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Tyne-Wear Mafia - Where Are They Now? Special Bonus 2016 Update


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16. scorri

- Hasn't existed and her response to Weapons' pressure just reads like a scorri post. Kind of sad that this has been her typical meta lately.

- Main question I have for her is why she said bear of all people was her buddy during the refuge in audacity post, that jumped out to me as weird even if it was facetious, unless this is some weird community joke I'm not aware of or a context thing I missed.

If I were to theoretically make a giant wall post explaining all of my reads and thoughts, this would be one of them.

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I am actually scum reading FFM, because of how Marth pointed out FFM in


which looks like perfect scum association (and read FFM's reply to it in http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=49064&view=findpost&p=3254530 which is just plain weird)

I also don't like FFM's play in general. Other than what Randa said about him (which I agreed on)

one of the reason I picked Marth for the night is cause of his subtle reads on FFM (as a maf buddy would do) and cause Marth was playing like a vanilla (I mean, in thread, he sounded like his claim would be vanilla, so perfect person to send for night kills)

things to note, along with SB's overreaction to what I said about BBM not using his role and defending FFM like that, he could be scum. (this is also because I am scumreading FFM first)

if we have a vig and not a SK, I would like to ask the vig to take out FFM tonight

I also think I will end up dead tonight cause PR, so, I want to prolong the phase

another thing I am really disliking is how Prims is playing

what I actually dislike is the way he is posting is not the least bit persuasive. (look at his FFM case and defense on Randa, both cases lack the motivating effect Prims normally has). Basically, what I am trying to say is that Prims is playing like town Prims, but making lower level cases on purpose, so that people don't follow him while making himself look good at the same time. I think he is scum and if I can use my ability tonight, I will very likely use it on one of these 3 (Prims, SB, FFM)

also, to start things up, Poly should answer the questions asked by people last phase.

@Cam, the bold part was the reaction test on SB, it didn't work cause it was ignored and I am not telling you what it was supposed to do

my thoughts on SB + Blade is very nicely conveyed by Strawman and I am as lazy as I can even get

also, very likely goodbye guys, see you after game ends and good luck town!

and I am also okay with the phase ending now.

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... And then I return to the thread to see 5 more pages of content in a single day. Sweet. And it's midnight now so don't expect much from me until 9 hours later.

While I read it all, there are a few things that I'll make note of:

Because chances are you've only really skimmed the thread and read Rapier as town based on his tone and active appearances

Why am I scummy?

If I were to theoretically make a giant wall post explaining all of my reads and thoughts, this would be one of them.

Maybe because you haven't bothered to explain your reads and thoughts at all during the whole game. Don't you think this is about time to do so?


I don't like Kirsche's vote on Cam. While it is true that he hasn't been doing much, he's justified by being busy. His vote based on "hey you're not doing any effort" seems flawed and opportunistic (I overuse this word so much). Also, his addressing to Shin seems like nitpicking because there's nothing inherently weird of scummy from him justifying why Bell is different from the other inactives.

##Vote: Kirsche

You can do better than that. That vote of yours has 0 effort. Do you really think that, aside from these 27 pages of content, voting an inactive player who tried to bring content and scumhunt (albeit scarcely) is a good tactic?


Marth's roleclaim seems like a lie to me. I'm skeptical about town!Marth wasting his rolecop shot on me instead of trying to find scum like any town player would do, especially because JoaT roles usually have limited ability uses iirc. Also, if scum set up on me so that any action that targets me will be redirected to BBM, I suppose they'd have as well as killed me instead of him since in this case scenario I'd be drawing their attention too much. Then again, this is just WIFOM.



How exactly do you know someone tried to kill you last night? What was the flavor?

... Wait, weren't you kidding about being bulletproof?


I have no issues with Bellysaurus (blame Shin for this!), a weak Randa vote when the phase was about to end and he being the most likely lynch candidate is better than doing nothing and supporting indirectly a no-lynch. Seems reasonable enough. Also, I don't like how SB is complaining about the Randa wagon on early D2 when he could have said something while there was still time, seems like a smart way of saying "I didn't want this to turn out like that, but I had no choice!" which is scummy (I've done this when I was scum, so I know).

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##unvote ##vote:bluedoom

your reasons for tracking me are false blitz but i still can't believe you hit scum

the curse of d2 has hit me again, time to put me out of my misery

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Also I'm obviously in favor of a Marth lynch (especially now that he basically confessed), but I'd rather we use our spare time to discuss. Then again I'm not even sure, can't think at this time of the day.

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##unvote ##vote:bluedoom

your reasons for tracking me are false blitz but i still can't believe you hit scum

the curse of d2 has hit me again, time to put me out of my misery

tfw unsuccessful self hammer.

Hammer should happen because any discussion we could have today we could have tomorrow with more info.

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As you take Bluedoom to the gallows, he begins a passionate counterargument as to why he should be left alive. "You Mackem cunts fucken got no idea wot you been doin I'm the best fucken manager alive, me, who was it who signed all those great players and brought glory to the name of this club, it was me, wasn't it? It fucken was you fucken journo gonzo pricks-"
Unmoved, the hangman ends his life.

You are Joe Kinnear. For the purposes of blending in, you have adopted the pseudonym of Ellis Short.


You're literally insane. Which is why Newcastle United decided you would be a perfect director of football. In your first press conference, you claimed to have signed all the good players in the squad (no), mispronounced about eight guys' names ('Yohan Kebab' being the most famous) and then said they were all shit. You hate your manager. You hate the press. You hate everyone. But you're the sole rock of sanity in a world of pain, and everyone else is just out to get you. The cunts!

Your role is that of the director. You have three one-shot actions.
You may choose to rewrite history, claiming things totally did not happen the way 'the media' thinks they happened. This will hide the role PM and alignment of the mafia's kill that night.
You may choose to make a megalomanic rant. Anyone protecting your kill that night will get bored and wander off, leaving your path clear.
You may choose to lash out at the world. You will perform a loud rant and mispronounce your own player's names, alienating the entire world. However, anyone who visits you will be shot on sight. You have to work yourself into a lather first, though - you cannot use this ability before night three.

Night 2 begins.

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