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School of Hard NOCs - Night 6 ends on Mar. 15 at 9:00 PM HST


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I dunno I used to think that any vote was better than no vote because I can change it any time, but then that led a lot of the times to me voting someone just because I didn't have anything better rather than because I actually found them suspicious. That's okay super early on to instigate more discussion but after a certain point it's kind of useless. At least not voting anyone is a better indication of where my reads are at.

Paperblade's vote kind of sucks because there's obviously a clear difference between avoiding wagons for the sake of avoiding wagons (what SB is accusing RD of doing) and avoiding wagons because you find a non-wagon more suspicious. I mean, I don't know if I agree that assessment of RD but Paperblade's vote doesn't seem to be on the point. Also Paperblade went from "Rajam's sheeping is bad" to "Rajam's wagon is bad". What's bad about the wagon considering you were cool with voting him in your last post?

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@Shinori: why is bearclaw not scummy if you didn't like his posts

Gut mainly. His posts didn't strike me as good but I'm not really getting a scum vibe from him.

Seems to me you have a case here. Why not put your vote there then? I mean, considering your vote is nowhere now...

You should try to not post so many things at once; yeah I do this a lot but I'm not even this bad!

I'm either having a pretty serious case of braindead-ness here or you're not making sense. I really don't understand what point you're trying to make.

I didn't really understand either so you aren't the only one.


Consider me in spirit voting against Scarlet

SB, Kaoz, do you agree with the observations made here (specially first line)?

Why don't you actually vote him? x.x Also could you maybe state your actual reasons for "Spiritually voting" Scarlet?

Rajam seems really jumpy right now. It's Day 1, dude. You don't need to throw out questions wholesale and pick at any little thing you see. That's why people make reads posts; so that they can do all of that at once. At the same time, you're not really addressing any posts directed towards you, which makes you look bad. Also, your post at #100 is really bad; "consider me voting in spirit for Scarlet"? What?

Randa also feels really bad to me still. His Bear suspicion is WTF, and he kinda drops it without any actual reasoning for it. Otherwise, he hasn't really made any real reads. Who is scum IYO?

Scarlet's posts feel null to me taking into consideration they haven't mafia'd in a while. I do however feel like he's focusing a bit too much on Bear's mayor claim (which admittedly does piss me off as all ED1 claims tend to do) and thus isn't really paying as much mind to others as he really should be. The sheeping on Rajam also kinda bugs me.

Agree with BBM in regards to the SBuh wagon. Unless it's all pressure votes - which I kinda doubt - the votes feel like people trying to lynch an inactive because it's easy. Would like SBuh to post more though.

Also, BBM, you yourself haven't really given many reads either. You've been offering your two cents on pretty much everything else, so where's your reads? I don't know if this is lazy!scum!BBM necessarily, but I want more reads from you.

Where'd you go, Frosty? I was so excited to mafia with you now. :<


##Vote: Rajam

I feel that this one is more realistic. I want to lynch Randa over him, though.

also srsly people unvote SBuh lynching an inactive sucks

SB's not an inactive player; saying we are trying to lynch an inactive is entirely wrong. And he wasn't 'inactive' when people were voting him either.

I agree the vote was kinda weak but it doesn't really give me a read on Prims or anything from it.

I don't really understand the reason I'm being voted? "Coasting" in RVS is a weak reason at best, and none of the active posters felt like they were scummy to me at the time. Rajam was basically posting questions about literally everything and nothing really stuck out as alignment indicative to me early on so I didn't say anything about it, and I thought his double-vote request was just him joking around. I don't get how he went from me being town to me being scum based on reasoning that already existed before Prims' case on me showed up though?

I don't like RD or Kaoz right now. RD feels like he's trying to subtly go against my wagon without really putting any effort in to say why it's bad or anything, it just looks like he's avoiding early wagons. Same with Kaoz, even though he thinks I'm scummy he said he'd only vote for me depending on my response despite him lacking a serious vote to begin with.

JB's Rajam attack just feels like a poststyle attack rather than actually voting for someone who he thinks is scummy, which is bad.


##Vote: Radiant Dragon

Haze: who is scum other than Rajam?

I have to agree with your comment on JB's vote. Didn't really like it either. But I'm not sure if I agree with your RD read/vote.

This seems like a lame (scummy) reason to have a safe scum pick between me and Shinori. So, because you don't agree with SB's wagon we both are scum for sheeping it?


##vote: Scarlet

This post and vote is awful and I heavily dislike it. Feels kind of like an OMGUS honestly.

Gonna leave my vote on SB but also dislike JB and Rajam. And gut is telling me to not like Prims.

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"I agree with SB but am not totally sure I agree with some other thing he said. These other people are pretty scummy though. Guess I'm gonna still vote SB!"


Seriously what. Does the initial case you sheeped still apply after his content in your opinion?

BBM: Why Rajam over Paper?

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Already out of RVS and I didn't even have to do anything. Nice. Basically just skimmed what's happened so far (four pages already, holy cow), seems a wagon's formed on SB due to... what exactly? Coasting? Pressure?

I'll be gone most of tomorrow, but I should be able to catch up in the evening. I'm not placing a vote because I haven't had time to read through what's happened in depth and it seems that we're out of RVS. I'm mostly just posting to show that I'm here, even if my activity won't be great.

I agree the vote was kinda weak but it doesn't really give me a read on Prims or anything from it.

I don't really understand the reason I'm being voted? "Coasting" in RVS is a weak reason at best, and none of the active posters felt like they were scummy to me at the time. Rajam was basically posting questions about literally everything and nothing really stuck out as alignment indicative to me early on so I didn't say anything about it, and I thought his double-vote request was just him joking around. I don't get how he went from me being town to me being scum based on reasoning that already existed before Prims' case on me showed up though?

I don't like RD or Kaoz right now. RD feels like he's trying to subtly go against my wagon without really putting any effort in to say why it's bad or anything, it just looks like he's avoiding early wagons. Same with Kaoz, even though he thinks I'm scummy he said he'd only vote for me depending on my response despite him lacking a serious vote to begin with.

JB's Rajam attack just feels like a poststyle attack rather than actually voting for someone who he thinks is scummy, which is bad.##Unvote##Vote: Radiant Dragon

Haze: who is scum other than Rajam?

How are you getting a Scum read out of the one post that RD has made so far. He said he questions the wagon on you, which both BBM and I have also said, and that he has limited activity. How does that jump out to you as scum?
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RD feels like he's trying to subtly go against my wagon without really putting any effort in to say why it's bad or anything, it just looks like he's avoiding early wagons.

You're correct about one thing: I didn't put any effort into that post. I skimmed the topic and the votes on you were what stuck out to me the most. I already said why I didn't place a vote, so 'it just looks like he's avoiding early wagons' just seems like a poor attempt at twisting my the meaning of my post to justify your vote.

Anyway, we have Mayor and PGO claims already, both of which make sense to claim early. Any other claims I've missed?

Going to start reading the thread in earnest, looking at ISOs, lynching scum, drinking tea, etc. Give me some time to place a vote.

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Randa is town, literally 95% certain. I would like to see some more reads from him though.

FFM literally hasn't fucking posted once, is he getting prodded soon?

I'm not getting much else from reading up (besides aforementioned BBM and Rajam suspicions) will probably iso soon.

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1. I see the name change (dammit people I have to do all first post edits in Firefox or I break ISOs)

2. Frosty Fire Mage/Fire Flower has been prodded!

3. Votals when my stomach calms down.

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So basic scum reads so far:

SB who had the largest wagon for no reason made a particularly bizzare vote after decrediting the current votes against him. This seems a bit odd to me. Minor scum read.

Rajam. Aside from the posting style, his voting style concerns me, he hasn't been poking anyone to try and get anywhere. Not has he had an original vote since RVS. This seems like he's trying more to get anybody lynched than actually find scum. Moderate Scum Read.

Those two are based off of what I've seen. I'm probably the most scummy out of any player so far. But I'm also, quite clearly, the most confuse.

And then there's Prims. I don't know why but instinct is telling me he's dangerous. I have no evidence right now so don't bother asking for it, just something is off.

That all being said I'm going with my gut on this and ##Vote Prims.

This will probably change after seeing people's reactions, but I don't think I'm wrong on this.

But hey first time playing so most of this is probably wrong.

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The new and hopefully correct vocals

Rajam (6) - Kaoz, Haze, Scarlet, JB, Polydeuces, BBM
SB (2) - Shinori, Paperblade

BBM (2) - bearclaw

Radiant Dragon (1) - SB

Scarlet (1) - Rajam

Polydeuces (1) - Prims

Prims (1) - Randa

No vote (2) - Radiant Dragon, Frosty Fire Mage

Edited by Sangyul
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That's quite a wagon on Rajam. I'm going to look closer at the wagoners, since I'm pretty sure we've got at least one scum trying to ride that wagon with a safe vote. Even if we end up deciding that Rajam is the way to go today, I don't see my feelings of misgiving about the wagon going away unless Rajam flips scum.

Still reading up on everything, just trying to stay updated on current developments meanwhile.

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I agree the vote was kinda weak but it doesn't really give me a read on Prims or anything from it.


I don't really understand the reason I'm being voted? "Coasting" in RVS is a weak reason at best, and none of the active posters felt like they were scummy to me at the time. Rajam was basically posting questions about literally everything and nothing really stuck out as alignment indicative to me early on so I didn't say anything about it, and I thought his double-vote request was just him joking around. I don't get how he went from me being town to me being scum based on reasoning that already existed before Prims' case on me showed up though?

Not really coasting when you were actually posting stuff. You even asked Rajam a question; I wouldn't call that coasting, you were obviously here, reading, and doing things. You just didn't do 'anything'. That's why I voted you.

I don't like RD or Kaoz right now. RD feels like he's trying to subtly go against my wagon without really putting any effort in to say why it's bad or anything, it just looks like he's avoiding early wagons. Same with Kaoz, even though he thinks I'm scummy he said he'd only vote for me depending on my response despite him lacking a serious vote to begin with.

Doesn't like RD or kaoz. Says cause they are avoiding early wagons. I don't really agree with this considering RD had made one post before this and all he had asked was why a wagon was forming on SB. I do however dislike that RD has no vote down. This stands out to me. I also disagree because Kaoz said he does find SB scummy and he would swap based on posts. And it's kind of obvious that Kaoz appears to have a serious vote now on Rajam, so I wouldn't even come close to calling that a not serious vote so I feel like that partially misreps Kaoz. I heavily dislike that.

JB's Rajam attack just feels like a poststyle attack rather than actually voting for someone who he thinks is scummy, which is bad.


##Vote: Radiant Dragon

Haze: who is scum other than Rajam?

As for this he commented that you were; although he does need more thoughts out in the open I feel.

Read the bolded stuffz.

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I do however dislike that RD has no vote down. This stands out to me.

Do I need to explain again why I haven't voted yet? If a lack of reading comprehension was a scum-tell I'd have about half the scum-team pegged already.

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@FFM- Why is it pointless? We have a lot of time left in the phase. Vote for who you find most likely to be scum and try to convince others that you're right. You don't need to just vote whomever has the most votes. For one thing, only 6 votes are even needed for a lynch, and we already had that before your vote.

Rajam is at 7 now, so ##Unvote, ##Vote: Paperblade to avoid an accidental hammer. The reason I didn't do this right away is that I wanted Rajam to respond to my vote first.

Shinori, you're still ignoring that all of SB's posts except that one question were in RVS. And if he asked a question, how is that doing nothing?

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I was going to vote for Kaoz due to him being overly eager, but that sounds pointless now.

##Vote: Rajam since kind of pointless to vote for anyone else now. Still confused about this whole Mafia thing.

"i don't get mafia so instead of making an effort to figure it out i'm going to put the largest wagon at l-1"

yeah no

We're past the point where I said it was alright the focus on one person; if you legitimately think Rajam is the scummiest then I can't tell this from your post. I also don't understand how Kaoz would have been more eager than anybody else. Explain your thoughts and the process behind them please, if you really went into the game completely blind then there are guides for that in the info dump. Possible newbscum here.

I'm suspicious of Paperblade, even if he's busy I don't like his #123, the mayor comment isn't real contribution and I can't actually tell what his read on either Poly or JB is after the second line of that post. It reads like filler content imo and I'm not sure why he wouldn't have just left it at his previous post.

BBM never explained why Rajam over Paper and his recent post implies he still prefers Rajam lynch and is just wary of hammer. pls respond

@Rajam: why vote me on gut when nobody else is interested in voting me right now? Obviously one person's gut isn't going to convince other people to wagon me. Also if you have a gut read then usually there's a reason for it that can be put into words if you try hard enough.

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Looking over Rajam's wagoners to satisfy my vague curiosity regarding the magnitude of his wagon:

Kaoz: Voted Rajam at the beginning of RVS. Has made a couple of posts since then but didn't move his vote. States he's suspicious of SB and that he would be willing to switch to him.

Haze: Voted Rajam for asking about policy lynches, but doesn't give any other reasoning later on for why Rajam is his only scum-read. He is sick though, so I'm not going to push him much farther at this point. Hope you get better soon, bro!

Raymond: Voted Rajam for sheeping and not making sense. Seems to have made some good posts and has posted some of his other reads as well. Leaning Town so far but we all know how good at scumhunting I'm not.

JB: Voted Rajam for the legitimate point of Rajam asking a bunch of questions but dodging most of the ones aimed at him. However, this was not exactly a new revelation and the rest of his content in his one post is rather lacking.

Poly: Wants to lynch Randa, but votes for Rajam because it's more 'realistic', which I'm interpreting to mean that he's trying to consolidate votes onto a single target (correct me if I'm wrong here). A null-tell, especially on Day 1, but it doesn't make me feel any better about him. His other points make sense with the exception of his remarks about SB. I personally wouldn't consider SB an inactive at the point he posted.

BBM: Just changed his vote to avoid an accidental hammer. I'm feeling null about him, personally. He seems to be asking more questions than he has reads on people, but that's pretty natural. I just can't seem to get a feeling about him one way or another.

Fire Flower: Seems to be a typical new player trying to get a grasp of what's going on. His vote would be pretty bad otherwise, but all things considered it's a null read.

Let's go with ##Vote: JB for now. I'm somewhat uneasy of Poly as well, but less so than JB. I'll be looking more closely into some of the other players as well, but that will probably have to wait until tomorrow evening since I'm out of time now.

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asdfjka;kfja;kldfj I gotta open up Firefox again. . .

My mom just called, and I'm suddenly busy at 6:30 PM. Phase end time is now 8:00 PM, which is an extra hour and a half for you guys to argue it out. Real life before mafia.

EDIT: Revised timer

Edited by eclipse
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So what he's possible newbscum because he has no clue what he's doing? If a first time player doesn't look at guides and whatnot they're more likely to do stupid stuff as town than scum because they don't have buddies giving them advice.

Paperblade is maybe worse but I originally didn't want to switch my vote until Rajam responded, and so I didn't bother deciding which of them was worse at that time.

Most of RD's post feels more like reporting than actual analysis.

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