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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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I never deviate from canonical sexualities or relationships or whatever but everyone else is fair game. A few AA ships. Including Franziska/Adrian, which was... 100% intended as a close friendship by the writers, but #IWant2Believe

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Not sure about my favourite but I do enjoy

Laura x Aran (FE10)

Jude x Leia (Tales of Xillia)

Aden x Sonja (Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny)

I had a bunch more when I was younger. And a lot of them came from TV shows.

Though I have since calmed down. I hope. ^^;

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I tried very hard to resist Thorki

I really tried

It doesn't work when official Marvel products read like Thorki fanfics I'm not joking

Still I don't ship things to the degree of SHIP THIS OR BUST and SHIPPING WARS, shit's ridiculous

Also Jotaro/Kakyoin and Joseph/Caesar; esp read the lyrics to Il Mare Eterno Nella Mia Anima it's a fucking love song as spoiler spoiler spoilers happen

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Vyland x Tomas is life, man.

The only characters I usually ship are just the main character x canonical love interest, besides that, not really.

Also Jotaro/Kakyoin and Joseph/Caesar; esp read the lyrics to Il Mare Eterno Nella Mia Anima it's a fucking love song as spoiler spoiler spoilers happen

The two of you are hereby banned :P:

I tend to support non-canon things, like Lucius/Serra. :P:

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man I wasn't even into Jotaro/Kakyoin at first tbh then I looked up Jotaro fan material and ended up dropping into Jotakak hell and can no longer look at their interactions without shipper vision and now they're about as high up as Thorki

funny how my favs are something I didn't even want to ship at first

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I tried very hard to resist Thorki

I really tried

It doesn't work when official Marvel products read like Thorki fanfics I'm not joking

Still I don't ship things to the degree of SHIP THIS OR BUST and SHIPPING WARS, shit's ridiculous

Also Jotaro/Kakyoin and Joseph/Caesar; esp read the lyrics to Il Mare Eterno Nella Mia Anima it's a fucking love song as spoiler spoiler spoilers happen

I see your Thorki and raise you Kitty PrydexColossus. :P:

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yes, the canon stuff

(that's a lie, but close enough - occasionally "oh that's a nice relationship it would be cool if it was actually A Thing," and that's the closest I ever get, but if there's canon it's even more unlikely that I'd care about other ships)

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Not rabidly, but yes.

tbh I can't think of anything I'd consider my favorite right now tho

but we'll go for Pelleas/Micaiah for a notable one since it's in my mind right now

continuing this train of thought:

Q474: Do you have headcanons for anything?

share one if you do

cool beans if you don't

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the final boss of fe8 is related to another FE's final boss in some way.

Superman will always beat Goku.

Thor and Superman are easily tied if we give each of them access to the most powerful versions of said character.

One More Day is all a mass hallucination perpetrated by Eternity.

Identity Crisis was actually an elseworlds story.

Captain Mar-Vell could beat Captain Marvel (Aka Shazam)

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I-I'm sure my head comes up with its own ideas sometimes, but they kinda just slip my mind easily because I don't really pay much attention to them I think... ;u; And I guess the term "headcanon" doesn't really come across my mind as I come up with these either so I don't think I... can just recall them? Like like I associate some thoughts with a word so that word jogs my memory and brings them back I guess but when I see "headcanon" nothing comes to mind because I don't associate my "headcanons" with the word "headcanon"............ ya know? ;~;


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