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Hey, you guys. Sorry, if I should have put this topic up in another part of the forum, but I'm fairly new here, so I apologize in advance, if this is the wrong place for something like this. I have recently browsed through a lot of forums regarding Fire Emblem and some other video games and I have come across a very, very disturbing thing.

Opinions aren't acceptable anymore.

Is it just me, or did anyone else see something like this:

Post: Oh, boy. FE:A is my favourite Fire Emblem!

Reply: Go away. FE:A is stupid crap

*more people join in and bash on Guy A*

I mean, wow, right? Of course, not everyone is like this (and I don't, I repeat I DON'T want to offend anyone personally, so please hear me out on this one). The above is just an example. It could also be replaced with anything. Pokémon's first generation for example. If you see someone innocently state that Gen 1 is their favourite, you can expect a chain of comments bashing this person for stating his/her opinion.

I know, it sounds like I'm whining, but something like this can be very personal to some. I myself said something and the very next day I had a chain of comments below my original post that bashed me for having this very opinion (that opinion being Charizard being my personal favourite Pokémon). It seems to be a common thing across the internet nowadays. Certain opinions are not acceptable anymore. It says something that I myself am scared to admit that Charizard is my favourite Pokémon or that my favourite game is Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (after Fire Emblem Awakening of course). Did you ever feel that way with something you liked that the rest of the fanbase didn't? Did you ever get bashed for stating your opinion?

I guess I just want to know if I'm alone on this one or if anyone out there agrees with me that this is truly frightening.

And again, I apologize if this is the wrong section.

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Nothing is ever out of place in FftF.

At the same time, nothing is ever in its place here.

As for this situation, I do see people berate others for their personal preferences. I personally prefer FE7/8 over FE13, and got bored of FE13 pretty quickly, to be honest. But it's not really anyone's place to tell others that they should or shouldn't like something just because they dislike it.

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Nothing is ever out of place in FftF.

At the same time, nothing is ever in its place here.

As for this situation, I do see people berate others for their personal preferences. I personally prefer FE7/8 over FE13, and got bored of FE13 pretty quickly, to be honest. But it's not really anyone's place to tell others that they should or shouldn't like something just because they dislike it.

You, sir, make me restore my faith in humanity a little. Your statement is so true that I am at a loss of words. I also love FE7 and 8 (even though I prefer 7, tbh). Those games are amazing.

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Opinions aren't acceptable anymore.

I guess I just want to know if I'm alone on this one or if anyone out there agrees with me that this is truly frightening.

it's not really frightening, as much as it is reality. People act differently on the internet than they do in real life, very often, and lots of people who gather onto forums are the types of people to just express thoughts as such. This will sound kind of asshole-ish, but don't let it bother you like this. You're bound to run into those who don't agree with you in your day to day life, and to have the feeling of "disgust" when people behave immaturely is a bit over the top. People aren't really obligated to sugar coat their opinions, but they aren't really supposed to throw them out boldlyrudely either.

Edited by Sara.
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Everyone has different tastes in what they like no matter what series, franchise and characters they are from. People are hostile about different opinions because they do not conform with their own personal perception. Which is an archaic way of thinking which unfortunately still reigns even in today's modern society. Internet or no internet.

A lot of my favourite video games of all time have their flaws, nostalgia or not and I can see why many people will not like these games and they have good reasons to state why. I personally see that a lot in the things that I love playing, reading or experience over the years. However do not let others blind you for what you like. Be considerate and enjoy the things that you like.

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it's not really frightening, as much as it is reality. People act differently on the internet than they do in real life, very often, and lots of people who gather onto forums are the types of people to just express thoughts as such. This will sound kind of asshole-ish, but don't let it bother you like this. You're bound to run into those who don't agree with you in your day to day life, and to have the feeling of "disgust" when people behave immaturely is a bit over the top. People aren't really obligated to sugar coat their opinions, but they aren't really supposed to throw them out boldlyrudely either.

Sure, you're right and I agree wholehartedly (is that how you write it?). It is the world we live in. But I still think it is kinda saddening how people can get so aggressive against others just because they like different things. It's not like I couldn't sleep for three weeks straight after that comment chain (no sarcasm intended), I was just baffled by how unwilling people can be to accept other's opinions.

Everyone has different tastes in what they like no matter what series, franchise and characters they are from. People are hostile about different opinions because they do not conform with their own personal perception. Which is an archaic way of thinking which unfortunately still reigns even in today's modern society. Internet or no internet.

A lot of my favourite video games of all time have their flaws, nostalgia or not and I can see why many people will not like these games and they have good reasons to state why. I personally see that a lot in the things that I love playing, reading or experience over the years. However do not let others blind you for what you like. Be considerate and enjoy the things that you like.

Everything has flaws. The real trick is to look past these to appreciate what you have. I can totally agree with you there. I see I'm dealing with lots of mature people on this site. :D

Edited by DragonFlames
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Hey, you guys. Sorry, if I should have put this topic up in another part of the forum, but I'm fairly new here, so I apologize in advance, if this is the wrong place for something like this. I have recently browsed through a lot of forums regarding Fire Emblem and some other video games and I have come across a very, very disturbing thing.

Opinions aren't acceptable anymore.

Is it just me, or did anyone else see something like this:

Post: Oh, boy. FE:A is my favourite Fire Emblem!

Reply: Go away. FE:A is stupid crap

*more people join in and bash on Guy A*

I mean, wow, right? Of course, not everyone is like this (and I don't, I repeat I DON'T want to offend anyone personally, so please hear me out on this one). The above is just an example. It could also be replaced with anything. Pokémon's first generation for example. If you see someone innocently state that Gen 1 is their favourite, you can expect a chain of comments bashing this person for stating his/her opinion.

I know, it sounds like I'm whining, but something like this can be very personal to some. I myself said something and the very next day I had a chain of comments below my original post that bashed me for having this very opinion (that opinion being Charizard being my personal favourite Pokémon). It seems to be a common thing across the internet nowadays. Certain opinions are not acceptable anymore. It says something that I myself am scared to admit that Charizard is my favourite Pokémon or that my favourite game is Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (after Fire Emblem Awakening of course). Did you ever feel that way with something you liked that the rest of the fanbase didn't? Did you ever get bashed for stating your opinion?

I guess I just want to know if I'm alone on this one or if anyone out there agrees with me that this is truly frightening.

And again, I apologize if this is the wrong section.

You pretty much just identified one of the major reasons why console wars between fanboys/girls exist. I think alot of it stems from our inherent human desire for approval from others. Whether you like to admit it or not we want the approval from others in some degree and when we see someone with different likes/hates it tends to cause friction. Which is completely fine. Where it is not fine is when people go out of there way to call the other group(s) of people a bunch of social rejects or makes it their life goal to put down everyone else around them.

I like to live by the philosophy that if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Thats dosen't mean to preclude yourself from being critical and analyze things carefully and even challenge those around you its just simple common courtesy we owe each other as human beings.

Edited by TacoMan42
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You pretty much just identified one of the major reasons why console wars between fanboys/girls exist. I think alot of it stems from our inherent human desire for approval from others. Whether you like to admit it or not we want the approval from others in some degree and when we see someone with different likes/hates it tends to cause friction. Which is completely fine. Where it is not fine is when people go out of there way to call the other group(s) of people a bunch of social rejects or makes it their life goal to put down everyone else around them.

I like to live by the philosophy that if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all. Thats dosen't mean to preclude yourself from being critical and analyze things carefully and even challenge those around you its just simple common courtesy we owe each other as human beings.


... also, hilarious profile pic XD

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I can't really contribute much else besides what the others have said, but...

It says something that I myself am scared to admit that Charizard is my favourite Pokémon or that my favourite game is Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (after Fire Emblem Awakening of course).

Never let them push you that far.

You need to be confident enough to give yourself the freedom to like whatever you want and to talk about what you like whenever you want. And don't give them that satisfaction of making you back down and letting them have their way.

They can't do any true harm anyway. They can whine and complain all they want but really it does nothing~

Besides, they're probably just a vocal minority. There are several more people out there who have the same opinions that you do. Focus on the people you can relate to if you want to stay comfortable about the stuff you like~!

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stop liking things that I don't like

there are some games that I can't understand how people enjoy, but to rant to them is just wasting my time unless they ask my opinion

Edited by Tryhard
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I can't really contribute much else besides what the others have said, but...

Never let them push you that far.

You need to be confident enough to give yourself the freedom to like whatever you want and to talk about what you like whenever you want. And don't give them that satisfaction of making you back down and letting them have their way.

They can't do any true harm anyway. They can whine and complain all they want but really it does nothing~

Besides, they're probably just a vocal minority. There are several more people out there who have the same opinions that you do. Focus on the people you can relate to if you want to stay comfortable about the stuff you like~!

Don't get me wrong, I also like talking to people with different opinions. That's what forums/comment sections are for. But when someone insults you personally because of your opinion, that is where I draw the line. But you're right. All their complaining doesn't do much.

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This place isn't the worst for criticism but it's here nevertheless as far as the awakening thing goes it's pretty much both ways some fans can get pretty defensive when someone says they prefer the style of the older games compared to awakening but like you said some tend to bash the awakening fans maybe when FE14 arrives the splitting will narrow a bit though I do have my doubts.

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This place isn't the worst for criticism but it's here nevertheless as far as the awakening thing goes it's pretty much both ways some fans can get pretty defensive when someone says they prefer the style of the older games compared to awakening but like you said some tend to bash the awakening fans maybe when FE14 arrives the splitting will narrow a bit though I do have my doubts.

Off topic: I'm really looking forward to Fire Emblem if.

On topic: It's always both ways. It's never a one-way road. At least that's what I think. I just used Awakening as an example, because it was the most noticeable on the forums I looked through (sadly, sometimes even here...)

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Guess what, people have differences of opinion, and I don't like that opening post. Not because it's invalid (on a factual basis, it's fine), but because it's coated in unnecessary negativity.

I'll be willing to break down exactly what's wrong with it, but it will be later (whether it be tonight my time or tomorrow morning depends on a bunch of things).

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Not sure if trolling, but... yeah, if you think so, it's okay. You have your opinion and I have mine.

... You were not trolling, were you?

fftf is not the place for these types of discussion. if you're looking for a serious answer in this subforum you're going to have a bad time.

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how old are you I guess maybe you could perceive it as CYBER BULLYING

but once you mature enough you learn to filter it out (by the age of 17 hopefully)

dawn of the new world though??? cmon man.... you could finish that game and 100% it within 4 days without a guide, little replayability and storyline is a 2/10 anime, i mean I guess if you "grew up" with it or you're a fan of pokemon i'd understand

people tend to hyperbash "casualised" games of a genre (edit: series) because they deem it as almost an insult to their own opinion, Awakening and DOTNW being both considered made for "DIRTY CASUALS", well, i'd understand why you would cop shit for it

Edited by Alb
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my favourite game is Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World

ngl, kinda judging right now. Thats up there with Most Hated Video Game Ever for me.

Its time to scatter your fucks to the wind and not bother finding them again. The less fucks you give, the easier it will be to just do your own thing.

people tend to hyperbash "casualised" games of a genre because they deem it as almost an insult to their own opinion, Awakening and DOTNW being both considered made for "DIRTY CASUALS", well, i'd understand why you would cop shit for it

I never understood that mentality, to be honest. I think its ridiculous. I can get "GET OFF MY LAWN" to an extent, but when it comes to who plays what in terms of video games, its like, so what? So what if someone plays fucken Flappy Bird but also like FE Awakening. I just...i dont even.


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ngl, kinda judging right now. Thats up there with Most Hated Video Game Ever for me.

Its time to scatter your fucks to the wind and not bother finding them again. The less fucks you give, the easier it will be to just do your own thing.

I never understood that mentality, to be honest. I think its ridiculous. I can get "GET OFF MY LAWN" to an extent, but when it comes to who plays what in terms of video games, its like, so what? So what if someone plays fucken Flappy Bird but also like FE Awakening. I just...i dont even.

On a scale of 1 to Even he CAN'T!

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