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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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Cunt. And also jeepers.

to me this post sums up severian perfectly.

my runner-up post is ..............

also by severian

i won't say

It was pussy wasn't it.

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there are so many good options but I think I'm gonna echo the second one integrity posted

Ya me too.

EDIT-I'm pretty sure there was one I liked more but I don't remember what it is.

Edited by SeverIan
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i had one in my head and i went searching for it and i can't find it so i'm just going to nominate "every one"

I will go with this one.
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why did i even bother telling people to nominate one quote said by people less quotable than severian

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I don't find any of SeverIan's posts to be memorable in any way.

As for the "best of the rest":

I've had it with these motherfucking ponies on this motherfucking internet! I'd open some fucking windows but I'm not sure if it would help.

It still makes me laugh, nearly three years later.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I don't really remember enough to say

Though I guess I could take one from yesterday that I saw and thought was silly~


Ey bby you got yer hair in yer eyes
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This is my favorite one that I can remember.

The runner up can be that one that everyone's quoting but I'm to lazy too. Also irrelevant but I probably used the wrong 'to'.

Edited by Refa
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I like too many of them but not like bookmarking like.

I'll just hop on the bandwagon of the most popular one, since that was pretty great.

non-SeverIan post is probably either:

By definition, an opinion cannot be wrong.

I know. How did you manage it?

(context doesn't help)

or alternatively

With the Australian election coming up tomorrow, I am filled with democratic spirit. Therefore I am asking you, the masses, to endorse me, Parrhesia, as moderator, either globally or with purview over the General Sections.

As moderator, my platform would be built on improving the moral and intellectual standards of the forum. This process would likely leave Serious Discussion a smoking crater. Gone would be threads on why incest is totally okay, or on what wine goes best with one's deceased two-month old daughter. And everyone who makes those kinds of threads would be banned forever.

I would also work tirelessly to make warns public to view, so that people warned because they want to have sex with small anime women of twelve years of age would be publically branded and shamed. Somewhat related, wanting to have sex with small anime women of twelve years of age would be a bannable offence due to being fucking creepy.

Other bannable offences would include:

+ Hating sports because FUCKING JOCKS ;.;

+ Regarding popular and charismatic people as violent criminals

+ Being afraid of The Outdoors

+ Saying 'wincest' even semi-unironically

+ Whining about the SF twitter

+ Proclaiming yourself 'Gim-(first name)'

+ Objectively terrible combinations of username, avatar, member title and/or location.

+ Turning this into a dumb fad, seriously

+ Turning anything into a fad, for that matter

+ It's like a car crash, it's the guys at the end who get sued

I would also immediately ban Fayt Zelpher/Randomly Predictable. I know he has already quit the forums. That isn't enough.

By popular demand, Forum Games would be closed immediately.

Shipping threads displease the people. I would demand them gone.

I would crack down heavily on the Awakening board, should it fall within my domain.

FE4 Thread would occasionally be arbitrarily hidden, to keep people on their toes.

The phrase 'xD' would be cracked down upon.

Feel free to suggest more policies in the comments below, for I am a kind and democratic soul.

If you are contend with the current maelstrom of stupidity present in Serious Discussion and the like, then you should probably not be allowed to vote. But if what you desire is a smarter, better, stronger Forest, possibly by means of a purge or genocide of the boards, then you should vote for me, Parrhesia.

in no particular order

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this is the best parrhesia post though


I like that idea but that wasn't the version I know

The version I know is thus;

There was this hare and there was this tortoise, and the hare bet the tortoise like a million bucks he could win a footrace. The tortoise accepted. The hare was fuckin' fast, yeah, and the tortoise was a tortoise. But the hare was a dozy cunt and fuckin' fell asleep. He slept for a fuckin' long time during which the tortoise overtook him and won. The moral is fuck arrogance and diligence owns.

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