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The next FE Lord: What would you want him or her to be like?


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A red-haired female lord would absolutely make my day. Jill for next FE lord.

But I really just want a female lord who keeps her spotlight. Eirika is the only one so far who could be said to have that. I'm fine with almost anything else they do so long as she's well-written and not oversexualized.

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I'll echo the whole "female who is actually the star and also doesn't have blue hair" bit. And her femaleness is not a defining trait, or even important most of the time. When it is important, it shouldn't be because "this is how women act" but because "this is how a woman would be treated in this situation, as opposed to a man."

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I want the next Lord to actually be the experienced Jeigan, whilst the Pally you start with is his brand new squire. That would be a nice shake up.

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A dude who uses Dark Magic.

That is all.

i think marth should get another game

they can remake FE11

If only, eh?

that's would probably happen if the fans said they want a manakete. Nintendos response " hey guys lets put the same lord shit together we've been pulling for ages now." lets say their part dragon but have no powers". then we can make money.

Isn't that Roy?

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A woman who uses lances or magic, definitely. Also, no blue hair, please.

I'll echo the whole "female who is actually the star and also doesn't have blue hair" bit. And her femaleness is not a defining trait, or even important most of the time. When it is important, it shouldn't be because "this is how women act" but because "this is how a woman would be treated in this situation, as opposed to a man."

Okay wait your explanation is literally perfect.
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Isn't that Roy?

Except Ninian isn't Roy's absolute canon mother. Eliwood has two other options for wives.

I'm glad people agree with me on there needing to be a standalone female lord! ^^

Edited by Anacybele
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I want a lady lord next. And im flexible with this kind of idea.

If we are going the Ass Kicker Route, i want a lady whos bamfy but has enough depth to be sensitive when the situation calls for it. Bonus Points: If shes actually older and already has children but her husband died in the prologue and shes fighting because shes now the scion of her nation cuz her children are too young to be. Thus political intrigue ensues.

The other side of the coin is the return of a magical Lord, and shes a princess/Baroness/insert female title here. She was the crowned insert-title-here or next in succession, but political intrigue ensues and she must do something about it. So she goes and uses diplomacy to gain an army and allies. And she uses anima magic in battle. (preferably mounted)

If we get another dude lord, i want a lance lord who must face the consequences of every action he makes, and actually growing as a character.

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More than anything else the next lord should actually exhibit leadership qualities. Some of the lords in the series just sort of wander around getting advice from an adviser (Roy x Merlinus, Leif x whatever that bishop was called, Eirika x Seth, Celice x Levin, Chrom x Robin, and I get the impression with marth though I haven't played his games enough to know for sure.) The ones that are actually shown to interact with their army as a leader (or grow into the position in the case of Ike) are consistently the stronger characters, so the next lord should be independent and the main decision maker of their army.

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More than anything else the next lord should actually exhibit leadership qualities. Some of the lords in the series just sort of wander around getting advice from an adviser (Roy x Merlinus, Leif x whatever that bishop was called, Eirika x Seth, Celice x Levin, Chrom x Robin, and I get the impression with marth though I haven't played his games enough to know for sure.) The ones that are actually shown to interact with their army as a leader (or grow into the position in the case of Ike) are consistently the stronger characters, so the next lord should be independent and the main decision maker of their army.

Marth was making a lot of his own decisions in FE11. Not so much okay not at all in his other games. Unfortunately as long as the adviser character is the means of pandering to the player, we probably won't get a lord who serves as his/her own primary decision maker.

I want a female Peg Knight lance specialist as the next Lord. Second pick would be an archer Lord.

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Except Ninian isn't Roy's absolute canon mother. Eliwood has two other options for wives.

I'm glad people agree with me on there needing to be a standalone female lord! ^^

Actually, Ninian/Eliwood is canon. I think it was FE Treasure that confirmed it as well as canon pairs for Lyn and Hector.

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Actually, Ninian/Eliwood is canon. I think it was FE Treasure that confirmed it as well as canon pairs for Lyn and Hector.

Um, what exactly are you talking about?

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Actually, Ninian/Eliwood is canon. I think it was FE Treasure that confirmed it as well as canon pairs for Lyn and Hector.

Digression: Can't have been Treasure, as that's all FE4 stuff. There was a FE7 novel with Ninian/Eliwood and some other pairings, some of which aren't exactly favored in-game (Guy/Priscilla IIRC), but that's kind of like taking manga adaptations as canon, isn't it?

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I'd like to be able to pick their character background, similar to FE12's avatar background selection+its impact on stats but with it actually affecting dialogue and the representation of the character. Something like Dragon Age: Origin's entire first part of the game depending on the choice would be going above and beyond my wildest hopes, and something like Mount&Blade where the choice could affect relevant options later somehow (mostly just if you were of noble birth in that game, but anyway) feels like it's about the edge of what I'm comfortable hoping for. Regardless I'm hoping for somebody who would get to choose their path through the game story. (coughs, shoves package labeled "NINTENDO HQ: FIRE EMBLEM- FRENCH REVOLUTION CONCEPTS" into mailbox)

Oh, the character design? I guess I'd like to just be able to customize them from the ground up. I'll admit I trust myself more to fashion the kind of diversity I'd like to see than I trust just about any game maker to hand it to me

I would appreciate, like, a tall female axe-thrower cum general, though

And personally I could do without even "this is how a woman would be treated in this situation" because one of the things I like about fantasy is that you can easily just throw as many of those expectations as you like out the window as a creator

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Digression: Can't have been Treasure, as that's all FE4 stuff. There was a FE7 novel with Ninian/Eliwood and some other pairings, some of which aren't exactly favored in-game (Guy/Priscilla IIRC), but that's kind of like taking manga adaptations as canon, isn't it?

I agree, taking a novel as canon is like taking a manga adaptation as canon. And the Zelda mangas definitely aren't canon (the Ocarina of Time one has Link hatching and befriending a baby Volvagia for gods' sake).

Besides, the novel used Rath x Lyn while the game favors Hector x Lyn. At least the way I see it (it's a reason I became supportive of Hector x Lyn, actually).

I wouldn't object to a laguz lord, btw. I love the laguz, so I really want to see them again (the taguel just weren't as cool, imo, even if they ARE bunnies).

Edited by Anacybele
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A young man or woman with blue hair of noble descent and adept at sword fighting. Mostly with a rapier of some sort who eventually obtains a legendary blade they need to defeat the main antagonist. Also, they have a noble personality and treat everyone with respect and as equals.

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if we're getting a female lord, i'd prefer her to be a serial killer. actually that goes for future male lords too. i mean who else would be a more qualified leader for an army of misfits answer: pretty much anyone else but i don't care

i think marth should get another game

they can remake FE11

actually i'd prefer a remake of the BSFE chapters provided in FE12, only expanded to fill an entire game

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I think a prince-pauper situation would be cool. I also would like to have more of a peaceful shepherd than Chrom.

My idea for a lord would be a male healer. Class would be trainee priest or something like that, and he can only use staves. He would kinda be like the Sacred Stones trainees. Level cap would be 5 though. And I'd have every use of the heal stave level him up. The point being that he would promote to a base level class by the end of the first/prologue chapter.

The prologue would be a village ambush and the potential beginning of a war. Jeigan character would be the shepherd's childhood best friend, the country's only prince. Class would be lord (base-class), and he'd be mounted with access to swords and lances.

In the prologue when the shepherd promotes, the prince will give him a sword and give some lines about the necessity of war. The shepherd would promote into an unmounted sword+staff unit (maybe called missionary).

The jeigan would be with you for the beginning of the game but then the two friends would have to split up. Over the course of the game, it would be revealed that the shepherd is the rightful heir, not the actual prince. I'd have an important branching point about halfway through the game.

-One path would lead to the prince and the shepherd clashing. In this path the prince would become an enemy unit like a wyvern lord or great knight with access to swords+lances+dark tomes (something like usurper-king). And the shepherd would promote into a mounted sword+lance+staff unit(something like rightful-king)

-Other path would lead to the prince and the shepherd reuniting and working together. Prince would promote into a paladin-like class with swords+lances+axes(something like worthy-king). And the shepherd would promote into an unmounted sword+staff+light tome unit(something like true shepherd).

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A young man or woman with blue hair of noble descent and adept at sword fighting. Mostly with a rapier of some sort who eventually obtains a legendary blade they need to defeat the main antagonist. Also, they have a noble personality and treat everyone with respect and as equals.

Yes this this would be delightful

im not being sarcastic actually id be fine if i saw that again

more gameplay elements/inherent difficulty and impactable storyline plz

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As long as it's not someone who uses swords or who's royalty or who has blue hair, I mean come on Nintendo mix it up a little.

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Digression: Can't have been Treasure, as that's all FE4 stuff. There was a FE7 novel with Ninian/Eliwood and some other pairings, some of which aren't exactly favored in-game (Guy/Priscilla IIRC), but that's kind of like taking manga adaptations as canon, isn't it?

Mark_asphodel, you should know how heavily the game favors Eli/Ninian. Just because Squeenix's comic favors pairing Priscilla with someone that isn't Erk, doesn't mean it's not a valid opinion.

(For the record, when I say "someone who isn't Erk", I mean "Someone who doesn't get abandoned because she's a goddamn noble".)

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