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Least favourite Lord and why?


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I figured I would start a topic about this. Tell me who your least favourite Lord is and why. And no shallow reasoning ( stat-hate being the main one ). Mine is... FE10!Ike. Borderline-Stu and I state my reasons below. He was tolerable as a Ranger in FE!9, then he promotes and loses his personality. And it gets worse.

Major reasons:
- He has no flaws that hurts his character development, whether it's in PoR/RD. When he calls out on another character ( Sanaki, Lucia etc. ),it just makes him look better by comparison I'd have thought that anyone who would yell at the Apostle would get thrown in jail, but no. For an example of a character flaw, I will take RD Lucia. Her over-confidence and excessive pride in Part II costs her dearly, but she grows from it. Hell, even Miccy is flawed. Ike? No. Sure, he 'hates' the nobility, but that's not a flaw. All that does is costs the GMs from living a comfortable life at the palace.
Having a big appetite, fighting for your friends, being humble, super strong etc. is a trademark of virtually every single JRPG hero over the last 20 or so years, so Ike is not unique in this retrospect.
Hell, I can't even call them defining personality traits.
- He never makes a mistake and is always right.
- Everyone except Shinon ( who is my favourite GM ) accepts his leadership unconditionally after Greil dies, despite having no leadership qualities.
- He gets called a 'veteran' ( or rather referred to as one; Sigrun's speech to him before 3-11 disgusts me. He fought in ONE war, woman ) and even so, the GMs weren't even involved in a true war at any point. What the player sees in FE9/10 are just little skirmishes ). That and the fact that they have no authority to even lead the vanguard ( no, not a reference to Ike's OP'ed RD Endgame class, just a reference to units who fight on the frontlines in a true war. And most of the time, the vanguard consists of the ranks of the nobility and other high-ranking soldiers ).
And he has absolutely NO authority despite what his stars may claim ( that in itself is pretty stupid. Ike having as much Auth as Ellie? Got to be kidding me ). Hell, even Tauroneo/Geoffrey is more qualified to lead an army than everyone's favourite scene-stealing Lord.
- He is most probably illiterate, and if it wasn't for Soren or even Titania, would not even be Crimea's 'national hero' or 'the Hero of Blue Flames.' Yet in RD, he seems to take all the credit/praise etc. even if it doesn't appear so. Even after Ashera is defeated, Caineghis praises him alone. Made more ridiculous by the fact that this hero is now so strong he can take on Caine in one-on-one match. A lion. My money's on Caineghis.
- And worse of all, he steals Micaiah's spotlight, not only in Part 3, but Endgame as well when Ike talks to Yune's spirit. I always thought that scene should have belonged to Miccy. The poor girl gets shunted to the side so bad. And all because of Ike.
-He deserts the GMs at the end of RD. He is basically turning his back on the people who have supported him through thick and thin, who made him who he is, and he just takes off without warning. And this is coming from the same character who went on about the whole 'family is important' in both in FE9 and 10 ( when he talks to Yune ). What a hypocrite.
- He is the only one who can defeat Ashera ( though hacking RD has revealed that every single beorc unit had the 'Goddess Slayer' move, which is essentially a non-lethal critical animation. Ike's 'Great Aether' is exactly that: A non- standard crit, only he is surrounded by blue flames. Basically, he goes God-Mode Stu ). of course, this is all ridiculous in retrospect as well, because Ashera comes back centuries later and fuses with Yune, making the entirety of Endgame in RD a massive farce. Then again, Part 4 as a whole is a dog show.
And even after all that, he is still a borderline-Stu, because Robin came along and put all of them to shame.
Minor reasons:
- His 'special' sword has an identical counterpart, and what's more, Ragnell doesn't even belong to him. And he picked it up off the ground in FE9, ffs. And there is no way in hell Sanaki will let Ike run off with one of Begnoin's national treasures.
- Even his own family seems to exibit some Stu-ish traits: His father was stronger than a god-damned BRANDED swordsman, and apparently, Elena was so pure ( and Mist by extension ) that she could hold the medallion without going psycho. :\

And this is not meant to be a debate. Just state your reasons for your least favourite Lord in the series.
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I'm not to big of a fan of Sigurd his typical lord nature is meh and he's to good of a unit his son however is better with requiring training and having a stronger personality in my opinion.

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I guess Eliwood. I found him way too tedious to train. I kept feeding him kills hoping his growth would pay off, but nope. I'm cool with glass cannon lords, but Eliwood isn't even a canon, he's just glass.

I want to say Roy because I hear he's worse, but haven't played FE6.

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Actually there's nothing more to add for me.

Ike became from an interesting and tolerable lord to a muscled and dumb superhero, who steals the true main character the spotlight. In 4-4 Tormod puts it in a nutshell.

Statwise FE10 Ike is still a good lord (there are lots of them worse than him), but his personality took a heavy nerf.

However FE10s bad character writing doesn't only apply to Ike. Sothe has the same problem - no it's even worse! His backstory was interesting in FE9. You wanted to know more about him.

And in FE10 he's nothing else than Micky's bodyguard and a forced Semi-Jagen. Almost each line of him includes: "Micaiah, Micaiah, Micaiah..."

Good god :/

FE10 Ike and Chrom are my least favourites characterwise.

Roy and Eliwood are my least favourites statwise.

Edited by The Taninator
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Roy, cause his character doesn't do anything new that older lords haven't already done, plus he has the worst promotion event and his promotion doesn't even look any better.

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Hm, it's either Chrom or Ike for me because they're both so boring. But Ike has to win this one, because he has two games in which he can annoy me, Chrom just one.

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i honestly don't know.

i think i might have to list Chrom, even though i don't hate him really, just because to me, he comes off as a stupid version of Marth, and Marth's not exactly the smartest lord, but he's not stupid either.

honestly look back as a whole, I'm willing to argue that Chrom's the only overall stupid lord. every other lord is at least smart in one or more elements.

also Gatrie also wasn't comfortable with Ike taking over, that's why he left with Shinion, just a small thing you left out.

Edited by HF Makalov Fanboy Kai
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Huh. Very few lords in FE actually make it onto my Favourite Character List (Hector being the exception <3), but I can't think of any that I really dislike either. I guess if I were to pick one to be on the bottom, it would be Eliwood. He's the supposed "main" Lord in a game with 3 of them and the weakest and least-interesting character of the three.

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I would say Roy because he's the most uninteresting lord in the series, but my hate for Lyn supercedes that.

What? What? What?

They both do that too.

Edited by General Horace
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- He has no flaws that hurts his character development, whether it's in PoR/RD. When he calls out on another character ( Sanaki, Lucia etc. ),it just makes him look better by comparison I'd have thought that anyone who would yell at the Apostle would get thrown in jail, but no. For an example of a character flaw, I will take RD Lucia. Her over-confidence and excessive pride in Part II costs her dearly, but she grows from it. Hell, even Miccy is flawed. Ike? No. Sure, he 'hates' the nobility, but that's not a flaw. All that does is costs the GMs from living a comfortable life at the palace.

I mean, I guess talking back to a set of hard-headed and idiotic rebels that really don't have any idea what they're doing is just about the same as talking back to the only non-corrupt part of Begnion.

Having a big appetite, fighting for your friends, being humble, super strong etc. is a trademark of virtually every single JRPG hero over the last 20 or so years, so Ike is not unique in this retrospect.

Hell, I can't even call them defining personality traits.

Uniqueness != quality...

- He never makes a mistake and is always right.

I don't think this is quite true, with Greil berated him in the first couple chapters of FE9 (after Chapter 2 specifically is one thing I remember). A lot of people generally weren't too fond of his relationship with the laguz btw, even in Crimea. He's also been burned by Nasir, which I don't think anyone even remembers for some reason; I'll look it up but Nasir definitely fucked them. I believe they've also been burned by the Raven tribe a few times. Even regardless of things working out, yelling at Sanaki when she didn't give aid is a huge mistake, even though it worked out in the end (I'm not sure why you're faulting Ike for how others react to him being an idiot). And it's pretty clear playing the whole game that the people of Daein hate him regardless of any charity or anything they offered during the war, and in the sequel it's made apparent.

- Everyone except Shinon ( who is my favourite GM ) accepts his leadership unconditionally after Greil dies, despite having no leadership qualities.

You're saying he has no leadership qualities? Even if Titania were there to help the first few chapters, he still lead Oscar/Boyd to victory over a few armies, and Greil basically put him in charge (again, with Titania overlooking him) for a few other chapters. He definitely has leadership qualities, and I don't know what you define as leadership qualities but leading a mercenary crew for the first few chapters, even though it's minor skirmishes, is leadership, especially when you're successful. The game pretty much builds on his leadership and ultimately anoints him a Lord.

You know why everyone accepted his leadership? Nepotism on top of past success. You make this complaint about Ike and you may as well start complaining about various kings in history were promoted despite probably not always being ready. But they were indeed successful under his leadership so I don't know where you're getting this from.

- He gets called a 'veteran' ( or rather referred to as one; Sigrun's speech to him before 3-11 disgusts me. He fought in ONE war, woman ) and even so, the GMs weren't even involved in a true war at any point. What the player sees in FE9/10 are just little skirmishes ). That and the fact that they have no authority to even lead the vanguard ( no, not a reference to Ike's OP'ed RD Endgame class, just a reference to units who fight on the frontlines in a true war. And most of the time, the vanguard consists of the ranks of the nobility and other high-ranking soldiers ).

definition of veteran:

a person who has served in a military force, especially one who has fought in a war:

He fought in a war, so is she wrong...?

They weren't involved in the true war? What the hell happens in Chapter 18 then? And what is up with the Endgame and basically the last thirds of the game?

The rest of your complaints are RD which had issues of its own. I'd also like to note that Ike was basically the General of the Crimean faction of the army in FE9, so obviously he's going to get the most vocal credit despite it being a team effort. This is nothing new, and continues to happen in the modern day with sports as a decent substitute.

- His 'special' sword has an identical counterpart, and what's more, Ragnell doesn't even belong to him. And he picked it up off the ground in FE9, ffs. And there is no way in hell Sanaki will let Ike run off with one of Begnoin's national treasures.

Because the Black Knight threw it to him, I don't see what this has to even do with Ike, and I doubt he or most people even really knew what Ragnell was.

- Even his own family seems to exibit some Stu-ish traits: His father was stronger than a god-damned BRANDED swordsman, and apparently, Elena was so pure ( and Mist by extension ) that she could hold the medallion without going psycho. :\

The idea isn't purity. It's exactly the opposite, it's a mix of order and chaos. That's the opposite of purity, that's balance. On top of that, Greil touched it and killed his wife causing him to sever his tendons, retire from the forces and make a mercenary crew. And of course he was stronger than Zelgius at his prime, considering that he was a pretty powerful general and Zelgius was younger, I think prime Greil basically goes toe-to-toe with prime Zelgius, but we never see this (well we do, because Ike is supposedly equivalent to prime Greil).

And this is not meant to be a debate. Just state your reasons for your least favourite Lord in the series.

So really you want this to be a soapbox and you don't want to have any actual discussion?

Now, Radiant Dawn is another animal entirely, and you can't really shit on Ike's characterization in there without bringing just about everything else up.

Edited by Lord Raven
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I've only played FE 7-11 and 13, so I won't be discussing the lords from games I haven't played.

My least favorite lords are probably Hector and (if she counts) Lucina. There's something about Hector I can't quite pinpoint that I don't like, but it's probably because he comes off as an ass. Yes, he his loyal to his friends. But I find him insufferable in that he is way too fast to jump into violence and a bit of a brat towards Uther.

And in all fairness to Lucina, I think I have a bigger problem with the obnoxious part of her fanbase than her, but I still don't like her character much to begin with. For someone who is determined to stop the doomed future she came from, she seems very passive once her mask comes off and it's hard to take her seriously as being important when the gameplay itself doesn't care whether she dies.

My biggest problem with her is the chapter 22 scene, where she tries to kill your avatar. It comes off as very selfish when she is willing to kill everyone else's loved one for the good of the future, but suddenly when it's her own mother or husband she can't do it, even if she feels the fate of the world depends on it. I would've liked it if she came to the same decision in all versions, with the appropriate dialogue if the avatar is her mother or husband of course, instead of coming to different decisions depending on how she is related to the avatar. (Because your happiness is so important it's worth risking the future, but the happiness of no one else matters, even if the avatar is your uncle, your father/mother-in-law, your brother/sister-in-law, or a good companion?)

Chrom has the same problems as Lucina, particularly the hypocrisy and being unable to put aside his selfish feelings for the good of the world as per his duty. But I'm more biased against Lucina because Chrom IS the main lord of FE13. I've become annoyed at reading arguments that say Robin and Lucina are WAY more important to the plot than Chrom is, that Chrom does nothing while Robin and Lucina do SO MUCH, or give all the credit of "saving Fire Emblem" to Robin and Lucina when Chrom was just as much responsible for saving the series as they were.

So … I guess Hector is the lord I legitimately dislike without any of my fan-based biases, while the terrible part of Lucina's fan base has made me really tired of hearing about her.

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This totally isn't going to crash and burn anytime soon

Ike. He's extremely bland and probably couldn't do a thing without help. He never gets punished for backtalking Sanaki, which would send him to the guillotine in reality, especially since he's a commoner. Everyone seems to worship him, when he didn't do anything special at all... it was Soren and Titania who did everything.

And he stole a spotlight from Micaiah, which makes me like him all the less.

Honourable mentions go to Chrom and Robin for being generic and boring and stuish, respectively.

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Roy is just dreadful as a unit and isn't very exciting, so he pretty easily wins this one from me.

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For me Micaiah. I don't hate her or anything but she is my least favorite. She's not bad if you train her up but its tedious as hell and nightmarish on hard mode. She also seemed to be a bit of a character thrown in just for RD part I (why not make Sothe or Nolan the leader of the DB?). She definetely has her flaws but then her character essentially goes away in Part IV when Yune takes over.

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My least favorite Lord is probably Lyn. At least Roy was relevant to his story. Lyn was just there and did nothing. Doesn't help that she's sword locked on foot and then gets D bows in promo. Lyn pls.

Don't get me wrong though, no contribution is still better than negative contribution á la Chrom. Chrom is definitely the worst lord but he's got a great personality. Dude can be pretty funny when he wants to be.

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Just pretend FE12 isn't canon...it's not in the history books for a reason. Heresy.

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I can't say I dislike any lord, but there are 3 which I did't really like either.

Ike mostly because I never felt he lived up to his reputation. Yeah he's strong, brave and usually a nice guy, but I felt that the game itself went out of his way to portray Ike as the perfect good guy, while he did't do as much as other lords. Everyone aside from the bad guys liked him excect for Shinon and that only made it worse, considering that Shinon is an asshole with extremely petty reasons to dislike Ike.

To me Ike always came across as more of a symbol, instead of a proper leader in his own right since Soren basically came up with all the strategies and I bellieve Titania managed the army. I also did't like how they changed the nobility to make Ike's common mercenary background look more appealing. I mean you always had corrupt nobles in Fire Emblem, but I still don't look fondly on the scene where they mention that pretty much every noble is a complete asshole and that the reason Elincia wasn't was because of her "Special and normal" upbringing. Sure after that they brought in some nicer nobles, but I still felt they where jumping at conclusions, judging an entire group on a few senators who, while rude and stupid did't seem to be that malicious yet.

I also had a small problem with Eirika. I did find her quite likeable and I thought it was refreshing to have an actually inexperienced lord that had almost no combat training. The problem was that I never felt she acclompished much, considering that she needs to be saved in both the start of the game and after her own story. I just never thought she had her time to shine with her bro being the ultimate badass that actually conquers Grado in his story.

Hector was a lord that was done, but I just don't like the whole rude lout thing he has going. He's not a bad character and I don't dislike him, but he's just not a character I find appealing.

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At least New Mystery Marth wasn't a hypocrite.

Implying other Marths were?

Tbh I never found much of anything wrong with Marth, least of all hypocrite-ism... He was over-idealistic, but so is every other not named Hector.

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Lol Hector's kind of awful but at least he uses an axe and can take a hit.

I'm not implying other Marths were hypocrites. I love me some Marth. I was talking about how Chrom is a hypocrite.

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