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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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some lego minifig who was a supersoldier cyborg with a sick gun, but at the same time was also a jedi

I may still have him built

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Rowan Pendragon was somehow not actually awful as a character. Just this human got sent into space because ???? anyway he was the protagonist but not really that remarkable. I think he was what my 10-year old self imagined 'clever and sarcastic' was. And he had a tawny frogmouth. I don't think he was overpowered or anything though - that was just the world he was stuck in. Ironically the next protagonist I made at the age of like 14 or something was way worse lol

He was however the emissary to my first Original The Race which was hilariously awful green lizard elf things.

Bonus round first fanfic protagonist I'm pretty sure was the obligatory Grimdark Pokemon Trainer, IIRC he was the son of Candice from gen 4 and had a glaceon and his parents got murdered, jesus fucking christ

I remember literally nothing else about that fanfic but I don't think it went off the ground. Thank christ.

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Zevain my first D&D character.

He was a red headed ranger with the perchance to help those in need but had stuff against the law due to some bad experiences with some friends in his past.

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565: Why was your least favorite teacher your least favorite? (Page 308)

My 3rd grade teacher. She was really unfriendly, talked about her kids all the time and contrasted misbehaving kids to her behaving kids, made an annoying noise with her mouth constantly, seemed to have it out for several kids and I think sabotaged them a few times. Overall a very unpleasant woman to share a year with.

566: What should you be doing right now? (Page 309)

Sleeping. It's 3:05 AM where I am right now.

567: How many push-ups can you do in one set?! (Page 311)

I dunno, six? I still feel like that's a little too generous though.

568: What is the last thing you bought tickets for? (Page 312)

There's a convention I go to with my sister, I've been going since last year, and I went this year too. We signed ourselves up for next year too. In unrelated news, we're cosplaying Alex and Ash from Hotline Miami 2 when we go!

569: What was your first ORIGINAL CHARACTER (do not steal) like, if you've had one? (Page 313)

Whatever characters I had in the stories I write for English/Language Arts classes, I think? If there was anything before that, chances are it was pretty cringe worthy.

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I remembered I drew shitty comic books for a hobby, and one of the first OCs I had is some guy who uses an Elemental Sword that has a bunch of elements on it. He can choose his element and transform his whole body into a different form depending on what element he chose. In hindsight, I feel super ashamed.

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The earliest original character I made that I can remember is a black and white dude named Black White Man. I was like 6, 7, or 8 at the time. I made crappy comics about him too.

Edited by EricTheMerc91
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I've never really had any original characters.

Sometimes ideas start forming in my head, but I never really explore them that much. After a month or two, I forget them.

The only one I can remember right now was an unnamed (or I just don't remember his name) knight / high-ranking officer in the army of the Gondorian king Rómendacil I.

He didn't really have any personality or story besides 'he was an honest and noble knight who participated in Rómendacil's war against the Easterlings.'

I was playing around with the idea of inserting an original character into an already existing canon, which was inspired by Charlemagne and Elbegast, which I was reading at the time - so that must have been two years ago.

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some lego minifig who was a supersoldier cyborg with a sick gun, but at the same time was also a jedi

I may still have him built

Oh hey, my OC started as a minifig too.

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I remembered I drew shitty comic books for a hobby, and one of the first OCs I had is some guy who uses an Elemental Sword that has a bunch of elements on it. He can choose his element and transform his whole body into a different form depending on what element he chose. In hindsight, I feel super ashamed.

I'm pretty sure that's one of the few concepts that hasn't been used in comics/manga yet.

I mean the whole concept, not the parts of it.

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My first one was 'Kuroki Koneko', who was basically an OC that was the opposite of my own personality a couple years back.

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Original character that wasn't a self insert? Jesus, you are asking a lot of me.

It would have to be a character whom I call "Nancy", an android that is a gun expert and dresses like a cowgirl that isn't a slut, minus the bitching hat. Surprised I even remembered her.

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A noble-born woman who wanted nothing to do with nobility, marriage, or anything else her parents wanted. One day, her story will be fully penned.

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I don't remember. The first i character i created for my first story was an escaped convicted named Jack. The main character of my crappy story. He has longish grey hair. He's 18 years old. His personality is like Goku mixed with T.E Lawrence from Lawrence of Arabia. He also has super strength and speed.

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Depends. Going through the flumes is quite the experience..

It largely depends on where to and what mode of travel. As a general rule, I dislike riding airplanes and buses. Riding trains and cars (or driving a car) is a bit better. If I'm traveling for pleasure as opposed to business (meaning I'm going to a tourist destination for fun as opposed to one I usually go to on a mission trip or something), it's more enjoyable.

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