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Serenes Forest Mafia Mafia 4 - Game Over


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weapons's cultproof claim was a fake

hold on let me reread blitz's claim bc depending on a few things (that i will not out, sorry) i might have issues with it

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weapons's cultproof claim was a fake

hold on let me reread blitz's claim bc depending on a few things (that i will not out, sorry) i might have issues with it

no i meant psych's. blitz allows him to target another person, so he, that person, and psych would all be cultproof for one night.

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uhhh Mitsuki can out tracker guilties the night after getting them if she's town; that doesn't sound legit at all

but now I'm starting to think that if PaperPrims wouldn't put Announcer Tracker as a town role they wouldn't give it as a scum fake either

mehhhhhhhhh it doesn't seem like people want to lynch Elie anymore either so ##Unvote, ##Vote: Marth

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oh never mind i'm stupid. i misread something about it

but yeah, weapons said his cultproof claim was a joke so iirc blitz and psych rn are the only cultproof claims

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also the announcer/tracker thing would be balanced if mitsuki's only allowed to announce in song lyrics, right? <__<

ugh fuck whatever ##Unvote ##Vote: Marth

this is bad and terrible but turbolynch go

marth hasn't done anything incredibly town from what i remember anyway

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sorry i dont have time to reread i have to leave soon otherwise i would iso marth but i'm feeling weird about both blitz and mitsuki now u__u

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For what it's worth, I'm inclined to believe Blitz over Psych because I can actually prove Blitz's claim?

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no i meant psych's. blitz allows him to target another person, so he, that person, and psych would all be cultproof for one night.


eeeh I didn't see that when I reread his claim UGH

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Uh, how strict are the song lyrics you have to use or whatever?

Being able to announce results that makes sense according to song lyrics seems really fucking difficult, and I'm not sure if I would believe a random announcement saying that they have tracker results on scum. It seems more like a joke than something actually serious.

If Refa wants to prove Blitz's claim tonight he should probably do that?

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we don't know if maf can be culted or not but if they can blitz's role would actually make sense as a maf role

but this is all spec whatever

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Mafia martyr seems really weird to me though? If we're saying "too many cultproofs" (and we shouldn't this is a pretty big game) then I would look at Psych before Blitz tbh. I think Paper had the wolves in Void announced as cultproof (even though there was only one in the end) so I don't think they would be recruitable here anyway.

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Martyr targets a player and redirects everything that's aimed at them towards themselves. If you tried to track me and Blitz targeted me with his martyr, you would end up tracking Blitz instead (and failing because of his ascetic probably.)

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