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That being said, I have enough time to answer one person, and then I need to GTFO. I needed to leave my house half an hour ago!

Now. . .three things.

1. I'm lynched. The upside is that you get to see what a town role PM looks like. The downside is that my associative reads will be crap, and the odds of the town surviving against two mafias without me goes down drastically.

2. Rein realizes that it's either N0 start, 48-hour phases for OC, or 72-hour D1 (and if the latter happens, and there's a sub waiting, I'll GTFO).

3. No Lynch. Upside to this is that we get more time to organize, downside is that the only info we get is today's interactions.

I prefer option 2.

##Vote: Extension

. . .because trying to get everyone corralled in 48 hours during a lynch phase is stupid.

If Rein refuses an extension. . .

##Vote: No Lynch

(and he better fucking well honor this one)

. . .because you guys had best have a minimum of five cleared townies if I'm lynched. Two mafias will fuck with town leadership like no tomorrow, and unlike That Other Game, we don't have cleared masons.

Now excuse me, I'm going to be stupid and drive into the heart of a storm.


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for people not on IRC- Elie hasn't really done anything all game other than actively ignore what's going on in-thread. Haven't spoken to him outside of thread but from what others have told me this seems to be mainly for the purpose of reaction testing, except nobody has seen him actually go anywhere with those.

also nobody really wants to lynch Eclipse or Walrein, so this is where we're at.

an extension would be okay but I can't really devote time tomorrow to mafia because I have a lot of work to do for school. So it doesn't really make a difference to me.

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##Vote: Elieson


Elieson (5): Randa, BBM, Mitsuki, Refa, SB

Refa (2): Xinnidy, Rapier

Walrein (1): Larsa

Mancer (1): Elieson

eclipse (5): Prims, Mancer, Blitz, Walrein, Polydeuces

Voteless (6) jalmont, Proto, Euklyd, Kay, eclipse

51 minutes

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so apparently we're voting Elieson?

##vote: elieson

another victim of "smash first, mafia second"

town leaders are the best

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Ugh personally I'd also prefer an extension if possible, my schedule's not been good and I'm sure at least the extra time would get my thoughts more in order because I've been almost 100% uninformed.


##Vote: Extension if this is a thing.

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A few things I need to address first: any important questions in PMs I have not addressed yet I might not on my own, I was out for about 6 hours and I occasionally looked at my PMs but did not expect to be as swarmed with stuff as I was. If you need me to answer something send me the question again.

No extension, because I did not hear any sort of issues with it at times other than "really close to deadline". I would've considered it a lot more had the issues been raised before they were, but I heard no such thing until deadline was approaching rapidly.

Uhh... I didn't see anything else I need to say in the thread.


Elieson (8): Randa, BBM, Mitsuki, Refa, SB, Walrein, Euklyd, Poly

Refa (2): Xinnidy, Rapier

Walrein (1): Larsa

Mancer (1): Elieson

eclipse (3): Prims, Mancer, Blitz

No lynch (1): eclipse

Voteless (3) jalmont, Proto, Kay

You all decided "fuck this guy" at the last second.

Elieson, you are the Genome Elite, FOXHOUND Versatile Soldier.

You are one of the Genome Soldiers experimented on with Big Boss's DNA. Like the other Genome Soldiers, you are helping Liquid to retrieve Big Bosss body because of a defect in the DNA treatment that is endangering your life. However, you are a step above other Genome Soldiers- you are actually pretty competent and are well-trained enough to fill in for any missing position. You'll do your best to provide support that would be lost otherwise due to fallen allies.

Your training lets you perform any action, no matter how difficult, and your orders are to use this in order to replicate the performance of allies who are absent due to dying on-duty. Each night, you may respond to this role PM "Night X: Performing USERs job: [uSER's role PM action]." USER must be dead, must be a member of FOXHOUND, and must have a night action, but if all of these criteria are fulfilled you may use their night action however they would. You can only do this once for any given role.

You are aligned with FOXHOUND and win if you can eliminate all hostiles.

It is now Night 1. Night 1 ends at 7:30 PM EST on Monday, October 20th, or 48 hours and 22 minutes from the time of this post.

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I blame BBM even though I was totally cool with this. Remind me to never turbolynch again, it's worked out 0/A LOT OF TIMES which isn't the most flattering number ever.

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Power on - check.

A bit of free time right now - check.

I asked for a sub, but I'm not sure if there's one available. I haven't resolved certain issues, and one's being a pain in the foot. I'll play this out until Rein subs me out.

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since im probably gonna forget to mention this again at this rate. i am an ascetic so do not bother targeting me.

Is this the only part of your role?

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Dorian subs in for eclipse

Vhaltz subs in for Randa

I don't have time to add them to PMs right now though (except their role PMs).

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