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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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mori fashion!

Mori fashion is really cute, actually. I'd go for that? I dunno.

As far as I've been aware mori is still a thing, though I haven't exactly looked into it that much so for all I know that fashion's actually died... which would make me sad :c

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i think 1920s suits > 2010s suits > other stuff so i want those suits to be popular again.

in terms of everyday clothes, though, i think it's almost fine the way it is. i want boat shoes to go away.

women's hairstyles from the 70s are sexy... :3

eh our suits today are slim, not a fan of the 1920s baggy suit

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Hairstyle, clothes and music from the 80s

already back - kind of


ever heard of AFL mate?

Mori fashion is really cute, actually. I'd go for that? I dunno.

Otherwise this.

Fairly sure Mori is still a thing, but obviously mainly limited to Japan, actually I see it here sometimes in Australia - just not so overdone

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as for my answer probably just the negative stigma of different colours gone... if that even counts?

May i request for the next question to be if you can do a "third world squat" or not? Surprisingly a few of my friends can't do it with their heels touching the ground

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Woolen tunics and chainmail would be nice. Also pauldrons.

Im really rooting for the cravat to come back into fashion. And dreadlocks. In fact, the combo of a nice dressed chap/lady with a cravat and nice dreadlocks....I WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN!

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May i request for the next question to be if you can do a "third world squat" or not? Surprisingly a few of my friends can't do it with their heels touching the ground

i tried this just now and overbalanced and smashed my head on my chair

it's harder than it looks, apparently.

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May i request for the next question to be if you can do a "third world squat" or not? Surprisingly a few of my friends can't do it with their heels touching the ground

Can anybody please tell me what's supposed to be hard about it, because it's so easy for me that I'm genuinely worried that I'm doing it wrong.

I'm really hypermobile, that might be he reason why...

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