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E3 2014


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Has this been posted yet?


Whoa, that's pretty cool. "Mario Maker" sounds like we can finally build our own levels. (albeit on the NES engine)

EDIT: I'm starting to think we should spoiler tag anymore leaks, since some people (like myself) don't really want to know what's in store.

Edited by Knight
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Ooh, Mario Maker! That looks like the stamp collection in Mario Paint, only expanded to be able to become full levels that we can play on! That sounds so cool! :o

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EDIT: I'm starting to think we should spoiler tag anymore leaks, since some people (like myself) don't really want to know what's in store

Alright, I've done that now. Now will you do the same?

Edited by shinpichu
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Holy shit, guys. Apparently, there was another Nintendo E3 schedule leak and if this is real, then HOLY MOTHER OFSWEETNESS THIS IS GONNA BE THE BEST E3 EVER!! And Nintendo will crush everyone else! I can't link to the page the photo is on, but from what I remember, this stuff was on the list:

Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U

The Legend of Zelda: Unfound King

Hyrule Warriors

Super Mario Sunshine HD remake

Star Fox 3DS

Pokemon ORAS

Pokken Fighter Tournament

Mario Party 10

Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem

Bayonetta 2

Yarn Yoshi

Wii U HD collection (comes with Super Mario Sunshine and some other title I can't remember atm)

That's all I recall off the top of my head. PLEASE GOD LET THIS ONE BE REAL. :D

Edited by Anacybele
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Oh yeah, one thing I noticed that was different from other leaks we've seen: it wasn't just a piece of paper, it was part of a packet. And it used the gray Nintendo logo.

In short, there are no signs that this one is fake. It just might be the real one!

Oh, I just remembered another title that was on the list. It was a Dragon Quest game. Should make fans of that series happy. :)

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Is there a source (picture, website, etc)?

I'd like to see that first before judging it. Eitehr way, the line-up seems more believable from the titles alone, but there's no other indication of it being real.

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Oh yeah, one thing I noticed that was different from other leaks we've seen: it wasn't just a piece of paper, it was part of a packet. And it used the gray Nintendo logo.

In short, there are no signs that this one is fake. It just might be the real one!

Oh, I just remembered another title that was on the list. It was a Dragon Quest game. Should make fans of that series happy. :)

If that's real, and it's numbered...

I would be so pleased.

I'll save the thank yous SE will recieve for when a source is provided.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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I saw the presumably leaked image, the Dragon Quest game was DQ7, and the other HD remake was the Wave Race Gamecube game.

Would be nice, but not buying any leaks myself.

EDIT: Here it is, people. But since no Mario Maker is listed, then it's most likely fake.


Edited by Jave
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I saw the presumably leaked image, the Dragon Quest game was DQ7, and the other HD remake was the Wave Race Gamecube game.

Would be nice, but not buying any leaks myself.

EDIT: Here it is, people. But since no Mario Maker is listed, then it's most likely fake.


The fact that, unless they are doing a remake, Dragon Quest currently has ten installments makes me doubt it.
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Is there even news on there being a 3DS demo at E3? I know the Wii U version is, but I haven't heard/seen anything about a 3DS demo; not that I'm saying that's a reason the list isn't true, but rather I just generally don't know.

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Guys, the link also said that it might not be EVERYTHING Nintendo has planned, so it could still be real, even without Mario Maker listed.

Also, you can clearly see more text through that sheet of paper. :P

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I saw the presumably leaked image, the Dragon Quest game was DQ7, and the other HD remake was the Wave Race Gamecube game.

Would be nice, but not buying any leaks myself.

EDIT: Here it is, people. But since no Mario Maker is listed, then it's most likely fake.


Good list but:

no Wii U Metroid/10

Edited by LuxSpes
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Good list but:

no Wii U Metroid/10

Would that even surprise anyone at this point?

I'm still waiting for a new F-Zero, Star Fox, Elite Beat Agents, Mario Strikers Charged sequel, Advance/Battalion Wars. Heck I was waiting for Giftpia, Doshin the Giant, Disasters Days of Crisis and even Project H.A.M.M.E.R but they were never localizied or released in NA.

Edited by kingddd
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Okay, now that I'm on my laptop again, here's the link the photo is shown in. It says that that paper's list may only be a large portion of what we're going to see, not the entire presentation. So as I said, it can still be real even though Mario Maker isn't on it.

Oh yeah, also...

I misread that Zelda Wii U title lol, it's Unbound King, not Unfound King. Dang small phone screens. xP

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I refuse to believe any more "leaks" because there's a new one every other day but if it's real then that's cool, this is a solid lineup.

DQ7 is an insta-buy for me, I have vivid memories of anticipation for DQ9 years ago. Fossil Fighters is cool, a new Star Fox is very cool.

One thing that may lead me to believe this is fake though, and that's that Layton vs. Wright came out in Japan and Europe already, so I don't know if they want to dedicate time to a game released everywhere but the U.S.

Although them only showing us a trailer and nothing else for SMTxFE sounds like a pretty good prediction.

Edited by Alertcircuit
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My main concern with all these leaks is: do companies actually just print out lists of games that will be showcased? That seems like it would be a really odd practice, and every new leak being in that same style only makes me believe them less.

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