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8 Player Smash is hilarious


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So me and 7 friends decided to play smash all at once.

4 gamecube controllers, a 3DS, the Pad, a wii-mote+chuck and my Yoshi-Fight Pad

After a few matches we had what I'd like to call the best worst match ever.

8 Charizards on Kalos League Omega, the Flare Blitz was real. The next maximum ditto match was MEGAMAN and that was just as hilarious. 8 player is amazing for chaos

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You're lucky, I don't have any friends to play with here. :(

And 8 player smash does sound like a lot of fun. I could just play with seven CPUs, but it wouldn't be the same!

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You're lucky, I don't have any friends to play with here. :(

And 8 player smash does sound like a lot of fun. I could just play with seven CPUs, but it wouldn't be the same!

Have any co-workers that could be interested in playing sometime? Could be a start.

8 Player smash is the best. There are times where i don't know where i am though lol.

My friends and i did 8 player Robin and Charizards. lots of thorons


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Have any co-workers that could be interested in playing sometime? Could be a start.

No, sadly. Some of them didn't even recognize Pikachu when I dressed up as him for Halloween. Sigh...

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Jedi we are channeling each other, because I 8 player smashed last night and we did an all charizard match at kalos league as well.

It was kinda inspired by me, because I asked everyone to choose the same character so I could see what the little tokens you place on the character you are playing as look like when there are 8 of them on one character (they minimize). But my friends didn't understand it at first so we ended up playing all charizard. Then we did all Dedede and all Little Mac later on in the evening.

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First thing I did when I got smash was put 8 lv 9 cpus against each other in a 99 stock match it was really funny to watch.

Edited by Bankai
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When it comes to 8 Player Smash, or 4-person Smash online for that matter, all strategy vanishes, and its basically, "Fuck everyone," at that point.

Flair Bliss iz OP pls nrf.

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8 Player Smash can most certainly be lots of fun, even against the CPU, but getting forced into these kind of matches in Classic Mode has kinda killed my enjoyment about it. And I don't see myself getting more then 3 friends in the same room anytime soon.

Edited by BrightBow
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I remember participating in 8-player Smash at a gamers' club in college during SSB Wii U's release. It was indeed hilarious, especially on small stages like Yoshi's Island from Melee. Used Ganondorf and got 11 KOs even though I got 5th place at the end by using his Final Smash at the right place (had him positioned so he can go from one end of the stage to the other).

We also pulled an Omega stage with 8 Foxes. No items, 8 Foxes, Final Destination.

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