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School of Hard NOCs - Night 6 ends on Mar. 15 at 9:00 PM HST


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"Wait. . .what have you done?!" The creator looked at her assistant with tear-filled eyes. Everything was perfect, before said assistant had spilled water all over the role PMs.

"Uhhh. . .oops?"

The creator sighed, before taking out her mystical toolkit and working on the now-ruined roles. Surely no one would notice the slight change?

[spoiler=Rules, read 'em]0. This game is NOC. This means all talking must be done in the game thread (unless I tell you otherwise). Deal with it.

1. Living people can talk to other players about the game in the game thread only. Dead people, follow rule 14. Information cannot be passed from the dead to the living.

2. Everyone will get a role PM with a name, some flavor, a role, and a win condition. You may state your name, and paraphrase your own role. POSTING FLAVOR, OR ASKING OTHERS FOR IT WILL END BADLY, SO DON'T EVEN THINK IT!

3. Fakes should not be needed for this game. Because I said so. :P:

4. Don't screenshot. Or edit your posts (if you ABSOLUTELY have to do this because your post is breaking the boards, you MUST let me know beforehand, so I can grab a copy of the unedited post).

5. This game begins on D1, so have fun~! No talking at night, unless I tell you otherwise.

6. A vote counts as ##(your choice of verb): (someone), with (your choice of verb) being "Vote" or something more creative, and (someone) being who you want to vote for. If you want to change your vote, you must ##Unvote first. Don't edit your posts, please.

7. The first time a lynch tie happens, no one is lynched. If it happens again, it's up to the RNG.

8. Each day phase will be roughly 72 hours, and each night phase will be roughly 24 hours. I'll post phase end times in both GMT and HST. Note that Hawaii does not observe DST. Unless I say something BEFORE PHASE END, the phase will end at the scheduled time, whether I am present or not. Phases may end early if a majority is reached during the day, or if I get all night actions in at night.

9. A lynch needs a minimum of one-third of the living players, rounded UP, to go through. If a majority (over half of the living players) occurs, the accused has until I get home to say stuff. I come home at the weirdest times. You have been warned. A No Lynch may happen ONCE if no one has enough votes to be lynched; the second time, it is a universal loss. The game is free to vote for No Lynch as many times as they like, but this will NOT help the town to win.

9a. If at the end of any day phase, the number of people not voting at phase end exceeds the majority vote, OR the number of players not voting is one-third of the game, rounded down, I will modkill every single person who hasn't voted instead. Etrian Odyssey's D1 was bullshit, and I refuse to let that happen here.

10. If you have a night action, and do not want to do it, reply to your role PM with Night X - Idling.

11. Any items that would've been in the game were ruined by my idiot of an assistant. SORRY~!

12. If you miss a day and night, you are eligible for auto-sub-out/modkill, whichever one is deemed more appropriate. If you need a sub, say so in the main thread and/or your role PM. I am not your mother, so stay on top of things. Losing interest is not a valid sub-out reason, and being too busy may cause you to be modkilled (this heavily depends on how often you've subbed out with this excuse in the past).

13. I made a nice little priority list, and it will be posted it once the game is over. This time, you will not see your own priority, so if you want to use priority as a reason why something happened/did not happen, you can TRY, but don't blame me if everyone wants to lynch you afterwards. By popular request, none of the roles will screw with priority.

14. If you end up dead, you get one last non-informative post. What you say is up to you.

15. Punishment for breaking the rules will range from nothing to modkills. If you feel that the risk of punishment is worth it, go for it, but be warned that things will probably not turn out the way you want it to.

16. If in doubt, follow your role PM, or whatever I tell you in reply to your role PM. Pay attention, or you might miss something important~! If your role PM contradicts the rules, FOLLOW YOUR ROLE PM.

17. If you have been modkilled, your win condition is "You win by being the last one alive".

18. If you ask a question, and I respond with "Tee-hee~!", it means you're not getting a straight answer until postgame. There is a reason for this. HOWEVER, if you want to know whether something will get you modkilled, I will most likely give you a straight answer. . .but don't ask me stupidly convoluted questions for the sake of getting on my nerves.

19. If you want to share your thoughts, I welcome them. Reply to your role PM if you wish to do this.

20. If I tell you to do something, and you don't listen, you probably aren't going to like what will happen next.

21. If you feel the need to complain about some aspect of the game before the game is over, please do so in your role PM. Dead players are free to bitch about whatever they want in their role PMs, and only their role PMs.

22. You're dead when you die, because I will be incinerating your corpses. My assistant really wants to join So You Think You Can Be A Necromancer?, and I do not approve of this.

23. If I can't figure out what you're trying to say in the game thread in under a minute, you'll have quite a bit of explaining to do.

24. Do not attempt to lynch/kill Yours Truly, no matter how tempting it may be.

25. The only players that can affect the game are on the player list.

26. No, you may not be an informed observer upon death.

27. Ignorance of the rules will probably make your punishment more harsh. The rules don't exist for my own reading pleasure.

28. Don't be a jerk. Don't get in the way of anyone else's enjoyment of the GAME. My goal is for the lot of you to have fun, not hurt feelings.

29. If I think of anything else, it'll go here.

This game is for fifteen people.


1. Scarlet/Raymond - Town Driver, killed N2

2. Kaoz - Town Miller Vigilante, killed N3

3. BBM

4. Shinori - Town Backup, died N4

5. Haze - Mafia Tailor, lynched D4

6. Paperblade Balcerzak - Mafia Protection Stripper/Hooker, lynched D3

7. bearclaw/dragonfang - Town Mayor/Bodyguard, modkilled D1

8. JB/Shatter - Town Bomb, lynched D1

9. Prims

10. Poly/Mango Sentinel Eurykins - Town Non-Consecutive Hooker, killed N2

11. SB

12. Radiant Dragon - Mafia Jack-of-all-Kills, lynched Day 2

13. Rajam

14. Frosty Fire Mage/Fire Flower - Town Tracker/Follower, killed N3

15. Randa - ?????, killed N1

Your ever-loving host


1. Green Poet

2. Parrhesia

3. Wen Yang/Kopfjager

4. Kay

Edited by eclipse
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First things first.

##Vote: Haze

Policy. With that out of the way,


##Vote: Rajam

Pregame cop scan. Sheep me.

Also, since a fair number of people joined this game despite having busy schedules, please keep them in mind when posting and be concise and to the point.

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Right, first of all.

##Vote: Kaoz

For being obvious lurkscum trying to coast by on his good reputation.

If people just thought for themselves instead of just assuming Kaoz is town every game, town might actually win for once. I mean, fuck, he has one post in this whole thread, ONE. Yet you people are already lining up to fellate him like he ejaculates delicious vanilla pudding. It's ridiculous, and I won't stand for it anymore.

Vote Kaoz, if not because my absurd logic convinced you, then at least do it out of common decency.

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##vote: JB

Shinori, would you join me? Hold hands?

Shark Bait, do you have a problem if I just copy-paste your vote?

Kaoz, you're pursuing the wrong player. Strike 1.

Haze, do you know this playerlist? Just based on past experience, is anyone worth a policy lynch? Anyone whose town record is awful but whose mafia record is good?

Frosty Fire Mage, same question as above for you

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##Vote: Randa

I know this guy.

btw, since it'll be obvious pretty soon; I'm mayor, this does show up on votals.


Kaoz, what made you claim in your second post rather than on your first one? What thought process happened in between that made you claim?

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Kaoz, what made you claim in your second post rather than on your first one? What thought process happened in between that made you claim?

My vote counts as two. This also means i'm twice as important as all you scrubs.

It seemed to me like he forgot to in his first post or something.

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Because I'm the real miller cop.

So does that mean you're counter claiming me? Why aren't you voting me then? Or do you have reason to believe that there are two miller cops in this setup?

Kaoz, what made you claim in your second post rather than on your first one? What thought process happened in between that made you claim?

I looked at my role PM more closely.

Rajam, is there any particular reason why you want to copy SB's votes rather than dragonfang's or Randa's?

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So does that mean you're counter claiming me? Why aren't you voting me then? Or do you have reason to believe that there are two miller cops in this setup?

I looked at my role PM more closely.

Rajam, is there any particular reason why you want to copy SB's votes rather than dragonfang's or Randa's?

When writting my post, dragonfang's and Randa's votes weren't around at the time. I'm still ok with SB's vote though.

Do you make something of dragonfang for interfering for no reason?

Would you be so kind to move your vote to a more useful place? I'll give you my word of honor that I'm not scum :Ninian: Do you trust me?

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