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QOTD Thread II - 420 - Favourite question so far?


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when I was younger, I'd say average middle class, nowadays, upper middle class.

My answer would be something similar to Loki's/Florina's, I guess.

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My mom was 16 and my dad was 20 when they had my eldest sibling, so I think we started off as a pretty poor family. Of course I came five years later, and by then they were much better off than they were when they were teenagers living in a shabby apartment downtown with a kid and a cat. I don't live with them any more, but they're doing pretty well off now these days.

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We didn't have to worry about things except for in the very early years of my life, where my parents were both impoverished students, but now we're doing alright though things like 'going overseas' are out of our reach, as was 'private education' (though I don't think my family would have made that a priority, because fuck private education). Also we don't have a car - I'm saving for one now.

tl;dr - I'd say more 'thrifty' than 'comfortable'.

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Yes and no.

My mom had enough for the basics (food, shelter, school supplies), but we didn't do things like take long trips around the world. However, I consider myself wealthy in the sense that I have a very loving and supportive family. My memories of them are priceless.

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pretty much the same as Eclipse.

I can't really say much more than I have a good family, live comfortably, and have a ton of good memories.

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When I was really young, no, but around when I started elementary school we started picking up speed, moved from an apartment to a pretty damn big house, and I'd say we were pretty wealthy. We took big trips every year and I've been to so many places since then.

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I would say upper middle class. And it still is.

I'm not the type to spend a lot of money though, and we don't really go out of the city often due to other circumstances. So it feels pretty average most of the time.

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working class.my mums a carer and my dads a maintainence guy, yet they still manage with four sons in the house. food is never scarce in our house surprisingly. and the area we live in is nice

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I grew up going from poor, to less poor, to upper middle class, to lower middle class and then poor again. It made me motivated to always have a stable and comfortable income.

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I will answer your question with another question:

In what ways am I, Jiodi, NOT better than YOU, Parrhesia?

It was rhetorical as we know that list is nonexistent, for I am a golden god.

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Question 307. In what way are you better than ME, PARRHESIA

Im the Norse god of mischief.

Serious answer: not really sure but it could be life experiences. I have those in spades. But im not really better because you have all the time in the world to catch up and experience junk.

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