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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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[spoiler=jojo part 6]

Everyone dies except Emporio who kills Pucci with Weather's Stand after a Universe Reset and then the Universe Resets AGAIN

Everyone includes Jotaro

Araki you don't let the man survive his own part and 2 others only to kill him off like that

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Oh gee let's see here

[spoiler=Persona 3]

Fucking Ikutsuki

That was so unexpected though.

[spoiler=Persona 3]Every time he did that "tilted glasses" look, I swore he looked a bit evil. So when it came to that... I was like "agghhh no wonder!!!".

Madoka, ep10.

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no spoiler tags = edit and a suspension, play it safe :O

[spoiler=agents of shield]fucking grant ward?!

obviously there's more but that one's at the forefront of my mind right now

since integ said this one I guess I'll go with

[spoiler=Apex 2015]basically the entire top melee bracket holy shit

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[spoiler=Warning! Massive Game Of Thrones/A Song Of Ice And Fire spoilas]

Mostly book spoilers.

You have been warned.

Catelyn Stark being revived by Thoros of Myr, after the events of the Red Wedding. That was like a whole bunch of what.

That there's a guy claiming to be Aegon Targaryen (Rhaegar's lost son) wandering around.

And of course, a big kahuna: Jon Snow gets Caesar'd by guys in the Night's Watch. Whether or not hes dead is another discussion...

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[spoiler=Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky]

Dusknoir, the guy who we thought was a good guy, turning out to be evil and Grovyle, who we thought was bad, being good. It shocked 9-year old me a lot.

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[spoiler=US House of Cards]I keep expecting it to stick closer to the UK version than it actually does - the divergence is massive by the end of Season 2. Which is unsurprising since the UK House of Cards' second season literally dealt with the royal family. It's a good adaptation.

The manner of Stamper's death would probably be the most direct one, then. fucken creep

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Yeah, I agree.

Now that I just finished EoDarkness, I can say that this also surprised me.

[spoiler=Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers]
Groyvle being a good guy when he was played off as a bad guy.
Dusknoir being a bad guy when he was played off as a good guy.

Also, Groyvle's sacrifice! I think this is one of the first things in a video game that actually made me cry, believe it or not.

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Actually FE7



A recent one, I actually made it to adulthood without learning this famous plot twist before seeing the movie, and it sure is a great one. I don't think I need to spoiler this cause everyone who's seen it knows what the twist is and anyone who doesn't know should go watch the movie.


This whole game has a metric shit tonne of plot twists, but I could see most of them coming, except the whole Shulk is Zanza thing, that was cool, I also liked the people who lived on Mechonis, I didn't see that coming either.

Metal Gear Solid 2

By the last act of the game, I just sorta flowed with it, I had no idea what was going on anymore or what to think. I won't even explain, it's impossible to summarize in a short time.

Harry Potter

Snape, just Snape.

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[spoiler=EO4]"Whirlwind" is actually Logre and from an empire three stratums over.

Everyone lives in the end. Even the penultimate boss. He's not evil and forgiven by everyone, too.

[spoiler=EO1/EO:U]It takes place in OUR world?!

[spoiler=Xenoblade]It WAS our world?!

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[spoiler=Code Geass]

Really, the whole "Euphinator" incident where Lelouch accidentally Geasses Euphemia into causing a massive fucking shitstorm of dead Japanese when she's trying to get a colony set up for them too. I mean, you had to figure Lelouch's Geass would fuck up sometime, but for it to go that horribly south, that quickly? Damn, son.

[spoiler=Dangan Ronpa (mostly 2 but really for the whole series)]

Three words: Izuru. Fucking. Kamukura. Specifically, the fact that the guy who's basically the dreaded right hand of Junko Enoshima is the fuckmothering protagonist.

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Marvel Comics stuff.

[There isn't much that DC's done tho. They're pretty predictable. I guess the closest to an unseen plot twist I can think of is the death of Damage, Adam Strange going temporarily blind, and the last Evening with David from Jim Robinson's Starman run.]

Eric O'Grady's death in the Secret Avengers.

Bill Foster dying in Civil War.

Carol Danvers getting permanent amnesia. [sort of of.]

Also The Vision and Scarlet Witches children plot from the West Coast Avengers. I won't touch on this, but it's pretty much a big wtf and had a lasting impact.

Also the Tony Stark of the current marvel u isn't the original tony stark that debuted back in the '60s. This is something that happened before heroes reborn.

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wow not a lot of answers to this one

[spoiler=probably overdone game of thrones spoiler but shit, it got me]

red wedding



and recently, the one integrity posted

Q460: What is one of your favorite music videos?

post it!

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tough question.

for wtf is going on here?: once in a lifetime - talking heads

funny: no gold anything - belizean james hon. mention definitely goes to coco by o.t genasis because that video is duuuuuuumb lol

deep/feels: hurt - johnny cash

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another music question I'll feel bad about my answer for ;u;


...... it's a fanmade video~ for Madoka Magica

but but I really really like it ;u;

just the transitions and the way the scenes match to the rhythm of the song and I feel like usually those fanmade videos are centered around their favourite character or just a character or two (like if they want to make a couple video~) but this video just goes through and explains everybody's story (and in chronological order, in terms of the show)... and the song itself also feels like it fits as well.

now I've watched plenty of official music videos in my time and I'm pretty sure I remember at least one or two I really really liked but it's been a long time since I've seen them so I really can't recall what I would answer if fanmade videos weren't allowed ;~;

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