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Fire Emblem 11 Mafia - Game Over


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Urgh, I just got busy today so uhh, I apologise for not contacting anyone today.

I had to go on a packing spree and clean up my room.

On the bright side, at least my room's a lot cleaner and neater now.

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Heads up, I will be gone for the majority if not the entirety of today (EST). If you really think you need to contact me please do so via SF PM.

Edited by Reinfleche
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"it might be fine to no lynch so we don't inadvertently lynch a good role, as sf is prone to. it's a lot more okay in OC than NOC and while no lynch is worse than lynching scum, if we mislynched what will we even have to go off of? there have not been a lot of significant interactions, so there's not much to draw from there"- "Now it's Rein Time" Fleche

Thoughts. I'd sheep it.

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Instead of giving up on having a meaningful lynch today earlier than necessary, I think everybody should just read this interesting conversation and comment on everything that they can. Refa and I already have some opinions and they're timestamped and whatever so I'd rather see what people have to say before I comment myself.

[5:10:21 AM] Reinfleche: it might be fine to no lynch so we don't inadvertently lynch a good role, as sf is prone to. it's a lot more okay in OC than NOC and while no lynch is worse than lynching scum, if we mislynched what will we even have to go off of? there have not been a lot of significant interactions, so there's not much to draw from there

[5:10:45 AM] scorri: hmm

[5:10:47 AM] scorri: maybe

[5:10:50 AM] Reinfleche: i dunno

[5:10:56 AM] Reinfleche: i don't LIKE it, it's not GREAT

[5:10:56 AM] scorri: no, you have a good point

[5:11:07 AM] scorri: but we also don't have a solid lynch target

[5:11:09 AM] scorri: etc

[5:11:11 AM] Elieson: well

[5:11:13 AM] Reinfleche: but it might be objectively the best move so we don't do something stupid

[5:11:19 AM] Elieson: a randomlynch might be more intelligent

[5:11:27 AM] scorri: why

[5:11:35 AM] Elieson: because

[5:12:24 AM] Elieson: maybe things will happen

[5:12:31 AM] Elieson: if we have a lynch's worth of info to go off of

[5:12:32 AM] Reinfleche: like what

[5:12:38 AM] Elieson: rather than perpetuate this boring nothingness

[5:12:46 AM] scorri: i mean

[5:13:00 AM] Reinfleche: "a lynch worth of info"? if it's a random lynched not based on anything, that's not a lot of info?

[5:13:05 AM] scorri: apparently we got no useful night results last night, but at least tomorrow we'll have flips, we'll maybe know more about the ITP, etc

[5:13:08 AM] scorri: and also what rein said

[5:14:01 AM] Elieson: well

[5:14:04 AM] Elieson: then let's make D2

[5:14:11 AM] Elieson: be just extendedD1 even more extended

[5:14:14 AM] Elieson: following a kill

[5:14:19 AM] Reinfleche: like, we're not going to not have dead people D2 unless it's like nonkilling itp + doc save or some other ridiculous luck

[5:14:31 AM] Reinfleche: in which case we do get info from a doc save + possible investigative roles

[5:16:06 AM] Reinfleche: it'd be GREAT to lynch mafia or a harmful itp, but if not it just sucks and we don't really accomplish anything and that seems pretty bad?

[5:16:44 AM] Elieson: well i mean

[5:16:46 AM] Elieson: we have a miller lynch

[5:16:48 AM] Reinfleche: okay i mean a no lynch doesn't accomplish anything either, but if we lynch doctor or the alleged cop based on a miller claim

[5:16:51 AM] Elieson: that we could get out of the game early

[5:16:56 AM] Elieson: to confirm numbers

[5:16:59 AM] Elieson: or

[5:17:00 AM] Elieson: no lynch

[5:17:02 AM] Elieson: and confirm nothing

[5:17:11 AM] Elieson: because nothing is happening during N1 either conversation wise

[5:17:30 AM] Reinfleche: "confirming numbers"?

[5:17:43 AM] Elieson: mancer claimed numbers

[5:17:47 AM] Reinfleche: yes i know that

[5:17:51 AM] Elieson: if we lynch mancer and get a flip, won't that confirm what he said?

[5:17:58 AM | Edited 5:18:02 AM] Elieson: ergo "Confirming" his "numbers"

[5:18:12 AM] Elieson: idfk it's something that's not a NL

[5:18:20 AM] Reinfleche: if you believe that then why would you want to lynch him?

[5:18:26 AM] Elieson: not gonna lie i'm probably gonna continue talking to the same 4 or so people

[5:18:29 AM] Elieson: for the next 96 hours

[5:18:41 AM] Elieson: unless a death occurs that sparks conversation

[5:19:02 AM] Elieson: [5:17 AM] Reinfleche:

<<< if you believe that then why would you want to lynch him?don't remember saying I believe that our claimed Numbers Miller is a Numbers Miller

[5:19:03 AM] Reinfleche: sparking conversation is not worth a mislynch

[5:20:14 AM] Reinfleche: so you're willing to lynch him for his claim? do you think he's acting scummy?

[5:20:37 AM] Elieson: considering i've talked to him via thread and no where else

[5:20:41 AM] Elieson: I've got nothing on him

[5:20:48 AM] Elieson: so not really

[5:21:07 AM] Mancer: If you've got nothing on me then why are you trying to get me mislynched?

[5:21:07 AM] Elieson: I have no read on Mancer whatsoever aside from his claim, and that's the fact

[5:21:13 AM] Reinfleche: that seems terribly overzealous

[5:21:17 AM] Elieson: I'm proposing an idea that isn't a NL

[5:21:30 AM] Mancer: Shouldn't we be trying to lynch scum over mislynching town that you're not sure you even have a read on?

[5:21:30 AM] Elieson: disagree with it idk

[5:21:36 AM] Elieson: Yes we should

[5:21:41 AM] Elieson: I'd push a scumread if I had one

[5:21:47 AM] Mancer: Lynching for the sake of lynching is scummy

[5:21:58 AM] Mancer: That's what scum would say to mislead town

[5:22:16 AM] Reinfleche: i understand the mindset that lynching is better than not

[5:22:28 AM] Reinfleche: but this seems very premature?

[5:22:53 AM] Elieson: k

[5:22:58 AM] Elieson: whatever i just said what was on my mind

[5:23:05 AM] Reinfleche: like if we had an even like "yeah i guess that's kinda decent to go off" lynch target, that would be better than a no lynch

[5:23:13 AM] Mancer: See: Scum would prefer to get town to mislynch their own members over not having information or "getting information via lynches" when lynching for information doesn't really provide much information

[5:23:35 AM] Mancer: So what if you lynched me and proved that I was town?

[5:23:43 AM] Mancer: The information doesn't help town

[5:24:10 AM] Mancer: I don't even have much interactions with anyone so the flip wouldn't have much associative reads

[5:24:32 AM] Elieson: i dunno theoretical role benefits for a cop?

[5:24:51 AM] Reinfleche: "i don't even have many interactions" isn't really an all-star defense

[5:25:06 AM] Mancer: It's not a defense of myself

[5:25:19 AM] Mancer: It's attacking Elie for his idea of lynching me solely for a flip

[5:25:30 AM] Mancer: Since my flip will not help town at all like I was saying

[5:25:41 AM] Elieson: mancer please

[5:25:42 AM] Mancer: We'll end up in the same stalemate even after I am lynched

[5:25:55 AM] Elieson: i wasn't on my knees begging for everyone to follow a lynch on you with threats or anything

[5:26:02 AM] Elieson: we're brainstorming what to do and i threw out an idea

[5:26:16 AM] Elieson: quit acting like it's the end all be all of things that were some glorified master scheme

[5:26:20 AM] Mancer: Why would you even have that idea if you were town?

[5:26:29 AM] Elieson: because i hate no lynching

[5:26:29 AM] Mancer: I'm not

[5:26:37 AM] Elieson: so i'd try to think of anything better than a no lynch

[5:26:40 AM] Mancer: Then try scum hunting

[5:26:46 AM] Mancer: Instead of lynching for flips

[5:26:57 AM] Mancer: If you hate no lynching then work harder to figure out who's scum

[5:27:07 AM] Mancer: What do you even think of my earlier case on Terrador

[5:27:10 AM | Edited 5:27:14 AM] Reinfleche: who do you think is scum, then

[5:27:18 AM] Mancer: Is Rein asking me?

[5:27:22 AM] Reinfleche: yes

[5:27:29 AM] Reinfleche: no i'm asking captain fantastic.

[5:27:36 AM] Mancer: Terrador > dandragon > Elieson

[5:27:56 AM] Elieson: i've got a gut on Eury

[5:28:08 AM] Elieson: nothing better to do and follow Vhaltz's mildly shit case on HBCJ

[5:28:16 AM] Elieson: and at this point Mancer

[5:28:22 AM] Elieson: for flipping out over my NL proposal

[5:28:44 AM] Mancer: @Elieson: If you're gonna complain of not having reads when several players have got cases on other players

[5:28:52 AM] Mancer: That you're not even responding to at all

[5:29:01 AM] scorri: who has cases

[5:29:07 AM] scorri: who has an actual case that's not gut

[5:29:10 AM] Mancer: I had one on Terrador

[5:29:16 AM] Mancer: In the thread

[5:29:26 AM] scorri: and i think it's largely just you overreacting and misunderstanding what he's saying

[5:29:35 AM] Mancer: That's an opinion

[5:29:37 AM] Mancer: The problem is

[5:29:42 AM] Reinfleche: you were both throwing around the word misrep lol

[5:29:43 AM] Mancer: Elie has not addressed it

[5:29:47 AM] scorri: it's not a very solid case either way

[5:29:50 AM] Elieson: ok lemme read this case

[5:29:54 AM] Mancer: And he's complaining about there not having any reads

[5:29:58 AM] Mancer: When there has been reads

[5:30:10 AM] scorri: "reads"

[5:30:25 AM] scorri: there's been a slapfight between you and terra and a couple gut based votes with no explaination beyond that

[5:30:30 AM] Mancer: But he's not trying to promote discussion and scum hunting by discussing and addressing the "reads" or reads (good or bad) that have been proposed so far

[5:30:32 AM] Elieson: wow mancer

[5:30:35 AM] Elieson: your case on terra

[5:30:35 AM] Elieson: is bad

[5:30:51 AM] Elieson: terra is paranoid, therefore terra is scum trying to do this and this and that and that

[5:31:10 AM] Elieson: your mind is everywhere and to be honest i am reading it and find it extremely weak and theoretical

[5:31:17 AM] Mancer: Does that make me feel scummy to you, Elie?

[5:31:19 AM] Elieson: and probably more paranoid than terra himself

[5:31:20 AM] Elieson: well

[5:31:23 AM] Elieson: now you've done it to me

[5:31:24 AM] Mancer: Commit to a read

[5:31:24 AM] Elieson: and to terra

[5:31:25 AM] Elieson: so yes

[5:31:30 AM] Elieson: i think you are scummy

[5:31:33 AM] Elieson: for finding little things

[5:31:35 AM] Elieson: in multiple players now

[5:31:42 AM] Elieson: and saying that it must be some grand scheme of scum

[5:32:00 AM] Elieson: "Terrador could be scum trying to cause chaos and distract town with the fears of the existence of a cult."

[5:32:01 AM] Mancer: That feels like bullshit to me given that you were about to lynch me for information and for a flip initially anyway

[5:32:01 AM] Elieson: That's

[5:32:02 AM] Mancer: Lol

[5:32:03 AM] Elieson: a bold statement

[5:32:06 AM] Elieson: mancer please

[5:32:15 AM] Mancer: What makes you think that a scum me would do that?

[5:32:18 AM] scorri: ftr, i think that eli's idea was bad, but your reaction to this is super scummy mancer

[5:32:24 AM] Reinfleche: yeah

[5:32:28 AM] Mancer: And draw attention to myself?

[5:32:35 AM] Elieson: i'm not saying my LynchMancer idea was anything stellar

[5:32:59 AM] Elieson: but it was just that, an idea

[5:33:12 AM] Mancer: I don't care if I get myself lynched over this but I want to make myself clear on this

[5:33:39 AM] Mancer: If I was scum, I would really rather prefer to just encourage Terra's role spec to waste town's discussion time instead of stopping it

[5:34:06 AM] Elieson: by cultspecing?

[5:34:07 AM] scorri: saying "if i were scum, i would do x" is a really bad argument, ftr

[5:34:27 AM] Elieson: You can't really minimize rolespec by rolespecing

[5:34:42 AM] Mancer: I wasn't even role specing lol

[5:35:08 AM] Mancer: I was saying that we don't know anything about the ITP so we should not discuss about a possible recruit unless there's evidence to prove that it exists

[5:35:14 AM] Mancer: Of which there's none

[5:35:46 AM] Elieson: you brought up cultspec in thread

[5:36:20 AM] Mancer: And Terra brought it up to multiple players privately

[5:36:56 AM] Mancer: I brought it up to tell everyone not to indulge in it

[5:37:10 AM] Mancer: You're misrepresenting the purpose of my post

[5:37:37 AM] Mancer: The post was a "If you're discussing about the ITP, stop it for *reasons*"

[5:38:01 AM] Mancer: Rather, we should be trying to scum hunt rather than brainstorming of what to do for information

[5:38:04 AM] Elieson: but

[5:38:07 AM] Mancer: Or "information"

[5:38:07 AM] Elieson: yo're voting for terra

[5:38:25 AM] Mancer: He's the one who's partaking in talking to players about the recruit

[5:38:28 AM] Elieson: the guy who you're citing as "stop talking about ITP", as if what he is doing isn't bad, but worth keeping a vote on?

[5:38:34 AM] Elieson: that's something i'm actually confused about

[5:38:36 AM] Mancer: Which is distracting our discussion

[5:38:59 AM] Mancer: He's making multiple players talk about something that wastes discussion

[5:39:03 AM] Elieson: well

[5:39:06 AM] Mancer: That's a scummy act

[5:39:06 AM] Elieson: he's talking about stuff

[5:39:08 AM] Elieson: i mean

[5:39:24 AM] Elieson: he could just as easily feign inactivity

[5:39:31 AM] Elieson: in this mess it'd blend in well enough

[5:39:53 AM] Mancer: Wasting town's discussion is worse imo

[5:40:10 AM] Mancer: We could have spent the wasted time trying to find really scummy players

[5:40:15 AM] Mancer: Rather than speculating

[5:40:23 AM] Reinfleche: what

[5:40:39 AM] Mancer: Also, how am I spreading paranoia about you?

[5:40:54 AM] Reinfleche: like if people had been very active and he was asking stuff like that it might be worth talking about, but there was not a ton to talk about in the first place

[5:40:55 AM] Mancer: I don't understand that point

[5:41:09 AM] Mancer: True

[5:41:18 AM] Mancer: @Rein: True

[5:41:18 AM] Reinfleche: talking about the numbers you provided were like one of very few talking points

[5:41:24 AM] Reinfleche: because of how little has happened

[5:41:49 AM] Mancer: I find that your explanation of how bad my case is is the most solid one so far

[5:42:06 AM] Mancer: Versus the reasons scorri and Elie brought up

[5:42:34 AM] Mancer: There's no paranoia spread in my case against Terra and telling town to stop taking about the ITP no matter how I look at ir

[5:42:36 AM] Mancer: It*

[5:42:41 AM] scorri: especially because it was n0 and we had two pieces of info

[5:42:47 AM] scorri: what else was he supposed to talk about

[5:42:53 AM] scorri: i thought that he didn't have basis for the cult spec

[5:43:03 AM] Elieson: that's pretty much where i'm at

[5:43:05 AM | Edited 5:43:09 AM] scorri: but i don't think it was wrong to talk about per say

[5:43:18 AM] Elieson: talking about /anything/ is better than nothing, at a point in the game where nothing has happened of note

[5:43:28 AM] Elieson: if we had flips, results, scummy behavior that's one thing

[5:43:32 AM] Mancer: Your original reasoning was "there's been a slapfight between you and terra and a couple gut based votes with no explaination beyond that" until Rein brought up his point though

[5:43:39 AM] Elieson: well that's just that

[5:43:44 AM] Elieson: your case on terra was

[5:43:45 AM] Elieson: something that

[5:43:46 AM] Elieson: after reading

[5:43:49 AM] Elieson: i forgot about

[5:43:51 AM] Elieson: it was bad apparently

[5:44:00 AM] Mancer: And Elieson's original reasoning for my case being bad is that there's paranoia in it

[5:44:08 AM] Mancer: Rein's most definitely toen

[5:44:14 AM] Mancer: Town*

[5:44:18 AM] Mancer: imo now anyway

[5:44:53 AM] Elieson: mancer

[5:44:55 AM] Elieson: is terra scum?

[5:45:03 AM] Elieson: IYO

[5:45:15 AM] Mancer: I need to go now urgh

[5:45:33 AM] Mancer: FML really

[5:45:36 AM] Mancer: Yes

[5:45:42 AM] Mancer: I've said that multiple times

[5:45:49 AM] Manix: fyi: i think sf is now in downtime

[5:46:08 AM] Manix: that or it's having Issues

[5:46:21 AM] Mancer: Yeah, I can't load it

[5:46:36 AM] Mancer: I'm going to pop in and out randomly

[5:46:42 AM] Mancer: Cause I'm going to be out

[5:46:58 AM] Elieson: same here yo

[5:47:11 AM] Mancer: Cleaning my room took too long urgh

[5:47:27 AM] Mancer: I was told to clean up my room yesterday out of the blue

[5:47:30 AM] Mancer: And =.=

[5:48:58 AM] Reinfleche: rip

[5:56:02 AM] scorri: that wasn't my reasoning for why your case was bad, that was me saying what has happened in the thread

[5:10:21 AM] Reinfleche: it might be fine to no lynch so we don't inadvertently lynch a good role, as sf is prone to. it's a lot more okay in OC than NOC and while no lynch is worse than lynching scum, if we mislynched what will we even have to go off of? there have not been a lot of significant interactions, so there's not much to draw from there

[5:10:45 AM] scorri: hmm

[5:10:47 AM] scorri: maybe

[5:10:50 AM] Reinfleche: i dunno

[5:10:56 AM] Reinfleche: i don't LIKE it, it's not GREAT

[5:10:56 AM] scorri: no, you have a good point

[5:11:07 AM] scorri: but we also don't have a solid lynch target

[5:11:09 AM] scorri: etc

[5:11:11 AM] Elieson: well

[5:11:13 AM] Reinfleche: but it might be objectively the best move so we don't do something stupid

[5:11:19 AM] Elieson: a randomlynch might be more intelligent

[5:11:27 AM] scorri: why

[5:11:35 AM] Elieson: because

[5:12:24 AM] Elieson: maybe things will happen

[5:12:31 AM] Elieson: if we have a lynch's worth of info to go off of

[5:12:32 AM] Reinfleche: like what

[5:12:38 AM] Elieson: rather than perpetuate this boring nothingness

[5:12:46 AM] scorri: i mean

[5:13:00 AM] Reinfleche: "a lynch worth of info"? if it's a random lynched not based on anything, that's not a lot of info?

[5:13:05 AM] scorri: apparently we got no useful night results last night, but at least tomorrow we'll have flips, we'll maybe know more about the ITP, etc

[5:13:08 AM] scorri: and also what rein said

[5:14:01 AM] Elieson: well

[5:14:04 AM] Elieson: then let's make D2

[5:14:11 AM] Elieson: be just extendedD1 even more extended

[5:14:14 AM] Elieson: following a kill

[5:14:19 AM] Reinfleche: like, we're not going to not have dead people D2 unless it's like nonkilling itp + doc save or some other ridiculous luck

[5:14:31 AM] Reinfleche: in which case we do get info from a doc save + possible investigative roles

[5:16:06 AM] Reinfleche: it'd be GREAT to lynch mafia or a harmful itp, but if not it just sucks and we don't really accomplish anything and that seems pretty bad?

[5:16:44 AM] Elieson: well i mean

[5:16:46 AM] Elieson: we have a miller lynch

[5:16:48 AM] Reinfleche: okay i mean a no lynch doesn't accomplish anything either, but if we lynch doctor or the alleged cop based on a miller claim

[5:16:51 AM] Elieson: that we could get out of the game early

[5:16:56 AM] Elieson: to confirm numbers

[5:16:59 AM] Elieson: or

[5:17:00 AM] Elieson: no lynch

[5:17:02 AM] Elieson: and confirm nothing

[5:17:11 AM] Elieson: because nothing is happening during N1 either conversation wise

[5:17:30 AM] Reinfleche: "confirming numbers"?

[5:17:43 AM] Elieson: mancer claimed numbers

[5:17:47 AM] Reinfleche: yes i know that

[5:17:51 AM] Elieson: if we lynch mancer and get a flip, won't that confirm what he said?

[5:17:58 AM | Edited 5:18:02 AM] Elieson: ergo "Confirming" his "numbers"

[5:18:12 AM] Elieson: idfk it's something that's not a NL

[5:18:20 AM] Reinfleche: if you believe that then why would you want to lynch him?

[5:18:26 AM] Elieson: not gonna lie i'm probably gonna continue talking to the same 4 or so people

[5:18:29 AM] Elieson: for the next 96 hours

[5:18:41 AM] Elieson: unless a death occurs that sparks conversation

[5:19:02 AM] Elieson: [5:17 AM] Reinfleche:

<<< if you believe that then why would you want to lynch him?don't remember saying I believe that our claimed Numbers Miller is a Numbers Miller

[5:19:03 AM] Reinfleche: sparking conversation is not worth a mislynch

[5:20:14 AM] Reinfleche: so you're willing to lynch him for his claim? do you think he's acting scummy?

[5:20:37 AM] Elieson: considering i've talked to him via thread and no where else

[5:20:41 AM] Elieson: I've got nothing on him

[5:20:48 AM] Elieson: so not really

[5:21:07 AM] Mancer: If you've got nothing on me then why are you trying to get me mislynched?

[5:21:07 AM] Elieson: I have no read on Mancer whatsoever aside from his claim, and that's the fact

[5:21:13 AM] Reinfleche: that seems terribly overzealous

[5:21:17 AM] Elieson: I'm proposing an idea that isn't a NL

[5:21:30 AM] Mancer: Shouldn't we be trying to lynch scum over mislynching town that you're not sure you even have a read on?

[5:21:30 AM] Elieson: disagree with it idk

[5:21:36 AM] Elieson: Yes we should

[5:21:41 AM] Elieson: I'd push a scumread if I had one

[5:21:47 AM] Mancer: Lynching for the sake of lynching is scummy

[5:21:58 AM] Mancer: That's what scum would say to mislead town

[5:22:16 AM] Reinfleche: i understand the mindset that lynching is better than not

[5:22:28 AM] Reinfleche: but this seems very premature?

[5:22:53 AM] Elieson: k

[5:22:58 AM] Elieson: whatever i just said what was on my mind

[5:23:05 AM] Reinfleche: like if we had an even like "yeah i guess that's kinda decent to go off" lynch target, that would be better than a no lynch

[5:23:13 AM] Mancer: See: Scum would prefer to get town to mislynch their own members over not having information or "getting information via lynches" when lynching for information doesn't really provide much information

[5:23:35 AM] Mancer: So what if you lynched me and proved that I was town?

[5:23:43 AM] Mancer: The information doesn't help town

[5:24:10 AM] Mancer: I don't even have much interactions with anyone so the flip wouldn't have much associative reads

[5:24:32 AM] Elieson: i dunno theoretical role benefits for a cop?

[5:24:51 AM] Reinfleche: "i don't even have many interactions" isn't really an all-star defense

[5:25:06 AM] Mancer: It's not a defense of myself

[5:25:19 AM] Mancer: It's attacking Elie for his idea of lynching me solely for a flip

[5:25:30 AM] Mancer: Since my flip will not help town at all like I was saying

[5:25:41 AM] Elieson: mancer please

[5:25:42 AM] Mancer: We'll end up in the same stalemate even after I am lynched

[5:25:55 AM] Elieson: i wasn't on my knees begging for everyone to follow a lynch on you with threats or anything

[5:26:02 AM] Elieson: we're brainstorming what to do and i threw out an idea

[5:26:16 AM] Elieson: quit acting like it's the end all be all of things that were some glorified master scheme

[5:26:20 AM] Mancer: Why would you even have that idea if you were town?

[5:26:29 AM] Elieson: because i hate no lynching

[5:26:29 AM] Mancer: I'm not

[5:26:37 AM] Elieson: so i'd try to think of anything better than a no lynch

[5:26:40 AM] Mancer: Then try scum hunting

[5:26:46 AM] Mancer: Instead of lynching for flips

[5:26:57 AM] Mancer: If you hate no lynching then work harder to figure out who's scum

[5:27:07 AM] Mancer: What do you even think of my earlier case on Terrador

[5:27:10 AM | Edited 5:27:14 AM] Reinfleche: who do you think is scum, then

[5:27:18 AM] Mancer: Is Rein asking me?

[5:27:22 AM] Reinfleche: yes

[5:27:29 AM] Reinfleche: no i'm asking captain fantastic.

[5:27:36 AM] Mancer: Terrador > dandragon > Elieson

[5:27:56 AM] Elieson: i've got a gut on Eury

[5:28:08 AM] Elieson: nothing better to do and follow Vhaltz's mildly shit case on HBCJ

[5:28:16 AM] Elieson: and at this point Mancer

[5:28:22 AM] Elieson: for flipping out over my NL proposal

[5:28:44 AM] Mancer: @Elieson: If you're gonna complain of not having reads when several players have got cases on other players

[5:28:52 AM] Mancer: That you're not even responding to at all

[5:29:01 AM] scorri: who has cases

[5:29:07 AM] scorri: who has an actual case that's not gut

[5:29:10 AM] Mancer: I had one on Terrador

[5:29:16 AM] Mancer: In the thread

[5:29:26 AM] scorri: and i think it's largely just you overreacting and misunderstanding what he's saying

[5:29:35 AM] Mancer: That's an opinion

[5:29:37 AM] Mancer: The problem is

[5:29:42 AM] Reinfleche: you were both throwing around the word misrep lol

[5:29:43 AM] Mancer: Elie has not addressed it

[5:29:47 AM] scorri: it's not a very solid case either way

[5:29:50 AM] Elieson: ok lemme read this case

[5:29:54 AM] Mancer: And he's complaining about there not having any reads

[5:29:58 AM] Mancer: When there has been reads

[5:30:10 AM] scorri: "reads"

[5:30:25 AM] scorri: there's been a slapfight between you and terra and a couple gut based votes with no explaination beyond that

[5:30:30 AM] Mancer: But he's not trying to promote discussion and scum hunting by discussing and addressing the "reads" or reads (good or bad) that have been proposed so far

[5:30:32 AM] Elieson: wow mancer

[5:30:35 AM] Elieson: your case on terra

[5:30:35 AM] Elieson: is bad

[5:30:51 AM] Elieson: terra is paranoid, therefore terra is scum trying to do this and this and that and that

[5:31:10 AM] Elieson: your mind is everywhere and to be honest i am reading it and find it extremely weak and theoretical

[5:31:17 AM] Mancer: Does that make me feel scummy to you, Elie?

[5:31:19 AM] Elieson: and probably more paranoid than terra himself

[5:31:20 AM] Elieson: well

[5:31:23 AM] Elieson: now you've done it to me

[5:31:24 AM] Mancer: Commit to a read

[5:31:24 AM] Elieson: and to terra

[5:31:25 AM] Elieson: so yes

[5:31:30 AM] Elieson: i think you are scummy

[5:31:33 AM] Elieson: for finding little things

[5:31:35 AM] Elieson: in multiple players now

[5:31:42 AM] Elieson: and saying that it must be some grand scheme of scum

[5:32:00 AM] Elieson: "Terrador could be scum trying to cause chaos and distract town with the fears of the existence of a cult."

[5:32:01 AM] Mancer: That feels like bullshit to me given that you were about to lynch me for information and for a flip initially anyway

[5:32:01 AM] Elieson: That's

[5:32:02 AM] Mancer: Lol

[5:32:03 AM] Elieson: a bold statement

[5:32:06 AM] Elieson: mancer please

[5:32:15 AM] Mancer: What makes you think that a scum me would do that?

[5:32:18 AM] scorri: ftr, i think that eli's idea was bad, but your reaction to this is super scummy mancer

[5:32:24 AM] Reinfleche: yeah

[5:32:28 AM] Mancer: And draw attention to myself?

[5:32:35 AM] Elieson: i'm not saying my LynchMancer idea was anything stellar

[5:32:59 AM] Elieson: but it was just that, an idea

[5:33:12 AM] Mancer: I don't care if I get myself lynched over this but I want to make myself clear on this

[5:33:39 AM] Mancer: If I was scum, I would really rather prefer to just encourage Terra's role spec to waste town's discussion time instead of stopping it

[5:34:06 AM] Elieson: by cultspecing?

[5:34:07 AM] scorri: saying "if i were scum, i would do x" is a really bad argument, ftr

[5:34:27 AM] Elieson: You can't really minimize rolespec by rolespecing

[5:34:42 AM] Mancer: I wasn't even role specing lol

[5:35:08 AM] Mancer: I was saying that we don't know anything about the ITP so we should not discuss about a possible recruit unless there's evidence to prove that it exists

[5:35:14 AM] Mancer: Of which there's none

[5:35:46 AM] Elieson: you brought up cultspec in thread

[5:36:20 AM] Mancer: And Terra brought it up to multiple players privately

[5:36:56 AM] Mancer: I brought it up to tell everyone not to indulge in it

[5:37:10 AM] Mancer: You're misrepresenting the purpose of my post

[5:37:37 AM] Mancer: The post was a "If you're discussing about the ITP, stop it for *reasons*"

[5:38:01 AM] Mancer: Rather, we should be trying to scum hunt rather than brainstorming of what to do for information

[5:38:04 AM] Elieson: but

[5:38:07 AM] Mancer: Or "information"

[5:38:07 AM] Elieson: yo're voting for terra

[5:38:25 AM] Mancer: He's the one who's partaking in talking to players about the recruit

[5:38:28 AM] Elieson: the guy who you're citing as "stop talking about ITP", as if what he is doing isn't bad, but worth keeping a vote on?

[5:38:34 AM] Elieson: that's something i'm actually confused about

[5:38:36 AM] Mancer: Which is distracting our discussion

[5:38:59 AM] Mancer: He's making multiple players talk about something that wastes discussion

[5:39:03 AM] Elieson: well

[5:39:06 AM] Mancer: That's a scummy act

[5:39:06 AM] Elieson: he's talking about stuff

[5:39:08 AM] Elieson: i mean

[5:39:23 AM] actually sephiroth irl (via): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dw2UyLUfzS4 level 1 whimsicott kills level 44 mew

[5:39:24 AM] Elieson: he could just as easily feign inactivity

[5:39:31 AM] Elieson: in this mess it'd blend in well enough

[5:39:53 AM] Mancer: Wasting town's discussion is worse imo

[5:40:10 AM] Mancer: We could have spent the wasted time trying to find really scummy players

[5:40:15 AM] Mancer: Rather than speculating

[5:40:23 AM] Reinfleche: what

[5:40:39 AM] Mancer: Also, how am I spreading paranoia about you?

[5:40:54 AM] Reinfleche: like if people had been very active and he was asking stuff like that it might be worth talking about, but there was not a ton to talk about in the first place

[5:40:55 AM] Mancer: I don't understand that point

[5:41:09 AM] Mancer: True

[5:41:18 AM] Mancer: @Rein: True

[5:41:18 AM] Reinfleche: talking about the numbers you provided were like one of very few talking points

[5:41:24 AM] Reinfleche: because of how little has happened

[5:41:49 AM] Mancer: I find that your explanation of how bad my case is is the most solid one so far

[5:42:06 AM] Mancer: Versus the reasons scorri and Elie brought up

[5:42:34 AM] Mancer: There's no paranoia spread in my case against Terra and telling town to stop taking about the ITP no matter how I look at ir

[5:42:36 AM] Mancer: It*

[5:42:41 AM] scorri: especially because it was n0 and we had two pieces of info

[5:42:47 AM] scorri: what else was he supposed to talk about

[5:42:53 AM] scorri: i thought that he didn't have basis for the cult spec

[5:43:03 AM] Elieson: that's pretty much where i'm at

[5:43:05 AM | Edited 5:43:09 AM] scorri: but i don't think it was wrong to talk about per say

[5:43:18 AM] Elieson: talking about /anything/ is better than nothing, at a point in the game where nothing has happened of note

[5:43:28 AM] Elieson: if we had flips, results, scummy behavior that's one thing

[5:43:32 AM] Mancer: Your original reasoning was "there's been a slapfight between you and terra and a couple gut based votes with no explaination beyond that" until Rein brought up his point though

[5:43:39 AM] Elieson: well that's just that

[5:43:44 AM] Elieson: your case on terra was

[5:43:45 AM] Elieson: something that

[5:43:46 AM] Elieson: after reading

[5:43:49 AM] Elieson: i forgot about

[5:43:51 AM] Elieson: it was bad apparently

[5:44:00 AM] Mancer: And Elieson's original reasoning for my case being bad is that there's paranoia in it

[5:44:08 AM] Mancer: Rein's most definitely toen

[5:44:14 AM] Mancer: Town*

[5:44:18 AM] Mancer: imo now anyway

[5:44:53 AM] Elieson: mancer

[5:44:55 AM] Elieson: is terra scum?

[5:45:03 AM] Elieson: IYO

[5:45:15 AM] Mancer: I need to go now urgh

[5:45:33 AM] Mancer: FML really

[5:45:36 AM] Mancer: Yes

[5:45:42 AM] Mancer: I've said that multiple times

[5:45:49 AM] Manix: fyi: i think sf is now in downtime

[5:46:08 AM] Manix: that or it's having Issues

[5:46:21 AM] Mancer: Yeah, I can't load it

[5:46:36 AM] Mancer: I'm going to pop in and out randomly

[5:46:42 AM] Mancer: Cause I'm going to be out

[5:46:58 AM] Elieson: same here yo

[5:47:11 AM] Mancer: Cleaning my room took too long urgh

[5:47:27 AM] Mancer: I was told to clean up my room yesterday out of the blue

[5:47:30 AM] Mancer: And =.=

[5:48:58 AM] Reinfleche: rip

[5:56:02 AM] scorri: that wasn't my reasoning for why your case was bad, that was me saying what has happened in the thread

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Posting cases and voting is also encouraged, let's get the most out of deadline and aim to get a good lynch, if nothing comes up then we can switch back to no lynch or whatever but don't agree with NL just because it means you get to not effort at deadline.

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cases not only limited to the four people in that conversation in case that was confusing, just making a case for whatever you have in mind that makes you think somebody is more likely scum than everyone else works

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##Vote: kirsche

I get the feeling you've been avoiding OC quite a bit more than I'd expect from you, any reasons for that? you should've talked to quite a few people afaik so show me what you've gotten so far, what are your reads and why?

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[6:23:42 PM] SB: you guys realise you dont need a hammer to lynch so whoever has the most votes will die unless there's a tie right

For future reference, don't think there was a clear mention of this is in the rules

Also votes aren't tied, Rocky is in there twice so only dandragon is at 2 votes

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