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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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I use my free time so well.

Mancer... lol

You don't have the grounds to be calling people sensitive because they don't like you making dumb assumptions about their name, when you practically bit off people's heads in your first game because they didn't spell it right.

Actually I do because incorrectly spelling a username that you can see at all times, can't be misinterpreted, and is only ten characters long is different than making a comment (that had no intention to insult) on a username. I also never directly and unnecessarily insulted someone who misspelled my name.

kirsche, I'm not going to let go of something that bothers me just because you think it's no big deal. If Beli acknowledges that I don't like it and doesn't do it again, I'll let it go. If he doesn't, I won't.

I acknowledge that you don't like it and I acknowledge that you're a character from the dramatic novel known as Twilight.

This discussion wasn't even supposed to get to this point. My "uneducated hick" comment was partly a joke, partly a way to say, "stop, I don't like it". SOMEONE didn't take the hint.

In no way can anyone misconstrue that insult as a joke, "uneducated" and "hick" are both derogatory. I got that you didn't like it, but your reaction was unwarranted. If you were offended by my remark you say "Hey that's offensive to me because X so please don't say that again" instead of whatever it is this was.

kirsche is right of course, but as you were begging for a response to this load of crap I naturally couldn't help myself. Okay I'm finished now.

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I acknowledge that you don't like it and I acknowledge that you're a character from the dramatic novel known as Twilight.

your post would've been a lot better without that part

I was almost on your side, man :(:

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I acknowledge that you don't like it and I acknowledge that you're a character from the dramatic novel known as Twilight.

Heeeeey! I acknowledge that you like being called Bellysaurus, you big big scary cousin of the tyrannosaurus rex!

Don't eat me up, please...

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I acknowledge that you don't like it and I acknowledge that you're a character from the dramatic novel known as Twilight.

I'm going to say this one more time. Stop. I don't like it. And if you felt like my reaction was unwarranted, you should've just told me that straight out instead of continuing to behave in this manner. Something you tell me that I could've done, but you yourself could've done as well. You may not know me as well as the other players here do, so while I can see why you didn't know that was a joke your reaction has FAR surpassed whatever "inappropriateness" mine did. So I'm going to say this again. STOP.

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I'll stick to the short-hand form of Beli, because it reminds me of Bella, and of course she'd recognize her one true love~!

You mean her two true loves! A girl of that standard cannot be satiated by one freakish teenager!

I'm also going to ask you to stop, Beli. Whatever point you may have had is now gone, and you're just being plain nasty. You can't really end things by giving a bucket full of insults and saying "Now we can be finished", it's incredibly childish. I'm not saying Boron was entirely in the right, but you're dishing out the low blows.

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Thankfully Beli said he was finished discussing this (which Shin's bias misinterpreted).

In one of the worst ways ever. The way he did it it was like he was trying to have the last laugh and poke in the whole matter. You don't ever end a debate or argument by sniping at the other party...

I don't really like these types of passive aggressive swipes.

Boron's initial reaction may have been a little harsh but it does not warrant such behaviour. Apparently, Bellysaurus Rex is not sorry about the whole thing despite "acknowledging" that Boron does not like it. In fact, he has proven that he is doing it because he knows Boron does not like it (aka doing it on purpose). By handwaving Boron in this way, you're actually showing that you condone such a hypocritical practice. Past his initial posts, Bellysaurus Rex has stepped on the boundaries of harrassment.

Those are my two cents on the matter.

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