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Mystery Mafia 2 - Game Over


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the lovers were probably scum's strongest role. and they really needed to be protected otherwise scum would have fallen apart (since lawyer basically becomes goon)

usually there's a particular mafia that is stronger than the others. maybe this one was slightly misplaced but i don't think it was as awful as you say. the other thing that happened was town not putting in a huge amount of effort and letting scum walk straight over (also scum getting the best/second best set of role actions)

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Yeah but later on in the game they should've considered

I mean the next scum 'wagon' was me d3 with two votes and i got one off by claiming.

Man maybe '3 strikes and you're out' isn't as good as I thought it was.

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If scum don't get lynched they tend to win anyway.

EDIT: I think I misinterpreted on that last bit? It's 1am

The town had one less mislynch than they thought they did and were given nothing to compensate for it, so there is a double whammy of not only fewer mislynches available to town but also town can easily be tricked into thinking they DO have those mislynches and autolosing like what just happened. Even if the drawback of scum lovers compensated for this (spoilers: it doesn't), the mechanic was absurdly swingy in a game that already had a ton of swingy mechanics (Poly's role, my role, Marth's role)

my role was hilarious because despite being a lawyer it was the only role that could get away with bussing my entire team

but yeah methodical is an awful modifier on anything but a cop imo

On a non-info role you might as well just RNG your actions (like I did rofl) unless you have a really good target from D1 on but you don't necessarily have that as a guarantee (I mean, in this game, BBM could have claimed but that has a lot of pros and cons and there was no way for him to know a shit role like METHODICAL DOCTOR was itg)
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Yeah but later on in the game they should've considered

I mean the next scum 'wagon' was me d3 with two votes and i got one off by claiming.

Man maybe '3 strikes and you're out' isn't as good as I thought it was.

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The lovers should have been lynched because their fakeclaim was crappy considering the game but their fakeclaim was not mandated upon them by Manix, that was their decision. They could've claimed tracker and vanilla or some shit with zero relation at all to each other and what would town do then?

i dont blame the town for not wanting to murder a d1 mason claim

I actually wanted to because I wanted a clear to protect and figured it could be a weird scum gambit but #outoftown Edited by Paperblade
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Darn knew I should have replaced into FFM's slot when I had the chance :<. Oh well gg scum

Well at least I guessed half of the scumteam(bluedoom and FFM)

Edited by Junk
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holy shit I flew cross country yesterday and this game ended okay sure

sorry for the shitty play my reads were all wrong and bad and ugh

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mason claim OP?

I thought Masons + IC was too much, which was why I thought there was a cult and then when that didn't seem like it was legit I thought town was just cop/doc/IC/masons and a bunch of vanillas vs GF/hooker/goon or something. I guess I should have just followed Occam's Razor and gone 'or scum are faking masons' but generally I don't think people would be ballsy enough to do that on D1? srug

Town could have played better, including me, and I have no idea why everybody was so eager to vote people in *YLO (seriously wtf???), and why Marth not getting hammered after 2 votes didn't set any bells off, but the setup was pretty scumsided considering the watcher could self-ninja itself and would have no way of distinguishing, the doc role sucked, and the cop being watched would screw over both the cop and the watcher. I know you were trying to prevent power-role circlejerk between the cop, watcher, and doc, but in reality they all just ended up being bad.

anyways I hope Mystery Mafia 3 is about Travis regaining power KNOWLEDGE WILL NEVER DIE

Edited by BBM
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I played badly (at least the mason claim didn't leave Shin in too bad of a position, all things considered) and then got really sick and had to sub out so sorry about that.

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I think the point I wanted to make was, did you guys really think it was an 11/3 setup with three confirmed town?

Masons + Innocent Child + Shittiest Doc Ever isn't that bad if town had no more power.

The masons being scum lovers was actually something I considered, but I didn't really find them scummy so it didn't seem worth pursuing. Paper going "the lovers should have been lynched" is dumb as hell when he was alive and did nothing to push for that.

Set-up was bad. A cool idea is that instead of having 4 SCUM BUT 2 ARE LOVERS you can just host a 3 scum game.

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I don't see why there can't be two millers. It would be funny if SB was scum with a miller fakeclaim again though. Especially if the mod gave it to him.

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