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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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I don't think Japan would be that nice of a place to live, I've heard stuff is much more expensive there. Plus, if you aren't familiar with the culture and society (as in more than what you've learned from anime) it can be really hard to adjust. A better place to visit methinks rather than be resident.

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:Canada:Canada :Canada:

treat everything as an ideal fluid and you're golden. and never forget that entropy sucks.

yeah that was my plan; it didn't work out too well
well, didn't work out perfectly, I guess

I forgot how to transmute temperature into more useful things along idr maybe adiabats
probably because I can never remember how to utilize the TVɣ-1 etc. stuff properly

at least it's all behind me now

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Q550: Computers. I wish I could properly maintain my PC instead of relying on other people.

Q551: Probably Scotland. My sister moved there a few years ago and my parents are considering doing the same.

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A lot of people here in the states want to move to Canada if they had to move. XD

I mean Canada is basically the US but with healthcare and maple syrup right

a sort of "USA plus" if you will

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I mean Canada is basically the US but with healthcare and maple syrup right

a sort of "USA plus" if you will

oh right

canada being next door also helps

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