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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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I care enough about spoilers that I might or might not have threatened the friends who are most likely to spoil things.

I've done this multiple times today and I still don't think they got the message. This is sure going to be a fun seven or eight months!

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586: Take the stairs or take the elevator?

Stairs is the general rule for me.

587: What nicknames have people given you throughout your life?

In the magical realms of Serenes Forest, I have been graced with several nicknames.

The first time was when Glac called me Hatty because "your display name is way too long to type."

Pretty soon another variant popped up - Hatti - but my most common nickname became Hattu.

By now though, my most common nickname is Hatt - leaving Hatti almost completely obsolete, but some people still call me Hattu (like Freohr and Topazd).

Glac still calls me Hatty, Ellegarde calls me Hattie and Saffy calls me HatHat - the result of her quest to find an original nickname for me.

Edit: Okay, so apparently Specta calls me Hatter now.

Also, not really nicknames, but people tend to misread my username when they first see it.

I've been called Hatsuli, Hattsuli, Hattsuili, Hattsusuill because of that.

In the same trend, Emeraldfox likes intentionally misspelling my username in obvious ways (like 'Haughtsueelee').

In real life I don't really have any nicknames. People just call me by my name.

The exception is when I was in a relationship, my girlfriend gave me multiple nicknames (mostly based on my surname), but that's over now.

588: How much do you care about avoiding spoilers in general?

I generally tend to avoid spoilers, but it also depends on how much I care.

For example, I barely play Touhou, so I will never find out things like story and characters by just playing the games, so I don't care about spoilers.

Fire Emblem on the other hand, I don't want anything spoiled. Not even really old games I haven't played yet.

Edited by Divus Hattusili
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i prefer to avoid them if i can, but i rarely manage to do it for long

bored hours at work, ugh

I'd say that, but then I realise there's the very rare exception like Neptunia or something.

but comrade
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I only care about major plot spoilers and I want to be spoiled about gameplay mechanics before I play the game. I don't mind taking minor plot spoilers either.

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I care a lot! In regards to Fates, I don't mind spoiling characters, mechanics, and certain parts of the plot. I'll generally pass on support dialogue.

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It really depends. Like, if its ASOIAF stuff, i dont want to be spoiled and try not to spoil others. But im also ok with Game of Thrones spoiling book stuff cuz the wait for the books is long and full of terrors. For Marvel, do not spoil me. I will not spoil you. Usually though, if i care about the spoilas in something, ill say so. If i dont, ill say i dont care. For things im not big on, ehh. Spoil away. For the newest FE? I fully intend to spoil myself with everything.

What im really a stickler about is the spoiling of junk for other people. If i accidentally spoil something for someone, i feel terrible about it. I take other people's care for spoilers rather seriously.

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What im really a stickler about is the spoiling of junk for other people. If i accidentally spoil something for someone, i feel terrible about it. I take other people's care for spoilers rather seriously.

Just a day or two ago, I was talking with night in IRC and I accidentally spilled some serious logh spoilers. I'm pretty sure no one was reading, and we pushed them up a bit so it'd be less likely that someone would read them, but still...
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Just a day or two ago, I was talking with night in IRC and I accidentally spilled some serious logh spoilers. I'm pretty sure no one was reading, and we pushed them up a bit so it'd be less likely that someone would read them, but still...

I saw a LoGH spoila that kinda ruined me tbh. I was all "NOOOOOO" Btw, i really need to finish that series looool


yes ;_;

Harrrrr. Yeah, the webz is dark and full of spoilas. And now that season 5 ended, THE CRACKPOTTERY HAS REACHED THE SHOW-ONLY FANDOM! and im like "YESSSS'

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Harrrrr. Yeah, the webz is dark and full of spoilas. And now that season 5 ended, THE CRACKPOTTERY HAS REACHED THE SHOW-ONLY FANDOM! and im like "YESSSS'

Yeah I've read all the books but only seen... I think the first two seasons of GoT? And someone posted a list on Facebook of everyone dead in the show still alive in the books, and I was like "Oh, so that's what it feels like..."

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i guess i care a bit about spoilers. i dont like to look into most games before i play them so everything is new, and i dont like to be spoiled in things with good stories (such as the aforementioned asoiaf). i still havent found out who the black knight is because i never finished fe10 (yes i know theres really only two options), and i dont go into the fe10 forums. so i guess thats indicative enough.

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