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Some of you may have wondered why us British use separate taps for hot and cold water. Well, here's your answer.


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The things he said towards the end of the video about running water for a bit to sort of, sort out any impurities that might be in there from the hot water, is something my mom told me to do when I was young even though we didn't have mixed taps.

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... other places... don't... ?

I thought dual taps were the norm globally for the longest time, too.

Turns out it's not.

I remember when I was young, my Grandparents had their bathroom refurbished, mixer tap included. I thought it was pretty revolutionary at the time.

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I was about to say "No I have those too" and then I realized he meant two actual taps and not just two handles for the water. Like some of my bathrooms have two handles for hot and cold, but some have just one.

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Who the fuck actually cares so much about such a mundane topic

Oh gee, i dunno, people who are curious about how people in other parts of the world live? Some people find that kind of thing fascinating.

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I was about to say "No I have those too" and then I realized he meant two actual taps and not just two handles for the water. Like some of my bathrooms have two handles for hot and cold, but some have just one.

actually confession time as i saw this topic i had to run off for work and didn't have time to actually see the video so i assumed this too lol

Interesting video imo, A+ topic

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