRS > 7 > 2

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The order in which I played them goes something like 7 -> 3 book 1 -> 8 -> constantly switching between 4 and 5 -> 6 -> 3 book 2 -> 9 -> ... -> 13.

I have yet to extensively play Gaiden, even though it's fucking awesome, and the two games Kaga made after he left IntSys.

I honestly have trouble picking favourites from Awakening because I love the cast so much. It's like having to choose your favourite child.

It'd be easier to name the ones I don't like and the ones I don't like are Excellus.

I guess though I like Íñigo the most of them all because he reminds me of myself even more than my avatar self.

Ahem, anyway...

4: Lewyn, Sigurd, Alvis, Eldigan, Shannan

5: Eyvel, Carrion, Orsin, Asvel, Olwen

9: Ike, Soren, Volke, Petrine, Rajaion

8: Ephraim, Selena, Gerik, Orson, Ewan

11: Horace, Marth, Barst, Sedgar, Etzel

12: Sirius, Kleine, Rody, Yubello, Cecille

7: Nino, Lucius, Dart, Farina, Pent

6: Yahn, Zephiel, Elphin, Hugh, Karel

10: Ike, Zelgius, Nolan, Heather, Danved

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My playing order: 9 -> 8 -> 7 -> 10 -> 6 -> 4 -> 11 -> 12 -> 13

My preference order: 7 = 12 > 4 > 9 > 13 > 6 > 10 > 11 > 8

Top 5 Favorite FE4 characters (Part 1): Sigurd, Lewyn, Ayra, Lex, Holyn

Top 5 Favorite FE4 characters (Part 2): Ares, Ced, Tinny, Shanan, Larcei

Top 5 Favorite FE6 characters: Lilina, Shin, Sue, Lalum, Raigh (And Idun, if enemies are counted)

Top 5 Favorite FE7 characters: Lyn, Hector, Eliwood, Ninian, Nils

Top 5 Favorite FE8 characters: Joshua, Natasha, Duessel, Knoll, Tana

Top 5 Favorite FE9 characters: Ike, Jill, Mist, Oscar, Mia

Top 5 Favorite FE10 characters: Micaiah, Skrimir, Sanaki, Kurthnaga, Caineghis

Top 5 Favorite FE11 characters: Merric, Caeda, Catria, Ogma, Lena

Top 5 Favorite FE12 characters: Melesia, Yumina, Rhodes, Luke, Katarina

Top 5 Favorite FE13 characters (Gen 1): Chrom, Olivia, Tharja, Maribelle, Nowi

Top 5 Favorite FE13 characters (Gen 2): Lucina, Inigo, Noire, Brady, Nah (It's really kinda too many to list here.)

Top 5 Favorite FE13 characters (Overall): Lucina, Chrom, Inigo, Nah, Maribelle

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Let's see...

FE4: Sigurd, Leaf, Alvis, Celice, Tinny

FE6: Lilina, Sophia, Ray, Elphin, Percival

FE7: Hector, Eliwood, Ninian, Nino, Karel

FE8: Lyon, Eirika, Seth, Innes. No fifth.

FE9: Ike, Sanaki, BK, Soren, Jill

FE10: Sothe, Pelleas, Micaiah, Soren, Sanaki

FE13: Lucina, Sully, Cordelia, Chrom, Cherche

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