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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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No cops and two investigation modding roles :(

Should've done better after D4

I figured out like, Night 2(?) that there was no real cop and the godfather was just there to stop the epicmafia game stuff backfiring against us so much.

I think my main complaint about this game was that we basically had four effective mafia slots, which really bothered me. I'm not going to pretend the mafia played great (because with the exception of SB, we didn't), but this game had 19+ people and we only had 4 scum slots. The hydra doesn't make up for not having an extra member. Maybe if they were completely deathproof (could be shot OR lynched once and live) to simulate that extra slot, but being bulletproof alone won't really help because the biggest threat to scum is being lynched. I don't think games that have 20 or more players should have less than 5 scum, and especially not to "balance" out a third party.

I... don't actually think the setup was imbalanced, mostly. Aside from the Refa/Mitsuki/Rein oversight (and Mitsuki being too central a scum role) I thought it was okay because town wasn't particularly powerful, it just felt like it to me after eclipse went down and I only knew half the roles. The only superrole in there was Via which I was able to take about just in time.
Also, Psych wouldn't have been letting a townie die by being recruited, he would've been letting a cultist die. Claiming unrecruitable furthered his own game plan, at any rate.
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I knew Refa wasn't culted YES

I don't like winning a game where all I did was screwing shit up. However, I regret nothing.

Anyways, being part of the scumteam had some really fun parts, like making Elie claim 0-shot driver without knowing that he was actually co-driver with Bearclaw. Or SB's reaction to it and his comics, which are in the scum QT and everyone should check.

I thought Shinori would be cult leader since in my mind a 2-night roleblocker was too powerful for town, to me it made more sense if it was cult who kept their recruitees' roles but roleblocked them for two nights before being able to use them.

Vhaltz x Kaoz PM was great, I'm expecting to see a BBM x Manix PM sometime soon.

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I would think that the cult method of endgaming people is achieve lynch control, and they do so by recruiting people

and the only way to achieve lynch control when it's parity is by recruiting a swing vote

I mean I guess cult might win because all threats are eliminated, since they can't be nightkilled or lynched anymore?

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Depriving the cult of a recruit is pretty powerful - it means their numbers don't increase. With this particular cult, it's REALLY good - their numbers are constant for four day phases.

I dunno how Paper would've handled it but I imagined the kill on Psych would've been on the first night instead of wasting both
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Nothing like a townie just sacrificing themselves to maintain numbers since Cult was weird with recruitment rates and such, Psych had no way of knowing the long term impact of claiming otherwise. I sure as heck wouldn't have, because the way I see it, I'm a townie who can die by both antitown factions, rather than just one.

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yeah wtf why wasn't i a role in this game after all i've done for serenes forest mafia and the best you can do is a name drop in a role pm???


I wanted a role too for myself (yes, I knew I didn't exist and if someone claimed to be me, I would probably have tried to lynch the guy unless culted and CL tried it, lol)

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you've been a role twice already, Blitz!

idk about Paper but I didn't make up any roles for people who I thought already had all their potential used up in previous SFMM games, like, it wouldn't make sense to have another JoAT Marf when the SFMM3 role captured it pretty perfectly.

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Nothing like a townie just sacrificing themselves to maintain numbers since Cult was weird with recruitment rates and such, Psych had no way of knowing the long term impact of claiming otherwise. I sure as heck wouldn't have, because the way I see it, I'm a townie who can die by both antitown factions, rather than just one.

yeah i don't think we've ever had this type of cult recruitment and it's taken me a rereading or two to realize just how it works, but even then I'd assume it would have killed me the way paper said

so yeah i don't think i played my claim poorly

could have done other stuff but eh, i've never been one to carry town

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If I'm town, I don't have to be alive to win. If I KNOW I can't carry a game as town, then I might as well make myself as useful as possible, and leave it in the hands of someone that's (hopefully) more competent.

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you've been a role twice already, Blitz!

idk about Paper but I didn't make up any roles for people who I thought already had all their potential used up in previous SFMM games, like, it wouldn't make sense to have another JoAT Marf when the SFMM3 role captured it pretty perfectly.

I should go and look into my other role then (the only one I remember is the one Psych got in SFMM2?)


I am actually happy with that role (I take back what I said about not being a role)

Edited by Blitz
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lol overreaction much dracula

I am genuinely curious; why do you associate the word "sangyul" with "vampire"?

is it because of the sang- part of the word or what?

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