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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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For whatever reason, it's the Revolutionary War. . .and I have no idea why.

EDIT: And since people are including some not-exactly-time-period things, I'll add Greek mythology to the mix. HELP!

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Medieval Europe, specifically Britain and France, but I know plenty about others as well. I know most of my stuff because I research a lot for my novels, so incidentally, I know quite a bit about the Napoleonic era as well.

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y'all got some weirdo interesting answers! for me it's probably gotta be papa rome, from republic to byzantium, but i'm a history nerd


Q577: How do you arrange and store your clothing?

pretty straightforward today! do you have a special system? do things mostly go in piles? do you keep them in a closet? armoire? mostly just in the bathroom where they fell in the morning? spill it~

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hang stuff up that I care about in my closet.

fold stuff I don't and put that in a dresser, unless I'm feeling suuuper lazy and just leave it in a hamper, but don't tell anyone

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Folded pants and shirts go into drawers. I try to colour code them, but it usually messes up as the week goes on.

Dresses, suits, and other fancy clothes go into my closet. Oh, my closet is being renovated so soon I'll be able to store more stuff on a BRAND NEW SHELF AT THE TOP~ I think I'll put bags up there.

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Question 576: Eastern Han/Three Kingdoms Era and Sengoku Era. (Which can also known as the Azuchi-Momoyama period)

Question 577: Folded neatly and placed in both drawers and piles.

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Sometimes they're a pile on the floor ^o^

Sometimes, they all go in my closet

And by that, I mean my dresser is in my closet~!

More casual clothes that I don't care as much about/are easier to take care of go in the dresser. But stuff like my lolita clothing get hung up in the closet....... Half of my closet is taken up by 4 hanging petticoats >u> At least they'll have more space to hang soon

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Washed clothes in one laundry basket, unwashed clothes in another.

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I have a closet organizer that tries its best to make me organize stuff

but it fails in the end

I need to work on that

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winter pajamas and swimwear in one dresser

summer pajamas and underwear in another dresser

and everything else in my closet

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I have a dresser. I keep underwear, socks, and sometimes other stuff in the top drawer, hats and swimsuits in the drawer under that, shorts in the drawer under that, pants in the one below that, and cosplay stuff in the bottom drawer. I keep shirts in my closet.

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I have three drawers that I store my clothes in. I categorize them to make it easier.

First drawer -- Socks, undergarments and COMFY PANTS for relaxation. I also keep my ties in there for some reason.

Second drawer -- Shirts, hoodies, jackets and pants. Basically anything I would wear outside.

Third drawer -- Dressy stuff aside from ties, which I keep in the first drawer.

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I have two closets!!!!!!

It's just because the room near mine hasn't been used for a while.

One closet has my jeans and shorts, and a lot of my parents' clothes. The other has my shirts, my one suit, and my khakis. This closetime also has big quilts for winter.

I have a dresser. One drawer has boxers and socks. Second has pajamas including some plain grey shirts. The third drawer holds surplus sheets.

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2 sets of drawers. One has a couple of jumpers an a sleeping bag in it.

The other has 4 shelves.

1) Socks, and undergarments.

2) Shirts.

3) PJs.

4) Trousers.

I also have clothes hanging on my door and clothes pegs by my stairs.

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i have an ikea armoire with 3 drawers

have a lot of shirts + suits hanging

have underwear and socks thrown haphazardly into top drawer

have pants and shorts folded in middle drawers

have shoes/sneakers/swim trunks/other random shit in bottom drawer

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