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are you saying that wasn't how bayonetta went? i must have been playing a different version

eclipse, bizz, life

eh third party honestly, i feel too much pressure on myself as mafia, and i don't really enjoy being a non power role as town or a fun one like god please don't give me doc

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did you intentionally screw up every game that you did?

why did you call yourself Psych (I mean when you named yourself that)

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yeah i'm gonna need a list of the games i was in? but otherwise one i think that sticks out that i'm particularly proud of was that God one? i forgot who hosted it but I was like the god of scientology and i was a survivor to day 5 or something and i barely made it? honestly i have more fun hosting and seeing everyone talking and yet knowing what's going on and stuff

MotG by dmiral Wendel Yang? (the Multifaction one?)

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thoughts on this video? (warning: heavily NSFW, don't ban me eclipse)

You are VERY LUCKY that there's the content blocker on YouTube, so I can't see it. Ahem. . .

How many voices are in your head?

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did you intentionally screw up every game that you did?

why did you call yourself Psych (I mean when you named yourself that)

MotG by dmiral Wendel Yang? (the Multifaction one?)

You are VERY LUCKY that there's the content blocker on YouTube, so I can't see it. Ahem. . .

How many voices are in your head?

How long did you mafia before SF?

not at all, i actually doubt i had tried to screw up anything on purpose, i just didn't realize that what i did would screw up games

my full alias is Psychout40 I guess? and then i usually shorten it to psych. back in oh geez i guess 2007 like right around 6-7th grade i started playing Mabinogi which was my first MMO type thing. and so being the naive 13-14 year old that i was, I thought it was super cool and also i mixed up an account name and the character name others would see, so i thought i needed some random cool name that just ended up being my account name and eventually i just started using it for everything since it was easier to just use one name and eh idk i like it now

yeah that one


i had never mafia'd before sf

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Usually Zelda and Ice Climbers, but I like Pokemon Trainer in Brawl and Robin in SSB4. I haven't touched Zelda in 4 since they split her and Sheik, I thought that was an awful idea. I think I might end up picking up Palutena or Rosalina but I haven't tried them yet.

wait do/did you play zelda and/or sheik separately or did you switch between them mid-match

(I ask because I've had a lot more fun with both since the split, but I never switched between the two during a match, so.)

(also the split kind of gave sheik her best kill move + best utility move, which helps)

also you said you don't watch anime; do you watch other tv shows

if so which one(s)

also how do you feel about omitting the '?' from questions

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yeah i switched pretty often, primarily playing zelda and i felt that sheik helped nullify a lot of her weaknesses like weight and durability so when they got rid of it like yeah i guess sheik got buffed but zelda is kind of hurting i feel

uh bob's burgers, how to get away with murder, elementary, steven universe, friends, parks and rec. i watch a lot of netflix though

A+ question there, and my answer is 8c3.jpg

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Psych do you love me?

Teach me the way of the Psych, senpai!

Why do you like Samurai Jack?

What do you see in the future for the next ten years of your life?

So if there's zero voices in your head, then how the hell does your mafia performance vary so wildly?

no it's just not meant to be </3

it can't be taught, one is simply born with it

uh i don't really like it that much, i like that picture of Aku i use as an avatar sometimes but i don't really remember watching it a lot as a kid. i'd probably enjoy it a lot more now at my age but i can't be assed to watch the whole thing through as i am wont to do. now if we're talking spaghetti western samurai movies then sign me up for Kill Bill. i only saw them for the first time maybe a year ago but it's literally my favorite movie ever and i will spend 6 hours watching them back to back if you want.

get out i'm not answer this

it depends on how much fun i'm having~ (and how hard people are interrogating me)

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