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In your opinion, what are some good ways to discourage one town-leader taking over an OC game when designing and balancing the game?

What are some of your favorite and least favorite roles.to play as and why? Does whether the game is OC or not influence your answer?

Last one's the same one I asked Paperblade: Are there any common roles that you think are too strong or weak the way they are typically implemented?

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If you were forced to invite one SF mafia player to a fancy dinner party IRL, who would you pick and why?

This depends on who else is in attendance.

Family - Probably, you, Boron. We're pretty alike, personality-wise, so that would instantly put my mother at ease.

Friends - Elieson, so we can shoot the shit about things we have in common.

Work buddies - The dude with the sexiest accent in this subforum, just so that they can get all the questions fired at them. You guys can figure out who that is on your own. :P:

I'm gonna pop in and ask the same question every time to everyone from now on.

What was my best mafia play in your opinion?

What was my worst mafia play in your opinion?

Best - Your night actions in School of Hard NOCs 2.

Worst - Probably some screaming match or other I had with you in the past.

eclipse what's your favorite zektbach song is it still the same as before

Yep, it's still Turii ~Panta Rhei~.

In your opinion, what are some good ways to discourage one town-leader taking over an OC game when designing and balancing the game?

What are some of your favorite and least favorite roles.to play as and why? Does whether the game is OC or not influence your answer?

Last one's the same one I asked Paperblade: Are there any common roles that you think are too strong or weak the way they are typically implemented?

Oh dear, I actually have to think. :P:

- Give the mafia plausible fakes (Prims' dual roles is a perfect example), and make sure that protection has some sort of negative utility (doctor that prevents all OC for the next phase comes to mind). Having multiple hostile parties also helps, though whether it's two mafias or a mafia plus a SK or something like that is another question entirely.

- Favorite: I don't mind being vanilla, so I can spam the everliving crap out of the thread. I'm also fond of being a tracker, though that doesn't happen nearly often enough. Least favorite, by far, is cop. Too worried about godfathers and the like.

- Hmmm. . .it depends, implementation-wise. I think roles that get guaranteed host info can be OP (that's most investigative roles). It's why I shy away from things like question-asker and numbers. . .the ONLY reason why I'd do the latter is to warn a faction that they can't afford to screw around. I don't think I can make a dreamer that I'm happy with. Oh, and cults can die in a fire (though if there's some warning about them beforehand, it's not quite as bad).



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Speaking of Serial Killers in non-multifaction games, do you prefer to try and design the role so it has a chance of winning or accept the fact that the role isn't really meant to win and go from there?

I believe that all factions should have an equal shot of winning, and that definitely includes serial killers! It's no fun if you're in a role that is near-impossible to win with!

Thus, my serial killers will usually have some kind of investigation/nightkill immunity (albeit temporary), and may have some other fun gimmicks, too.

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Who do you think makes the best neutrals? If the answer is you, second best? Also give reasons for your answer.

Rather than list specifics (since it changes depending on the game and type of neutral), I'll go by qualities. Any interested parties feel free to apply~!

- Must be able to toe the line between obvtown and scum

- Must be willing to switch sides as necessary

- Must be able to change opinions at a moment's notice

- MUST be active, especially if it's a hostile neutral. They don't have to spam the boards, but they must have the most current info at their disposal.

- Having the ability to bullshit is nice, but not always necessary

That's the kind of person that makes the best neutral, IMO.

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1. So when did you want to run TWEWY mafia?

2. What could I, Euklyd, do to expedite this process?

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I'm fairly fond of most of Prims' roles, and that includes neutrals. I'd say something about Kaoz, but his neutrals keep dying early. :P:

Kaoz games had Kirby, the thing Bal was in PoT, and Metaknight, right? Think I'm forgetting something.
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2. What could I, Euklyd, do to expedite this process?

Tell the people in Mafia HQ to put the game on queue!

Kaoz games had Kirby, the thing Bal was in PoT, and Metaknight, right? Think I'm forgetting something.

Inui - won

Kirby - died really early

Metaknight - died about halfway through the game

Ganondorf - TBF, that was my least favorite of the lot

Void - Subbed in, didn't care

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