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QOTD 3 ★ Q600: What is your favorite Sanrio character? [With bonus question! Important announcement in the question post on page 370!]


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even after excellen's more rigorous definition, i can still say i have an honest hard time holding a grudge. i managed to hold a grudge for, like, a whole year once against darros and that just blew and now we're besties so i learned my lesson

QOTD 466αG: Do something nice for Specta.

hello nerdlets i am your new god integrity

so here's the scoop:

specta has been camped on the couch doing nothing but eating toast, drinking water and gatorade, and watching music videos for the past five hours because she is sick as fuck. she has no idea i'm hijacking her thread, and chances are she'll stumble onto her computer after a several-hour nap this afternoon, feeling like hell, and remember that fuck she forgot to update the qotd.

what can i do that's nice for specta?

1) post a picture of a guy you think she would find hunky

2) tell her a fairy tale or other folktale of your people

3) post a picture of a cute animal doing a cute thing

4) draw her a picture

5) post a picture of a guy you think she would find hunky holding slash playing with a cute animal doing a cute thing. bonus points if the guy has no shirt. extra bonus points if the animal is wearing a shirt.

or, hell, make your own thing up. it's the thought that counts!!

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I go with no. 2.

Here's the story of Dogedog.

Dogedog had always been very lazy, and now that his father and mother were dead and he had no one to care for him, he lived very poorly. He had little to eat. His house was old and small and so poor that it had not even a floor. Still he would rather sit all day and idle away his time than to work and have more things.

One day, however, when the rainy season was near at hand, Dogedog began thinking how cold he would be when the storms came, and he felt so sorry for himself that he decided to make a floor in his house.

Wrapping some rice in a banana leaf for his dinner, he took his long knife and went to the forest to cut some bamboo. He hung the bundle of rice in a tree until he should need it; but while he was working a cat came and ate it. When the hungry man came for his dinner, there was none left. Dogedog went back to his miserable little house which looked forlorn to him even, now that he had decided to have a floor.

The next day he went again to the forest and hung his rice in the tree as he did before, but again the cat came and ate it. So the man had to go home without any dinner.

The third day he took the rice, but this time he fixed a trap in the tree, and when the cat came it was caught.

"Now I have you!" cried the man when he found the cat; "and I shall kill you for stealing my rice."

"Oh, do not kill me," pleaded the cat, "and I will be of some use to you."

So Dogedog decided to spare the cat's life, and he took it home and tied it near the door to guard the house.

Some time later when he went to look at it, he was very much surprised to find that it had become a cock.

"Now I can go to the cock-fight at Magsingal," cried the man. And he was very happy, for he had much rather do that than work.

Thinking no more of getting wood for his floor, he started out at once for Magsingal with the cock under his arm.

As he was crossing a river he met an alligator which called out to him: "Where are you going, "Dogedog?"

"To the cock-fight at Magsingal," replied the man as he fondly stroked the rooster.

"Wait, and I will go with you," said the alligator; and he drew himself out of the water.

The two walking together soon entered a forest where they met a deer and it asked: "Where are you going, Dogedog?"

"To the cock-fight at Magsingal," said the man.

"Wait and I will go with you," said the deer; and he also joined them.

By and by they met a mound of earth that had been raised by the ants, and they would have passed without noticing it had it not inquired: "Where are you going, Dogedog?"

"To the cock-fight at Magsingal," said the man once more; and the mound of earth joined them.

The company then hurried on, and just as they were leaving the forest, they passed a big tree in which was a monkey. "Where are you going, Dogedog?" shrieked the monkey. And without waiting for an answer, he scrambled down the tree and followed them.

As the party walked along they talked together, and the alligator said to Dogedog: "If any man wants to dive into the water, I can stay under longer than he."

Then the deer, not to be outdone, said: "If any man wants to run, I can run faster."

The mound of earth, anxious to show its strength, said: "If any man wants to wrestle, I can beat him."

And the monkey said: "If any man wants to climb, I can go higher."

They reached Magsingal in good time and the people were ready for the fight to begin. When Dogedog put his rooster, which had been a cat, into the pit, it killed the other cock at once, for it used its claws like a cat.

The people brought more roosters and wagered much money, but Dogedog's cock killed all the others until there was not one left in Magsingal, and Dogedog won much money. Then they went outside the town and brought all the cocks they could find, but not one could win over that of Dogedog.

When the cocks were all dead, the people wanted some other sport, so they brought a man who could stay under water for a long time, and Dogedog made him compete with the alligator. But after a while the man had to come up first. Then they brought a swift runner and he raced with the deer, but the man was left far behind. Next they looked around until they found a very large man who was willing to contend with the mound of earth, but after a hard struggle the man was thrown. Finally they brought a man who could climb higher than anyone else, but the monkey went far above him, and he had to give up.

All these contests had brought much money to Dogedog, and now he had to buy two horses to carry his sacks of silver. As soon as he reached home, he bought the house of a very rich man and went to live in it. And he was very happy, for he did not have to work any more.

I had to go on my college's list of journals and references for this, saw the title, and though it'd be interesting-ish.

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Get well soon Miss Cooldoctor. I have a ghostly folktale to recount. Of my home state this is one of the few Arizonian Folktales I remember from my youth, however the retelling won't be in my own words sadly because I don't do them as much justice as what you'll be seeing. Its a sad tale however

"They were not even close to the main camp when the sandstorm storm hit, blasting hot sand into their eyes, hair, and skin. The wind whirled above, around, and under the hasty shelter the two cowboys had set up, offering no protection at all. They took small sips of water every hour or so to relieve the dryness of their throats and to shift about to keep from being buried completely under the sand.

A day passed in these terrible conditions. The two cowboys drank the last of their water and ate the last of their food, while the wind and sand whipped about in an impenetrable curtain and the heat dried out their bodies. One after the other their horses dropped dead and were gradually buried under the sand. Through his increasing misery, one of the men noticed that the sound of the storm was muted, though there was no decrease in the pounding of the wind and the sand. Through the sandstorm rode a man dressed all in white. He was followed by eleven riders, who were also dressed in white. Their spurs, bits, and stirrups gleamed like silver; their belt buckles were gold. They were leading a white horse behind them. He tried to call out to them, but his lips were swollen shut.

The procession stopped in front of the half-buried cowboys and two men dismounted. They walked over to the man beside him. Tenderly, they helped the other cowboy over to the riderless horse and set him in the saddle. Then they mounted their horses and the men in white started riding away. The remaining cowboy pried his lips apart with shaking fingers and gave a hoarse cry of protest. But the white riders disappeared back into the storm, leaving him alone in the whipping sand. Just before the last rider vanished, he turned back towards the cowboy and said: ""It is not your time yet. We will come back for you presently." Then he passed out of sight.

Stricken, the cowboy buried his face against his arm and gradually lost consciousness. He was awakened by someone shaking his shoulder. He looked up into the eyes of some of his fellow cowpokes who had come to find him and his friend as soon as the storm let up. They forced some water through his dry lips and helped him sit up and told him he was lucky to survive.

Something in their grim air made him turn to look at his friend, who lay dead at his side. His heart beat rapidly as he realized suddenly how narrow his own escape had been. And suddenly he understood something else. The riders he had seen had been the white riders of death. By leaving him behind, they had spared his life when they came through the storm to take his friend home."

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Raaaaeeeeeee get better soon ;~;

Here, have cute pokemon doing cute things <3


I never noticed until googling espeon earlier how long a neck they have ^o^

I never noticed until just now how much larger one of those eyes is than the other ^o^

Oh and I also never noticed until just now how much larger one of those tufts under the ears is than the other ^o^

Edited by Freohr Datia
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why everyone saying they cost time and energy as the reason they don't hold grudges when they really don't cost anything but are just straight up unhealthy

Something that is unhealthy can be counted as a cost to your health. It's actually really obvious. Ruminating on grudges when it does you no good can also cost time and focus.

I will post sth nice for specta later.

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i love all the stories and pictures guys you're all fantastic

Get well soon, specta!


omg a #5 bless you

Literally the cutest video known to man

SAMOYED HUGS oh my god

I don't have anything, but... I just finished Season 1 of Agents of Shield (maybe all of the show)? I liked it. Thanks for the rec.

hey super glad you liked it :D

there's a second season airing now, eventually netflxi ill get it i'm sure

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Be smart and mind the story of the cat and the mice. You'll be astonished about what the story might teach you. Even you, who are wise and prudent, listen to the tale and let it be like a jewel earring on your ear.

i had a folktale in mind but i suspect specta wouldn't appreciate it

nightmare knows what i'm talking about

I think she'll like it. Go for it.

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