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The TRUTH behind IP.Chat


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<Euklyd> Logs are the most untrustworthy thing in the world, you can just make up someone saying something with absolutely no effort

<Euklyd> Also also also, I am also a pedophile

Not if you don't know the formatting :P:

You should have screenshots for the keystones, and logs for the rest.

not like I just wanted to read the entire thing or anything

also Poly I am glad you did not link to a random TVTropes page

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I know you caused this behind the scenes!

You can't fool me!

dude you have migayah in your sigatar it is just as likely that you were the origin of small anime girl discussion

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<Euklyd> Logs are the most untrustworthy thing in the world, you can just make up someone saying something with absolutely no effort

<Euklyd> Also also also, I am also a pedophile

Not if you don't know the formatting :P:

You should have screenshots for the keystones, and logs for the rest.

not like I just wanted to read the entire thing or anything

Also actually IP.Chat screenshots are easy to fake as well. You really can't trust anything.


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I am a fan of your posting style and humor. Not that they are relevant to this serious matter. I pray your sanity was salvaged uncorrupted. I agree the IP Chat is an abomination. I'd even go so far as to claim it is cesspit of treachery worse than would be a Far From the Forest board within the Far From the Forest board. Let it be scorched with virulence and cast from earthly civilization!

(Of course I say this in jest... or do I?!?)


OP and Wist, never change pl0x.

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you should invest in logs, so that you could paste transcripts instead of having to make do with pathetic screenshots which obviously cannot do your intrepid journalism full justice.

Logs can be faked - screenshots, with my limited skills, cannot.

Also what other photographs would I provide

perhaps one of Noted Anime Character Rydia

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IPchat, they've filled it to the brim. Who knows what horrors they're discussing as we speak!

If you wanna know, you can simply enter and let us tell you~

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If you wanna know, you can simply enter and let us tell you~


I assume that there's so much talk about whyfoos and glumps and pony-chans there's no room for people who want to discuss the finer aspects of life. Things like classical art, philosophy and why desserts from pizza restaurants are so small.

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Nightmare and Specta and Integrity are in there so I'm sure that however they're ruining it, those three are making it a much better place~

Who knows maybe the coloured names are the whole reason the place even got so full, people tend to get drawn to those it seems...

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Yeah, I don't really get IP chat. I remember when it used to be draft chat before people were like YOU GUYS ARE KILLING ALL OF THE EXCITING DISCUSSION TALKING ABOUT DRAFTS. So after all of the draft people left, it became uh...exciting discussion?


I assume that there's so much talk about whyfoos and glumps and pony-chans there's no room for people who want to discuss the finer aspects of life. Things like classical art, philosophy and why desserts from pizza restaurants are so small.

Speak for yourself, my local pizza restaurants have pretty nice sundaes.

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I assume that there's so much talk about whyfoos and glumps and pony-chans there's no room for people who want to discuss the finer aspects of life. Things like classical art, philosophy and why desserts from pizza restaurants are so small.

None of that happens. Maybe some waifu-ing when a non regular shows up.

Had to look up glumps. What have you done?

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Speak for yourself, my local pizza restaurants have pretty nice sundaes.

I live near a Dominos, they'll sell you a cupcake for like £5. My housemate was not impressed. And IPchat is totally full of non-important draft stuff! I say we renamed it draft chat and all live there forever!

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I live near a Dominos, they'll sell you a cupcake for like £5. My housemate was not impressed. And IPchat is totally full of non-important draft stuff! I say we renamed it draft chat and all live there forever!

Cupcakes? Dominos sells cupcakes???

And you don't give IPchat a name, it's IPchat that gives you a name! Don't destroy IPchat's wonderful religion. :(

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But Rydia is a video game character.

You can tell that Furet would make a good journalist, because like any good journalist, he doesn't bother to do any research about the subject that he investigates.

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And you don't give IPchat a name, it's IPchat that gives you a name! Don't destroy IPchat's wonderful religion. :(

your dumb

Shin > everything on SF

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